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Posts posted by MacinJosh

  1. Wow. Awesome to know that Sprint could potentially roll out 10x10 configs in certain areas that they hold the C5 block.


    Sent from Joshs Evo Shift using Forum Runner

  2. There are no devices currently than can handle LTE aggregated carriers. There are also no LTE aggregated carriers either.


    Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner


    So Sprint has more surprises hiding up their sleeves then? Wow. Can't wait for the article.


    Sent from Joshs Evo Shift using Forum Runner

  3. Still have mine in mint condition!


    Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk 2


    Mint condition? Wow. Congrats. My replacement Shift was dented within a month of getting it.


    Sent from Joshs Evo Shift using Forum Runner

  4. I'm more of a beer & wings kind of guy. For dessert we could have beer and cookies. :D


    I'm glad I don't drink. I'd be sicker than a dog by the end of dessert, lol.


    Sent from Joshs Evo Shift using Forum Runner

  5. Where is my welcoming committee? They were supposed to bring you milk and cookies. Or was it beer and chicken wings? Oh well...


    :welcome: to S4GRU.




    Beer & chicken wings? This ain't no football party, lol! :lol:

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  6. Can no longer put iDEN devices on Seasonal Standby.


    International PTT begins soon for Sprint Direct Connect.


    On 4/01' date=' Most iDEN customers had their upgrade eligibility reset so they could get a Sprint phone.


    Special pricing for lots of phones for iDEN customers from 04/05 and 06/30... Epic Touch 50 or get a one of the following for a dollar: Evo 3D, MOTO Admiral, or Kyocera Duramax, Duracore, or Duraplus.[/quote']


    Thanks for the info Duff. I am not surprised at this announcement. We all knew it was coming. I guess i wonder what they will do with all the leftover phones though.


    Sent from Joshs Evo Shift using Forum Runner

  7. I prefer to donate to the site than have ads all over. And not only do ads slow down the browsing experience, but it introduces a way for spyware to be added to your personal computer if someone hacks into this website or to your computer thru an ad. Sponsorship of this site is the best option we have.


    Sent from Joshs Evo Shift using Forum Runner

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  8. I have created this thread to move some posts that overtook the EVO thread. They deserve a home in the Suggestion Box thread instead of being a distraction to poor people wanting to discuss the EVO. :lol:




    Great idea Robert. Sometimes we get carried away in the other threads.

  9. Yes! One can dream.....oh what's that? VZ must forfit half its spectrum holdings....LOL

    Dream big. Hehe



    Then maybe they can go after Apple? Jkjkjkjk


    Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2


    You wish that Verizon would have to forfeit half their spectrum, lol. I don't ever see that happening.

  10. I have settled this with Sarge, but obviously I need to go over it again publicly. We obviously think you are worthy, we are giving you some advanced heads up. We often give our members some advance information. It's one of the advantages of membership. It was the purposes of the chats.


    I'm probably not in the right mood tonight to have this discussion. I am so frustrated with many other things that I will likely take it out on some of you improperly. What you guys are doing, and you may not be meaning to, but what you will do with comments like this is make me second guess every darn thing I want to tell you about.


    In reality, I'm sure you all want to know what we know. But if I have to go around thinking, "before I mention this internal info, I wonder what people like Mofus and Sarge will think about it? I better just sit on it." Then you guys are going to end up with a lot less info overall. You want the guy who is leaking information to be an open spigot. Where you get anything and everything you can.


    I personally wouldn't want to discourage anyone with any inside information to be quiet. But that's just me. I don't make any commands or suggestions to my sources with any information they bring me. I just sit and listen.




    And we appreciate all the hard work that you and the other Authors are doing Robert. Keep up the good work. :)

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