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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. Yep, that's pretty much it. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  2. Travel Channel Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  3. Negative. Sprint 3G EVDO will be exactly the same, only with much improved backhaul. Sprint also is deploying 1xAdvanced, but that doesn't do a lot for data speeds. There were lots of rumors early that Sprint may use EVDO-Revision B in Network Vision. That would likely produce 7Mbps speeds. But that was ruled out last Fall. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  4. Trailer Trash Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  5. mismatched socks Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  6. Cutting Crew Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  7. Looks so natural...LOL Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  8. I hear very often about sites who get the temporary upgrades shown on network.sprint.com improve suddenly, but then go back down after time. That is because there are a lot of customers who stopped using data at that site because of the poor speeds. But when they discover their tower is now working again, they start using more and more data, until the site is back to where it was. In post Network Vision sites with upgraded backhaul, the 3G EVDO speeds should be between 1.0Mbps and 2.6Mbps, depending on sector load. After NV, the backhaul will no longer be the bottleneck on the 3G network. The biggest limiting factor post-NV is carrier capacity. Robert
  9. I lived in Florida during my High School years. I don't miss that anxiety. I like it here in New Mexico. Just outside of the tornado and earthquake belt, and way outside the hurricane belt. Robert
  10. In the scoping document between Sprint and Clearwire regarding FD-LTE and TD-LTE interoperability, they referenced a 2nd Quarter 2013 device availability. So that is the plan now. It may change between now and then. Robert
  11. It was scheduled to be online on May 18th. I have not seen an update since then. I have no idea. Robert
  12. Yes. And I may be first in line. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  13. Pink Door (which is one of my favorite all time Seattle restaurants) Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  14. Its my opinion that the Sprint LTE iPhone will not support TD-LTE on 2600 if it comes out this Fall. And this is based on a Sprint document that says the first LTE 2600 devices will not be on the market until 2013. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  15. 5 additional lines is highly unusual. The amount each site has is highly variable depending on demand at that site. Its hard to pick a number. However, most have less than 5. Only high density sites have 5 or more. So 5 additional is very uncommon. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  16. to S4GRU. Hope to see you around! Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
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