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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. time out Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  2. I don't think I'm for this merger. However, a swapping of AWS for PCS holdings is a juicy and exciting proposition that could be developed with such a merger. Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  3. over there Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  4. What does working on LTE now have to do with working on HD voice at the end of the year? Should Sprint cancel all their plans nationwide indefinitely because the part of Houston you live in is still having LTE rolled out? That makes no sense. Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  5. As an owner of a Bugatti Veyron LTE hotspot, I'm looking forward to trading it in for Sprint LTE...which may just be a Porsche Carrera 911. But I will take the unlimited Porsche over a parking lot Bugatti. Yes, many Sprint customers currently have an unlimited Model T, but their Porsche is coming. If Verizon LTE is a Bugatti Veyron, will that make Clearwire LTE a Koenigsigg with a JATO pack installed on the back??? Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  6. Welcome to S4GRU. Thanks for the post about your local info. Hope to see you around the forums. Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  7. As AJ points out above, I have to travel to get to LTE coverage. Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  8. In my personal view, I have no need for them. But I still know a lot of people who really want a physical keyboard. Robert
  9. Oh! That article! I still have more testing to do. I may get the first installment of the article, covering 1x/EVDO next week. The LTE radio performance article will not be until September. Robert
  10. I did it just for you. Seriously...we had a member come and say they live in McKinney and could not get a LTE signal on his GS3. So I created this map for him, and then posted it for everyone. Robert
  11. For the most part. But it is the most powerful physical keyboard device, ever. Robert
  12. Prepare to be disappointed. Sprint is advertising its LTE at 6-8Mbps, with peaks up to 25Mbps. We have seen speeds into the 30's, in ideal circumstances. However, 98% of us will be satisfied with speeds like what Sprint is advertising. Also, I have a Verizon LTE hotspot. I most often get download speeds of 8-15Mbps. It's not as great in all places as everyone thinks. And there are lots of times it is in the 5-8Mbps range. Sprint's LTE is competitive enough with Verizon, and when you consider unlimited data, then it is a wonderful thing. Besides, almost no one can tell the difference between 10Mbps and 30Mbps anyways, unless they are downloading very large files. Robert
  13. Sprint and HTC ended up putting out an OTA that fixed the issue. It will now stay connected to LTE. However, there are still some issues with getting a signal organically. Most EVO LTE users have to force their devices to look for a LTE signal when within range. Hopefully that issue will be resolved soon. We are not actually planning to write article on the issue beyond what we already have. Robert
  14. Just got this in an e-mail from Sprint:
  15. I am no longer optimistic about a August launch. I think Mid to End of September at the earliest for DC. Baltimore will likely launch before Labor Day, though. Robert
  16. Sprint LTE-1900 Coverage Map of McKinney, TX as of 8/8/2012 And for comparison, here is Sprint's overly optimistic LTE coverage for the area. I used actual Sprint data for tower heights and figured range (downtilt) for sectors based on using 2/3 of the distance to the next adjacent tower. Robert There is an interactive version of our Coverage Map in our Sponsor section. You can read this thread for more information about how to become a S4GRU Sponsor. Sponsorship gets you access to even more content. S4GRU coverage maps created using CloudRF.com
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