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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. rate adjustment Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  2. I agree there has been some improvement in some places in the Chicago market with the addition of a second PCS LTE carrier. And anyone who wants to live with that instead of upgrading to a Triband device is welcome to do so. But saying the same thing over and over again about how he is unhappy with his PCS LTE experience is pointless. We all know he is unhappy with his current uniband experience. We accept that premise. It's logged. We got it. We have full comprehension. It pretty much can't get worse for him. A miserable baseline has been established. So from here forward, we only want to hear him post about what has changed for the better. If nothing changes, we will comfortably assume the status quo is maintained. That he is still unhappy with his B25 only experience. Robert
  3. You can be unbiased. That's fine. But to continue to complain about the poor B25-only experience is pointless. We know it is bad for you. So the only thing you could report that would be of interest to our other members is where you see improvement. We don't need to know that Joeynach's B25 still sucks over and over again. Until a majority of Sprint LTE customers are on Triband and can spread out the load, B25 will not likely ever be above 'fair' in urban and many suburban areas. And we all know it is not even 'fair' in many places, especially in the Loop. Robert
  4. You knew full well the limitations of your GS3 when you bought it and that it was not future proof. There is no panacea for this conundrum for Sprint except to stop deploying on new spectrum. Which is not an option for Sprint, or any provider for that matter. There are lots of AT&T and Verizon customers without access to new bands that are available with the new devices. It's the way it is. If you want access to new bands and have a better network experience, you will likely need to upgrade more than once every two years. No matter which provider you use. So, this is your problem. Not Sprints. This problem is the same problem every smartphone customer on every provider is going to have. The same problem will come about again in the future even if you upgrade to Triband now. Because next you won't have LTE Advanced and Carrier Aggregation. Or you won't have VoLTE and roaming on CCA member networks. There is no way to futureproof yourself. You can only adapt, or become outdated. If you choose not to upgrade, that's your choice. But doing so you create a limit on yourself, that many other people will not suffer because upgrading to the newest network capabilities are important to them. It just obviously is not important enough to you. But your continued ad nauseum complaints stating the same thing over and over again are not welcome. You will continue to suffer the limitations of a uniband device based on your choices. We don't want to hear it anymore. Upgrade your device or change providers. But please stop the continual complaints about your uniband experience at S4GRU. It will continue to suck. Even if it sucks less sometimes in some places. Robert
  5. Call Sprint and report the outtage. Insist on opening a ticket. With a trouble ticket filed, at least we know someone at Ericsson will look at the issue and may possibly do something about it. If you don't get a ticket number, then nothing will be done. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  6. Thanks for all who upgraded and support S4GRU! Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  7. By Mennen! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3qWwfg8ig8 Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  8. Most likely, it is possible. But certainly not on the Verizon spectrum or Verizon network. I don't know the terms of the Verizon agreement. If it bars such, it would be easy to overcome by setting up a new subsidiary and doing the agreement with Sprint too. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  9. roller skate Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  10. nail gun Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  11. The problem with being handed over to 3G on the second PCS LTE carrier is likely due to a failure to configure neighboring cells properly. Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  12. Down to the last 24 hours! No takers today. Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  13. They didn't start out that way. They were never given proper control of the budget. Sprint was financially tied for years. You make it seem like the network guys had the money, but decided to just sit on it. You know that's not accurate more than anyone. They had to make all kinds of decisions they didn't want to make for the tightest financial reasons. They did the best they could with what they had for years. The problem with the old guys though is by the time they did get the financial handcuffs removed under SoftBank, they didn't know what to do with the new found financial freedom. But they were so battle hardened and hunkered down in the limiting status quo that it was becoming a problem. They needed someone fresh who could think outside the Old Sprint box to get things moving forward. Azzi and Elfman also now are likely able to hit the reset button and get on with their careers now getting out of that old guard bunker they have been holed up in all those years. I bet their eyes are open to so much more. It's good for everyone at this point. And with the recent progress, Sprint has really turned a corner. Looks like an excellent move. Onward and upward! Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  14. Only about 48 hours left. The promotion ends at 11:59 PM on the 4th of July. Don't miss out on this $40 discount!! Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  15. Corporate accounts get access to PRL's that do have more EVDO roaming. But not necessarily EVDO roaming everywhere. I'm not sure if they get it on all business accounts. However, that's easy to overcome with a custom PRL. But even with a custom PRL, you will still get a lot of 1x roaming. Robert
  16. I wonder if the differences in how B41 acts on the N5 are more geographical than device related? It's possible that Ericsson has not configured neighboring cells in the network setup properly in St. Louis. So when you get on B25, many sites don't see the B41 neighboring cell, because it wasn't set up. If that's the case, you wouldn't likely pick up B41 again unless you ran out of B25 LTE signal and it started scanning or you ran into a B25 cell that had B41 neighboring cells configured correctly. The reason the M8 may be overcoming this hypothesized problem is because the M8 may be better at holding that B41 signal. Since B41 neighboring cells would much more likely be configured correctly to other B41 sites/sectors, it hands off seamlessly from one B41 site to the next to the next. Providing a better experience in these neighboring cell challenged areas. And in Tampa, Jacksonville and NYC where people are saying that the Nexus 5 works great on B41 just may be configured correctly. So when they do get handed off to B25, they easily get handed back to B41 quickly because it's configured correctly. Just a hypothesis of mine. It seems this would explain the geographical differences of why the N5 works well on B41 in some places and not others. Properly configuring neighboring cells to handoff to is very critical in quality network setup. Robert
  17. If the site is a full build and 3G accepted, waiting on backhaul is the culprit. Robert
  18. Licensed Technician Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  19. bar tab Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  20. Power Up! Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  21. He is totaling S4GRU acceptances. We have not cataloged any Clearwire site conversions as accepted to date. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro
  22. EXIT ONLY Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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