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Spectrum allocation question


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So, looking at it.


Why not the FCC do this?


Right now AWS4 covers 2000-2020 and 2180 - 2200.


AWS3 has 15MHz unpaired uplink from 1695-1710.  So why not make that 20MHz, from 1690 -1710 and pair it with upper AWS4 and make this part of AWS3. 


Then reallocate 20MHz from 1830-1850 (used by government) to pair with lower AWS4 of 2000-2020 and make this part of PCS. 


It would cause complications with Dish owning half of the paired links in both the new extended PCS and AWS ranges.  But for spectrum utilization I think it would have been a solid plan for the long term.  Band 66 wouldn't be weird, which still excludes 30MHz of spectrum in lower AWS4 and PCS H-Block..  Could just make a new band that covers all AWS from 1690-1780 / 2110-2200 and all PCS that covers 1830-1920 / 1930-2020.


Instead currently lower PCS H-block and lower AWS4 are bandless.  And we got 15MHz of unpaired junk in AWS3.


Its an extra 25MHz the feds would need to surrender. but they are/were pushing for hundreds of MHz that they haven't reached yet.  And it would just be extending PCS and AWS ranges evenly and IMO utilize the spectrum much more efficiently, at least just looking at the numbers.


Dish owning it would cause some issues, but it is the feds.  I think they could get it done.  Either force Dish to partner with someone, or if they can't get anything deployed, they'd eventually have to surrender/sell that spectrum.

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In short, your plan would cause lawsuits and political problems.  It took years of negotiations to get the spectrum freed for AWS-3, and billions of dollars that haven't yet been spent.  Saying "it's an extra 25 MHz the feds would need to surrender" is one of those things that sounds very easy on paper but isn't in practice.


- Trip

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Who owned the AWS3? Government? If they just of had the idea above from the beginning it wouldnt be as much of an issue. But maybe it was and negotiations failed. They have to release another 30MHz, but can't remember by when. Maybe could have just waited on AWS3 cause some law passed before the auctions, bought Dish's spectrum, and released that 30MHz.


I know what is done is done, and can't do this could have should have, but still. It would be nice to see better utilization of this limited resource.

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Yes, government spectrum is being repurposed for AWS-3.  The spectrum is technically not available yet, only after much money is spent moving existing things around will it become available, and I think some of it will never become available, though I'm not 100% certain of that.


- Trip

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