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New Windows Phone for Sprint by LG hits FCC


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It looks like we may have 2 Windows Phones coming out this year by Sprint. One of them has been confirmed by Robert and the team. This other one was yesterday's news but apparently it hit the FCC again yesterday. This phone the LG LS831 (not the official model name but its codename) apparently hit the FCC in Oct 2011 previously but now is being retested by the FCC for whatever reason. This phone doesn't appear to have LTE capability but it does have 800 MHz CDMA support.


What do you guys think? Are you guys excited to see Sprint bring more interest to Windows Phone and to attract those customers? I for one are happy about this for those Windows Phone fans and even though I don't own a Windows Phone, I am glad that they are trying to catch up to AT&T in providing more Windows Phone options besides just the HTC Arrive.



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