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However, S5GRU blog confirms...


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However, S5GRU blog confirms through an anonymous “high-level” Sprint executive, that VoLTE is currently in the “programming stage” and that the carrier is working with both domestic and international carriers. They will also be working with device and network vendors addressing any support and hardware issues. Once this stage is completed, Sprint will move into the field implementation testing (FIT) phase with the goal of identifying any issues that may delay final implementation prior to equipment development. Sprint VoLTE FITs are planned for Kansas, the greater Chicago area and Virginia.


One of the overwhelming challenges of VoLTE implementation is that when carriers adopt different approaches to the technology, the customer experience suffers. Incompatibility issues affect customers as they roam from one carrier’s area to another. In order to prevent this from being an issue for Sprint customers, the company has placed a premium on partnering with smaller carriers. This focus on interoperability seems to be the key to their plans. Sprint has lined up partnerships with a number of rural carriers, including one with VTel Wireless announced in June. VTel plans to offer VoLTE devices mid-2015, which may indicate that Sprint is planning to roll out the service in the middle of next year.

This entry was posted in Android Carrier News.




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At least they got the link right.


Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

Not only did they get the link right, they didn't bury it with a thousand VIAs so you never end up finding the real source.

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"Maggie has always been interested in gadgets and new technology... with the Nexus 4 she carries."


Can you trust her as a writer when it says she's interested in new technology when she carries a Nexus 4 as her daily driver? Seems a bit odd to me, since a two year old device is hardly on the cutting edge.

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Does the current nv support it or do they need to rebuild again?   


Rebuild what again?

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He is asking if Sprint will have to do another "rip and replace" project in order to do VoLTE. And to answer his question, no, they wouldn't.



I thought so, but didn't want to assume.

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Rebuild what again?



He is asking if Sprint will have to do another "rip and replace" project in order to do VoLTE. And to answer his question, no, they wouldn't.



I interpreted that to be a joke about NV support for "5G".  ^_^

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