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HD Voice


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I have a question. Are we absolutely certain that the sprint iPhone 5s does not support hd voice? Just now, I called my wife (5s Sprint) and experienced hd voice for the first time. I have made hd calls on T-Mobile, and have experienced hd voice via FaceTime audio with her and other iPhone friends so I know what it sounds like. It was over cellular, and incredibly clear, and she even asked me, "why does this sound so weird but good? It's so clear." I made her wait while I pulled some 1x field test screen shots, but I don't know what to look for on an iPhone.



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That is one thing we aren't sure of. I wish I knew how to identify it on the iPhone, but I don't know if it's listed in those screen shots.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

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That is one thing we aren't sure of. I wish I knew how to identify it on the iPhone, but I don't know if it's listed in those screen shots.


Nope.  Those screenshots do not offer any proof.



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Nope. Those screenshots do not offer any proof.



Maybe in that "active set info" menu that I didn't look at. My wife was growing impatient while I dealt with what she calls my "nerd stuff." I call her again and look at that sub menu. I know what I was hearing, and it was outrageously clear and awesome.

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Nope. Those screenshots do not offer any proof.



I figured not. It's unfortunate too, because I would like to know more details about voice protocols used on the iPhone too.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

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Maybe in that "active set info" menu that I didn't look at. My wife was growing impatient while I dealt with what she calls my "nerd stuff." I call her again and look at that sub menu. I know what I was hearing, and it was outrageously clear and awesome.

Active set info has to do with your connection to the Sprint Network. I don't remember all the details, but that's the gist of it.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

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Yeah, active set was useless. All I know is, I love this. I wonder how long it's been active here. I rarely call her outside of my work truck (using Bluetooth). I know I made a non-Bluetooth call to her a few days ago, and didn't experience this. Maybe it was turned on in the last few days.


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Not sure if it's coincidence, but we both upgraded to 7.1 yesterday, and I noticed the carrier bundle changed to 16.0 from 15.1. I know those usually change with an iOS upgrade, and sometimes can be pushed by the provider to enable/disable features. Maybe it was activated with 16.0

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Interesting. That will give me a reason to tell my girlfriend to upgrade to 7.1 then, and lose the jailbreak. It'd be cool if someone could confirm that HD voice didn't work on 7.0.6, but started working on 7.1 in an HD enabled area.


Somehow she inherited my 5C when I got a Nexus. Not sure how that happened. :rolleyes:

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Interesting. That will give me a reason to tell my girlfriend to upgrade to 7.1 then, and lose the jailbreak. It'd be cool if someone could confirm that HD voice didn't work on 7.0.6, but started working on 7.1 in an HD enabled area.


Somehow she inherited my 5C when I got a Nexus. Not sure how that happened. :rolleyes:

Take my thoughts with a grain of salt. I'm not sure what enabled hd voice. I don't want to influence people to get 7.1 with that new carrier bundle.

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