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Verizon says FCC can't ignore Sprint's 2.5 GHz licenses in spectrum screen


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Don't forget 1x-LTE!

1x LTE? Let me guess...it has the same symbol on your phone as regular LTE, but all the performance and calories of 1x? Brilliant! I'll take mine as a half-caff and a soy whip please!




Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro



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1x LTE? Let me guess...it has the same symbol on your phone as regular LTE, but all the performance and calories of 1x? Brilliant! I'll take mine as a half-caff and a soy whip please!






To stick with the theme I'll spell it as won-xLTE

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Just stay away from the STD-LTE.


...especially the HPV LTE variant.  It is worse than the eHERPIES.



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