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J.D. Power results are in


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I believe it. I called AT&T and told them that I pay too much for cable and they gave me half off my bill and threw in free HD and HBO.


I called Sprint to obtain a Sim card, told me it was coming... Didn't. Called to obtain airwaves, told me it was coming... Didn't. Wrote to report an outage... No response. Called to put my wife's line on seasonal standby and they told me I would lose my plan and pay more. :-( I wish Sprint would offer long time customers even just a little loyalty discount... Something that keeps people hooked and know that if they leave, that discount leaves. Similar to the hold that unlimited data is having on old Verizon customers (granted I'm sure Verizon is trying everything to stop that).

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I think this was posted in another forum but JD power needs to entitle their surveys "not much separates the wireless carriers" or some such. The surveys are large so the standard error is pretty low but what does it mean to say there is 40 point of 1000 spread between best and worst? The is a 4 percent difference between the best and worst customer care? It may be statistically significant but in practice terms sounds to me like they are the same.

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