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iPhone 5 Facts/Rumors


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My head is above the table...lol.


If you only had to come to my boring meetings you would understand. Saw a guy playing the new angry birds next to me during the meeting today.. I am not brave enough to do that though.


I just got done downloading that, but probably won't have time to play until the weekend.


Sent from Josh's Evo Shift 4G using Forum Runner

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I actually do pretty good to text and not pay too much attention to what i am writing. Plus i can send text messages without someone knowing i'm typing on a physical keyboard.


Sent from Josh's Evo Shift 4G using Forum Runner


Different strokes for different folks.. SSH on an onscreen keyboard is down right maddening.

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Different strokes for different folks.. SSH on an onscreen keyboard is down right maddening.


Oh, i've never tried that before.


Sent from Josh's Evo Shift 4G using Forum Runner

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I just got done downloading that, but probably won't have time to play until the weekend.


Sent from Josh's Evo Shift 4G using Forum Runner


Took all day to DL over sprints 3G...lol


Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think October is a good release time for the iPhone, it is still fresh in December which makes for a lot of Christmas presents.


Maybe that was the reason they moved the release of the 4S to October to make it more popular for Christmas time! I prefer a summer release, but I can't be picky, lol.

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Here's an interesting article. The iPhone is outselling every other phone from AT&T and Sprint combined. The Apple flock is getting larger.



"we believe iPhones are outselling all other smartphones combined at Sprint and AT&T and selling at roughly equal volume to all Android smartphones at Verizon.”



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  • 3 weeks later...

Man, sure are a lot of folks who don't care for Apple in the Apple subforum :)


I used to love tinkering with my windows mobile phone, installing custom ROMs, etc. Then I got out of college, got a girlfriend, etc. I don't have time for the BS anymore. I use Apple products because they just work. Doubly so if you use an all-Apple ecosystem. Sure, other products "can" do feature X, Y, Y but how much time will I waste installing drivers, troubleshooting codecs, installing custom ROMs, and so on? If I plug in my digital camera iPhoto just opens, imports the pictures, sorts them into events based on date, tags peoples faces, pumps them over PhotoStream and they just show up on my phone and iPad. I don't have to think about it, click on any dialog boxes, or otherwise waste any energy messing with it. When family comes over and asks about wedding pictures I just grab my iPhone, tap photos, tap AirPlay, then bam.... I can show them on my TV. No muss, no fuss. When I create an appointment on my iPad, it just shows up on my phone. When I buy a new game on my Mac, it just shows up on my phone and iPad. My friend wants to see that new app I was talking about? I just hit AirPlay, Mirror on my iPad and he can see what I'm doing on the TV.


I used to build my own gaming PCs and upgrade every six months. I was the first person in my area to have dual Voodoo2 SLI, Quake was my playground :) Now? I just play an Xbox 360 'cause I can just turn it on and play for an hour and move on with my life.


Of course now that I have an app in the iOS app store I am a somewhat biased source as every iOS user is another potential customer :D


Use whatever works for you buy please don't pretend Apple is a fad or just marketing or whatever. They make a certain value proposition about simplicity that a lot of customers find very attractive. If they are failing then I'd love to be that big of a failure!


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Really gets old hearing the whole apple phones "just work" saying when compared to android.


Last I checked android phones I've had have "just worked" all the time...I really don't get how the saying applies and where android phones evidently "dont work".....


Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2

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Sgt, both OS's have their strength's and weaknesses. For those of us who have Macs, being able to sync everything together between phone and computer makes for an easier life. Frankly, I'm not too concerned about the photo stream feature on the iPhone as I don't want my photos all over the place. I like them on my phone only. And I don't use digital cameras since I got a smart phone.


Xenadu, how can you stand iPhoto? It has always been slow for me, and it's just a plain nightmare to fight with.

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I haven't had too many issues with it but I did upgrade to the latest version so that might be part of it. I am annoyed at Apple for not supporting older hardware on Lion but I understand why (Lion is 64-bit only). It means my old MacBook my wife uses can't be upgraded so iPhoto still does run like a dog on that machine. That's the blessing and curse of Apple - by being willing to ditch backwards compatibility when required, they don't get hamstrung by bad decisions from 10 years ago (unlike Microsoft who bends over backwards to keep Windows compatible but that causes huge security issues and lets developers get away with being idiots instead of fixing their code). It's both a blessing and a curse at times.



Re: Android - If it works for you great - keep using it and I am happy for you. Android doesnt fit my needs. I just don't see the point in people who have no desire to use Apple products coming into the Apple-specific subforum to tell us Apple users how stupid, iSheep, ignorant, or whatever we are. Or look down on us because you are clearly too clever to fall for Apple's marketing (and pat yourselves on the back). Why do you care?


I don't care that Android copied a lot of features from iOS. I don't care that Apple has copied features from others. I hope both continue to do well so it will keep Apple on their toes and improving its mobile ecosystem. That's a net win for everyone.



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That's the thing about Android. It only fits some peoples needs. I wanted to get away from at&t so bad that I settled for Android. And granted, it does have it's perks, but it also has it's flaws. If I could afford to, i would have 2 smartphones and 1 would be the iPhone. I do like the camera better than my Evo Shift, that's for sure.


Sent from Joshs Evo Shift using Forum Runner

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Don't be turning this into an Android vs iOS thread. This is for iPhone 5 Facts/Rumors.


Sorry. We weren't trying to.


Sent from Joshs Evo Shift using Forum Runner

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My guess is 4.5" screen and they introduce an iPhone mini with the existing 3.5" screen.


I can't see an iPhone with a 4.5" screen. It just seems too large for Apple to want one that big. But with Apple, they like to give surprises, lol. I just hope the home screen has more apps than the current setup if the screen is bigger.


Sent from Joshs iPhone 3Gs using Forum Runner

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Frankly' date=' I like the keyboard more than Android and Windows Phone.[/quote']


The keyboard was the main selling point for me on my iPhone.


Close your eyes and type a very long email with it. :-)


I types this without looking. :P


I hope both continue to do well so it will keep Apple on their toes and improving its mobile ecosystem. That's a net win for everyone.


Good point.


I think (hope) that Apple will start incorporating “features” that have been jailbreak tweaks for quite some time such as Sbsettings and 5 Icon Dock, as it would go with their image of simplicity. They should also bring back CallLock, the ability to lock the phone during a call without hanging up on your mom.


Sent via Forum Runner on my jailbroken iOS 5.1 iPhone 4 

Edited by gopher_otis
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This rumor came in a few days ago. The new iPhone will/may have a 4" screen. The body of the phone will remain close to the same, but the screen may be elongated for a 16:9 ratio or lengthen and stretched to keep the 3:2 ratio. The body width will remain constant.



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    • Someone told me a couple years ago, that there were problems getting certain modems to aggregate overlapping spectrum even if the overlapping parts were actually blanked. So I think there might be firmware issues that need to be resolved first, which T-Mobile might not consider worth the effort for 4MHz at this time.
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