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current LTE towers question

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I haven't seen any evidence of this in my market. Set to the RF design specs as close as the excellent or drunk techs can get it, fire it up, and move to the next. There's no time to go back and toy with something you are not going to get more money out of.

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I haven't seen any evidence of this in my market. Set to the RF design specs as close as the excellent or drunk techs can get it, fire it up, and move to the next. There's no time to go back and toy with something you are not going to get more money out of.

I thought this was the reason for the Antennas being remote controllable....

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I haven't seen any evidence of this in my market. Set to the RF design specs as close as the excellent or drunk techs can get it, fire it up, and move to the next. There's no time to go back and toy with something you are not going to get more money out of.


makes sense. LOL thats too funny. but i was just curious, so im assuming once its fired up and has the LTE/3G upgrades its good to go and wont be messed around with again? i mean unless for repairs and things like that.

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I have only been near two towers that have been upgraded. I don't have an LTE phone yet, so my experience is with the 3G side. So far, both towers got worse for a few days after being upgraded. I would roam off and on, get really erratic signals and just a lot of network busy or dropped calls. After a week or so, it then gets solid and life moves on. The tower at my house is 3G/4G accepted and it is solid as death, but next to my work is just 4G accepted and my 3G is a little worse on the upload side with my signal jumping around between ~-79 and -103. I am also in an Ericsson market.

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I have noticed that in my market, the towers take about 3-4 days to work correctly after accepted. I have not noticed any long term changes that are taking place. I am in an Ericsson market.

That's been a trend that comes and goes for us as well with Ericsson. Sometimes it is working the day before acceptance and sometimes it is on a couple days after.

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Fine tuning takes weeks, but isn't like a constant effort.  Some of it is automated.  Radio power levels and antenna element angles can be adjusted electronically, without service calls.  Traffic management and allocation of backhaul bandwidth is now dynamic.  This modern network equipment is even aware of its surroundings, allowing automatic mitigation of interference through neighbor-negotiated frequency hopping patterns, power output levels, and antenna angles.

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