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Cell phone memory lane


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When switching to Verizon recently, I felt a little nostalgic as I packaged up my 20 month old EVO 4G (which had never seen 4G) to send in to get back my ETF. I dug through my box of old phones-- I had a habit of keeping an old phone in case I had to reactivate it for an emergency situation. I thought I'd do a history of my cell phones and see if other members felt any nostalgia and wanted to share their phone histories as well.

Here goes:


First Phone: Nokia 252 on Alltel... AMPS all the way! I threw this phone away years ago...


Second Phone: Samsung SPH-N400 1xRTT when I first joined Sprint in October 2002. PITA that you had to get on the web everytime you got a text since it didn't have SMS, but the phone still works if I still had an old Sprint universal charger.


Third Phone: LG VI-125 SMS at last!! This phone still works if I could find one of those universal Sprint chargers.


Fourth Phone: LG LX-250 Bluetooth! I got a car with it, so had to get a phone to use it. This phone didn't use the Sprint charger so I remember having to buy a car charger-- but this little guy still works.


Fifth Phone: Samsung Instinct smart-ish phone... I had the MSL so I enabled the PAM and tethered all the time. I remember how lucky I was with this phone and its 2 batteries after Gustav when we didn't have power for 5 days and the land line went out for a week too. I sent this back to Sprint for a rebate when I got my Evo.


Sixth Phone: HTC EVO 4G -- a great phone when on wi-fi or running a Verizon PRL... In pristine condition with an unused WiMax radio so I get $50 for it to pay my ETF!


Seventh Phone: Motorola Droid RAZR MAXX -- holy battery, batman! and Oh, LTE!!!!

Edited by 4ringsnbr
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I was thinking of starting a thread like this. I can't remember all my phones that I have had, there are a couple phones that I will probably leave off, but I'll do my best to remember.


Samsung Uproar-Not sure if this was my first phone, but if I had something before this, it was not memorable. This was the first ever MP3 phone and was really cool back in 2001 with its 64mb of storage for mp3s.


Sanyo SCP-6000-Super thin, I called this phone "the tampon" as it was .39 inches thick and roughly the shape of a tampon.


Sanyo SCP-4900-Phone broke, Sprint rep talked me into this phone which was one of the first color screen phones, but the screen broke almost the minute I walked out the door.


Sanyo SCP-8100-Basic Flip phone with a camera.


Samsung SPH-A600- Not just a flip phone but the screen also rotated so you could close it with the screen exposed...Pure junk.


Samsung VGA1000- This got the most use of any phone. It was durable and had some lasting power. Either phones didn't progress much or I didn't care.


Some 3rd world Nokia (maybe 5165)-Had this while I was deployed. $0.40 per minute on a prepaid, I didn't use it much.


Motorola i265 - First Nextel work phone. This thing took a bath several times and kept on ticking, but it got scratched so bad I could barely read the screen and I begged for a flip phone.


Samsung MM-A920 - Personal phone. Great combo of features, it got plowed into a snowbank at work and I called it, heard it ringing and dug it out of the snow. Never worked right after that, but the company reimbursed me $400 for a new one.


Motorola i530 - Work phone. The ultimate durable Nextel phone. This was a tank.


Motorola ic502 - Work phone tester. Sprint/Nextel Hybrid. Not that great, but it was decent.


Motorola Renegade - Personal phone. SDC worked like garbage and killed the battery. I gave up on direct connect after owning this phone. It was a giant disappointment coming from the i530 and ic502. It didn't help that the wife had a "smart" phone and I was stuck with a flip phone.


HTC Hero - I thought it was cool for a few months until the Evo blew it out of the water. The only way it was usable was with custom ROMs. I credit this phone with teaching me to root phones out of necessity.


HTC Evo 3D - Had this for a few months, bought it off Craigslist to save my upgrade for LTE phones, then upgraded to the E4GT and gave this to my sister.


Samsung Epic 4G Touch - Amazing phone, I could have easily kept this for the entire period until my next upgrade and possibly longer.


Samsung Galaxy Nexus - This phone took the sting out of giving up my E4GT. I keep finding new things to love about this phone. LTE, AOSP, ICS, no shutter lag, good battery life. I don't know how I waited this long to own a Nexus. Love it.


There was also a Motorola DPC-550 in there somewhere as a temporary work phone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Samsung Uproar-Not sure if this was my first phone, but if I had something before this, it was not memorable. This was the first ever MP3 phone and was really cool back in 2001 with its 64mb of storage for mp3s.


Sanyo SCP-6000-Super thin, I called this phone "the tampon" as it was .39 inches thick and roughly the shape of a tampon.


Sanyo SCP-4900-Phone broke, Sprint rep talked me into this phone which was one of the first color screen phones, but the screen broke almost the minute I walked out the door.


Sanyo SCP-8100-Basic Flip phone with a camera.


Samsung Something- Not just a flip phone but the screen also rotated so you could close it with the screen exposed...Pure junk.


Samsung VGA1000- This got the most use of any phone. It was durable and had some lasting power. Either phones didn't progress much or I didn't care.


Some 3rd world Nokia (maybe 5165)-Had this while I was deployed. $0.40 per minute on a prepaid, I didn't use it much.


Motorola i265 - First Nextel work phone. This thing took a bath several times and kept on ticking, but it got scratched so bad I could barely read the screen and I begged for a flip phone.


Samsung MM-A920 - Personal phone. Great combo of features, it got plowed into a snowbank at work and I called it, heard it ringing and dug it out of the snow. Never worked right after that, but the company reimbursed me $400 for a new one.


Motorola i530 - Work phone. The ultimate durable Nextel phone. This was a tank.


Motorola ic502 - Work phone tester. Sprint/Nextel Hybrid. Not that great, but it was decent.


Motorola Renegade - Personal phone. SDC worked like garbage and killed the battery. I gave up on direct connect after owning this phone. It was a giant disappointment coming from the i530 and ic502. It didn't help that the wife had a "smart" phone and I was stuck with a flip phone.


HTC Hero - I thought it was cool for a few months until the Evo blew it out of the water. The only way it was usable was with custom ROMs. I credit this phone with teaching me to root phones out of necessity.


HTC Evo 3D - Had this for a few months, bought it off Craigslist to save my upgrade for LTE phones, then upgraded to the E4GT and gave this to my sister.


Samsung Epic 4G Touch - Amazing phone, I could have easily kept this for the entire period until my next upgrade and possibly longer.


Samsung Galaxy Nexus - This phone took the sting out of giving up my E4GT. I keep finding new things to love about this phone. LTE, AOSP, ICS, no shutter lag, good battery life. I don't know how I waited this long to own a Nexus. Love it.


There was also a Motorola DPC-550 in there somewhere as a temporary work phone.


P.S. 4ringsnbr started a similar thread here: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/368-cell-phone-memory-lane/

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Samsung Rant- My first phone ever. I hated it. It broke slightly after a year of owning it with the internal display cracking or something like that.


LG Rumor Touch- I got this phone as a replacement to the Rant months after it broke, and for a non-smartphone, it wasn't that bad. Although that phone is what go me to hate slide out keyboards.


HTC Evo 4G- Upgraded to the Evo about two years ago, and loved it at first. But with the Gingerbread update, then the 2.3.5 update, I started experiencing some problems, mainly big problems with Sense.


Samsung Galaxy SII Epic 4G Touch- Upgraded to this from my Evo about a week ago and I will not go back to HTC. Great battery life, very lightweight, and Touchwiz is better than Sense by a longshot in my opinion. Although I was disappointed it came with Sprint ID at first, I soon realized that Sprint ID brings the phone back to the stock Gingerbread launcher(with the Sprint ID logo taking the place of the browser icon, of course).

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Sanyo Katana - Because I only had a voice plan then. Great flip phone and reception, just not as cool as a Razr.


BB Curve - First smartphone and fell in love with the keyboard, I finally enjoyed texting. Got it when Sprint first came out with the 1500 Everything family plan. It wasn't until my next phone that I learned how much BB's browser sucked.


HTC Hero - Sprint's first Android phone. Was ok for a while. HTC built it with off the shelf parts and a old processor, so it never was built for android, they just had to get something on the market I guess. Liked it more when I had CM7 on it.


HTC EVO - Finally my first phone made for Android. Got it, loved it, rooted it, wished I kept it.


NS4G - Thought I be cute and get this so I would get ICS before everyone else. I'm still waiting. On to rooting. Like this as much as the EVO.

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Pyroscott -


Do you like the Nexus better than the Et4g?

I played with the Nexus and I dont think Id like it as much as my Et4g.

(although I love ics on my prime)


I'm like so in love with my Et4g !

That is saying something too!

I get bored quick with cell phones!


Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk

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Pyroscott -


Do you like the Nexus better than the Et4g?

I played with the Nexus and I dont think Id like it as much as my Et4g.

(although I love ics on my prime)


I'm like so in love with my Et4g !

That is saying something too!

I get bored quick with cell phones!


Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk


Yeah, I loved my E4GT, but I love the Nexus even more. I think part of why I prefer the Nexus, is that I REALLY prefer AOSP over a skinned version. I also love the fact that the stock software is better than any custom ROM I could put on here. I was always looking for something better out of a ROM on the E4GT, but I am perfectly content with ICS.

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hmmm can't edit my previous post. Is it me or is that how the forum is? oh well, I'll do it here.


Picture it, 2000 Sicily, ummm I mean NYC


I have no recollection as to why I chose Sprint back then, but I did. They didn't have much of a selection but i ended up with the.. 2000 Touchpoint 100. It was okay, but I thought it was too big at the time.


2000 LG Touchpoint 1100 by end of the year got tired of the 100 and as luch would have it it fell and broke, changed to the LG. I like the flip design, but eventually got tired of its bulky feel.


2002 Switch to Samsung N400 Love the Star trek flip design and bigger screen. Also had more contacts.


2005 Samsung A920, loved the rocker, more contacts and the camera. (last time I stayed on contract)


2006 Samsung M610, couldn't resist the thinner design


2007 HTC Touch, the year I started to follow phones and this one was in my sights from day 1 of rumorville. Simply loved the touch screen, first Windows mobile phone and I loved it and its stylus, but man did it get scratched.


2008 HTC Diamond, I really like it. Bigger screen, updated OS, but got laggy after a while


2009 HTC Hero, For the past year was learning about Android and seeing how T-Mobile got the coolest phones. Finally came one on Sprint that at the time was impressive. Bit of a learning curve coming from WinMo. First learned of rooting with this guy. Still have it on my second line as a backup. Loved Sense.


2010 HTC EVo 4G Ah the King of phones. Big yet thin, fast, hacked like no other, the awesome kickstand. Would have kept it as my second line if i didn't get a good deal trading it in.


2011 Motorola Photon, Finally a world android phone, plus it has the kickstand that the upgraded EVO series left out. Unique design, robust. Blur was okay, but I replaced the home screens. Hate Moto's bootloader policy, (and reason I won't go with Moto again regardless as much as i need a world phone.) Also hate that after one year updates come slowly. ICS in June /July, really Moto, really.



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Yeah, I loved my E4GT, but I love the Nexus even more. I think part of why I prefer the Nexus, is that I REALLY prefer AOSP over a skinned version. I also love the fact that the stock software is better than any custom ROM I could put on here. I was always looking for something better out of a ROM on the E4GT, but I am perfectly content with ICS.


Yea I really like ICS on my Prime!

I`d really like to see it on the ET4G but too many phones have been bricked

trying to flash it over from Gingerbread.

I guess I`ll just wait it out..


Patiently waiting on the SGSlll !!!

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