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Administrative charge increase?


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In todays edition of the playbook it said the administrative charge was increasing to $1.99. I remember them doing this before and since it was a change in the contract you could get out ETF free. Correct me if im wrong.

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Depends; did the contract you sign have a specific price for administrative charges, or did it say "such pricing is subject to change"? Read what you signed!

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Do you really have to ask?

I just don't see why anyone that wants to leave Sprint would be on this forum. If Sprint doesn't work for you then why do you have it and if you hate Sprint why are you here?


My area has 800 voice and 1900lte well deployed and where I don't have lte the 3g speeds are now very usable compared to a year ago.


Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta



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I'm no mod, but breaking service contracts is about as far from the goal of this community as it gets.


I agree.  I greatly dislike these kinds of contract loophole threads.  And they are certainly miles away from the chartered intent of this site.  But S4GRU has entered something of a grey area.  We are closing in on 20,000 members and 200,000 posts.  Will S4GRU remain a niche Sprint wireless network focused site?  Or will it become the go to Sprint general discussion site?



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I agree.  I greatly dislike these kinds of contract loophole threads.  And they are certainly miles away from the chartered intent of this site.  But S4GRU has entered something of a grey area.  We are closing in on 20,000 members and 200,000 posts.  Will S4GRU remain a niche Sprint wireless network focused site?  Or will it become the go to Sprint general discussion site?



Hmm. I disagree. If people come here asking how to force roaming so Sprint kicks them off the network I have a problem with that. If people come here asking for advice on if a rate change means they can leave without ETF then I am okay with that. Which is better for the community: People who are unhappy and see increasing charges but remain complaining about Sprint until their contract ends or people who are able to end a service that clearly is not working up to their expectations? 


I've been a Sprint customer for a long time and I ended up moving my lines to Ting anyways. Why? Because I don't feel the current Sprint network is worth $157/month for 2 lines and the changes to how the employee discount were applied cost me $5 extra a month. I do plan on rejoining Sprint with triband phones BUT I can sympathize with people that are feeling nickeled and dimed for the subpar service that still exists in many parts of the country. 

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The general discussion section has definitely become a catch all.   Even in the grey, I champion S4GRU as remaining pro-sprint.  It is something the company itself should even be proud, if they care. Strategizing about how to use the T&C's to cost Sprint a contract is no different, in my eyes, than upgrade fraud, vpn abuse, etc.  Some of us may choose to use our personal experiences as justification for doing such, but S4GRU doesn't need to become another info machine to crank the wheels of vengeful sprint users.  There are already two very welcoming havens for them.  "Nests" actually describes those places quite well. 

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. If people come here asking for advice on if a rate change means they can leave without ETF then I am okay with that. 




Very few of us work for Sprint.  Even fewer are attorneys. None of us can speak on Sprint's behalf.  Basically, the legal opinion of every person on this site means piddle when convincing Sprint to let someone go ETF free.  Unless Sprint admits its an out, the best way to answer that question is to contact care, executive care, or consult your attorney.   If we tell them "its an out, run!!"  and Sprint flat out refuses, who's credibility is on the line?    

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I am on record with my preference to keep the site smaller and centered solely on wireless network tech.  But I can also appreciate that hundreds, if not thousands of less network tech focused sponsors are the "golden goose" that pays the sites' monthly bills.  So, compromises and concessions may be inevitable.



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Very few of us work for Sprint.  Even fewer are attorneys. None of us can speak of Sprint's behalf.  Basically, the legal opinion of every person on this site means piddle when convincing Sprint to let someone go ETF free.  Unless Sprint admits its an out, the best way to answer that question is to contact care, executive care, or consult your attorney.   If we tell them "its an out, run!!"  and Sprint flat out refuses, who's credibility is on the line?    

Yes, but in the case of the changes to employee discounts Sprint did post that it was a material change on a page from one of my bills. The changes in April to billing structure etc DID allow for an ETF. So, a tax increase would not be a material change and neither will this administrative change.



I guess S4GRU moderators could just copy paste numbers for Sprint support and tell people to call and then lock the thread but it won't stop people making threads or complaining about changes/poor service in other threads. Being pro-Sprint is fine and I think we are all here because we want to see Sprint succeed but I also see no issue with people discussing charges that make them unhappy and seeking advice on alternatives. I generally tell people who think they are paying too much to move to Ting because the service remains the same and Sprint still makes more money (albeit less than a contract customer) than if it lost a customer left for a competitor.

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I'm no mod, but breaking service contracts is about as far from the goal of this community as it gets.


Totally disagree. In the general area it seems like a totally valid question to ask about since Sprint is the one making the change to the subscriber and the person was asking what the possible options would be. Completely legitimate versus fraud or vpn abuse etc you mention in another post. IMHO

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Totally disagree. In the general area it seems like a totally valid question to ask about since Sprint is the one making the change to the subscriber and the person was asking what the possible options would be. Completely legitimate versus fraud or vpn abuse etc you mention in another post. IMHO

Sorry, but it's really hard for me to see anyone trying to get out of a contract ETF-free (especially on a device subsidy) as "completely legitimate". If you want out, pay your termination fee and be gone. Don't go snooping around for loopholes trying to slip out - or worse, cheat and scam your way out.

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Sorry, but it's really hard for me to see anyone trying to get out of a contract ETF-free (especially on a device subsidy) as "completely legitimate". If you want out, pay your termination fee and be gone. Don't go snooping around for loopholes trying to slip out - or worse, cheat and scam your way out.


If you are not on a device subsidy there should not be a ETF AT ALL generally, imho. If I remember you are a Sprint or reseller retail employee? so that could bias your view. Even if on a subsidy if someone is getting crap service you should be able to get out ETF-free or the vendor whether Sprint or cable or telephone or whomever needs to make it right to hold up their side of "the deal". We all know much of the subsidy is pretend/make believe anyway, Sprint or any carrier is not paying full retail price on the phones they buy or even close (leaving out Apples iphone scam of the carriers). It's obvious that's why if you get your phone from a reseller you can get a better deal than the carrier gives you.


Think of it, where on this planet does an intelligent consumer ever pay or should pay full suggested retail price on most things -


groceries, of course not ,not even close - eg 12pk coke pepsi, retail something insane like $5.xx never pay over $2 in an emergency 2.50 maybe

clothes, no

drinks at a bar, only suckers do that, eg $5 for domestic beer, generally pay $1 or less

restaurants, no

cars, nope

cable service, no way, full satellite expanded basic directv, including 2 dvrs, <$25/month bulk purchase including all taxes

internet, no eg 6mbps, <$30 including all taxes

even electric in many places, no.

Edited by chgoguy80
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Here is an example of wanting to get out of a contract. A few kids with a line each on my account, well adults but more like kids. My  Wife's Daughters boyfriend was in jail and she accepts collect phone calls at $10 each. $100 charge in 2 days. He likes jail and visits often and daughter never pays bill as promised. Ya I would love for the contract to END. Luckily she broke the phone but I still have to pay the $30 a month or drop a large sum on a buyout fee (if they still do that).


I would like a redo with just a line each for my wife and i, but I was kind, weak, stupid and have 4 lines. Mayybe in a few month I can get ahead and pay contract cancellation fee but i doubt it............I am stuck paying. Ya my bad but an easy out for few line would be nice. $30 each for the 2 additional lines was nothing a few months ago, now it seems to count a lot in the household.


There are some instances where people have legit reason to want out..... Its not a perfect world so get off the internet forum high horses  :td:  ....You could be on your deathbed tomorrow and have no use for a phone as your sucking oxygen from a tube and on life support for months.


 Am sure this is one example of many mishaps and unfortunate curve balls life throws at ya. Guy losing a longtime job, sudden illness etc.... 

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Well, this thread is going off the rails. Time out, folks...



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If you are not on a device subsidy there should not be a ETF AT ALL generally, imho. If I remember you are a Sprint or reseller retail employee? so that could bias your view. Even if on a subsidy if someone is getting crap service you should be able to get out ETF-free or the vendor whether Sprint or cable or telephone or whomever needs to make it right to hold up their side of "the deal". We all know much of the subsidy is pretend/make believe anyway, Sprint or any carrier is not paying full retail price on the phones they buy or even close (leaving out Apples iphone scam of the carriers). It's obvious that's why if you get your phone from a reseller you can get a better deal than the carrier gives you.

Crap service has pretty much nothing to do with it, especially when you have the trial period to try it out and make sure it works, and then get out contract-free. You signed a contract that says "Early Termination Fees", you agreed to it, and you must pay those fees if you cancel early. Imagine if Sprint used the EIP program that T-Mobile has. If you cancelled service, you owe the rest of the cost of the phone. This is exactly what the ETF represents. You agreed to pay it, so you should have to pay it, barring extenuating circumstances. The contract also says "service is not available everywhere". You agreed to that.  Yes, contracts suck and are a bad deal. I understand wanting out if things aren't going well, but that doesn't suddenly justify weaseling, scamming, and cheating your way out. "Sure, just flash 00002.prl and wait a month."


No, carriers are not paying the complete retail price for many device. The cost is actually fairly high, close to full MSRP - I can't reveal our cost without breaking NDAs, but it's not "make believe" at all. And to leave out iPhones is just silly; it's at least 30% of Sprint's sales, and yes, those we pay 100% MSRP for.


Part of the reason many resellers can sell for cheaper is, besides simple volume, is that they often run very tight margins. Especially online retailers with no brick and mortar establishments, just warehouses and shipping, you can sell it cheaper. That, and they get reimbursed the cost of the phone, and then paid the price for the plan, so it works a little different than you said.




Think of it, where on this planet does an intelligent consumer ever pay or should pay full suggested retail price on most things -


groceries, of course not ,not even close - eg 12pk coke pepsi, retail something insane like $5.xx never pay over $2 in an emergency 2.50 maybe

clothes, no

drinks at a bar, only suckers do that, eg $5 for domestic beer, generally pay $1 or less

restaurants, no

cars, nope

cable service, no way, full satellite expanded basic directv, including 2 dvrs, <$25/month bulk purchase including all taxes

internet, no eg 6mbps, <$30 including all taxes

even electric in many places, no.

...what in the world does this have to do with the topic at hand? I mean, yay free market? Yay retailers marking up products so they actually make a profit?




Here is an example of wanting to get out of a contract. A few kids with a line each on my account, well adults but more like kids. My  Wife's Daughters boyfriend was in jail and she accepts collect phone calls at $10 each. $100 charge in 2 days. He likes jail and visits often and daughter never pays bill as promised. Ya I would love for the contract to END. Luckily she broke the phone but I still have to pay the $30 a month or drop a large sum on a buyout fee (if they still do that).

Jail Call pricing is set by the jails, not the carrier.
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Crap service has pretty much nothing to do with it, especially when you have the trial period to try it out and make sure it works, and then get out contract-free. You signed a contract that says "Early Termination Fees", you agreed to it, and you must pay those fees if you cancel early. Imagine if Sprint used the EIP program that T-Mobile has. If you cancelled service, you owe the rest of the cost of the phone. This is exactly what the ETF represents. You agreed to pay it, so you should have to pay it, barring extenuating circumstances. The contract also says "service is not available everywhere". You agreed to that.  Yes, contracts suck and are a bad deal. I understand wanting out if things aren't going well, but that doesn't suddenly justify weaseling, scamming, and cheating your way out. "Sure, just flash 00002.prl and wait a month."


No, carriers are not paying the complete retail price for many device. The cost is actually fairly high, close to full MSRP - I can't reveal our cost without breaking NDAs, but it's not "make believe" at all. And to leave out iPhones is just silly; it's at least 30% of Sprint's sales, and yes, those we pay 100% MSRP for.



Jail Call pricing is set by the jails, not the carrier.


Well both sides agree on a contract and if you are put in a worse position by the other party changing the "deal" you should be able to get out. I am not talking about reselling the phone and making a profit etc nor is someone on a plan I have agreed to be financially responsible for misusing causing me extra charges a valid reason to get out. It stinks but its the person who agreed to pay's responsibility to either get that person to shape up or confiscate the phone. Not Sprints problem.


I excluded iphones since I assumed and you confirmed, Sprint pays retail for them. Other phones as you said they do not and as I pointed out in that case the retail price is not a valid amount of Sprints "loss" on termination.


Example if Sprint eliminated plan extras that are not part of the retail plan or raises my cost that were the basis of the "deal" between sprint and I for accepting the 2 year contract, I should be able to get out since Sprint did not hold up their end of the bargain.

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We all know much of the subsidy is pretend/make believe anyway, Sprint or any carrier is not paying full retail price on the phones they buy or even close (leaving out Apples iphone scam of the carriers).


Actually, the cost to Sprint for a device (INCLUDING Apple) is very close to the "retail price" advertised. Obviously different phones have a higher margin, talk & text phones have the highest margins. However, when you get to smartphones, Apple doesn't actually do much worse than Samsung or LG when it comes to the wholesale and retail pricing difference. The margin is usually less than $50 on most smartphones.


SOURCE: I see the wholesale price every day when I send devices back to the warehouse in returns/exchanges, etc.


Now if you want to start talking about profit margin... let's look at accessories...  :P

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