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Mobile broadband plans


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I've said this before, so if you've read it from me before...sorry.  But, I have no cable or DSL internet at my house, so we have a Mifi 4082 hotspot as our internet source.  (Hence why I stumbled on S4GRU...looking for when LTE would be available to me here.  And I've been hooked since, and now more obsessed than ever!)


Our plan starts on the 10th of the month.  We have the 12GB plan.  Somehow, and I have NO IDEA how, we've managed to rack up 6 GB SINCE LAST WEDNESDAY when the month rolled over.  I don't recall in that week doing anything out of the ordinary - I do spend some time on Youtub sometimes, but since I realized it was piling up I've stopped.


It does seem that Microsoft released a fair amount of Windows updates last week...we have 4 computers with Windows 7.  I also noticed that my AVG wanted to update, and then Skype did also, etc.  I just find it utterly shocking that somehow, 6GB got used up.  I've since turned off Wifi on my phone also.  (I know, you're probably thinking, why would I use wifi on my phone when the wifi is the same network?!  The Mifi signal is stronger than data on my phone anywhere in the house, even when the phone is right next to the Mifi (which I have mounted on a wall.) ).


Sort of panicking, I called Sprint tonight.  I'm not sure why- because I know they don't offer a larger plan.  I explained that I have no other internet at my house - they apologized.  Great.  I have their sympathy - but there isn't anything to do.  They suggested activating a mobile hotspot on one of the lines, which I might end up having to do if this ridiculous usage continues - but the problem is, that a phone then has to be placed in a window in an upstairs bedroom to get the best signal.  I suppose we could make do with that, but what a pain.


Or, just eat the overage charges.  Which, I have found varying amounts for.  One part of the website claims they are 5 cents per MB - if you look under "additional usage" on the mobile broadband plans.  If you hover over the words "additional usage" the pop up that appears says 1.5 cents per MB.  I tend to think it is 5 cents - but how can they have such wrong information on their website?!  I screen shotted it so perhaps if I do go over, I could try to argue something.


Again, not sure why I'm writing this, or why I tried calling Sprint, but is there really NOTHING that can be done?  I suggested getting a credit for the overages - they said no.  Maybe I should try asking for a one-time credit for being a loyal customer of 10+ years - which I'm not sure would do anything.  Will I get lucky one time and get someone who knows something about programming that could "fudge" something? (Add a 3GB plan on top of the 12GB plan?  Add mobile hotspot plan to the Mifi line?)


The billing cycle isn't up until August 9th, so I could call everyday I suppose and try various approaches.  I do like Sprint, am excited for coverage post-NV, which I know will be coming soon to my area, AND Verizon and AT&T are FAR MORE expensive for mobile broadband plans (and everything else.)  They do offer higher-tiered plans, but at exorbitant prices.


Sorry to bore everyone with such a long post.  I don't know what I'm looking for, if nothing more than just a place to vent a bit. :-)

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You have multiple PC's and other handheld devices connected to a HotSpot and you're wondering how you went through 6GB's of data in a week? I'm surprised you're not burning that every day.  I realize you may not have cable/DSL at your home but, a wireless HotSpot should not be your solution.  

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Just a quick question. Is Mifi 4082 line is still under contract? If not, you can cancel that line and switch over to Millenicom. Its cost $69 a month with "unlimited" data with your device. Although, their print said Usage over 50 gigabytes in one month will alert our investigative team. 


Check it out at http://millenicom.com/

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Um, not to be rude or anything, but why do you expect Sprint to do anything about this? Sprint is not responsible for your data usage.


You should really check in to apps (there are plenty for PC) that can monitor your data usage, as well as throttle/manage it. If, for example, one of your 4 PCs got a virus, it could be chewing through your data, and your only recourse is to either eat the overages or turn the device off for a little while.

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Yeah, the line is under contract for another year.


Like, I said, I don't really know what I wanted them to do, or if I expected them to do anything.  I just figured I'd call and try.  


The only other options are satellite, which has similar data caps, is more expensive, has a lot of latency, and is generally unreliable.  I've asked several of the neighbors (we are a group of about 10 houses), several used to have HughesNet and most have since switched to some sort of mobile broadband.  One has Verizon, our direct neighbor has Sprint.  There is a local WISP, but we are just outside their coverage area.


We haven't gone over our plan in the year we've had it...in fact for a few months we had only the 6GB plan.  We don't stream anything, mostly because we still only have 3G, and the tower hasn't gotten new backhaul yet, so it averages around 500-700 kbps.


There is a glimmer of hope, though.  The state of PA is requiring every ILEC to deploy DSL to every customer by Dec. 31, 2015.  Verizon, of course, is the only one who hasn't met the commitment yet, and of course is our carrier.  According to the law, it should be ready by October 2014 or so...

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Yeah, the line is under contract for another year.


Like, I said, I don't really know what I wanted them to do, or if I expected them to do anything.  I just figured I'd call and try.  


The only other options are satellite, which has similar data caps, is more expensive, has a lot of latency, and is generally unreliable.  I've asked several of the neighbors (we are a group of about 10 houses), several used to have HughesNet and most have since switched to some sort of mobile broadband.  One has Verizon, our direct neighbor has Sprint.  There is a local WISP, but we are just outside their coverage area.


We haven't gone over our plan in the year we've had it...in fact for a few months we had only the 6GB plan.  We don't stream anything, mostly because we still only have 3G, and the tower hasn't gotten new backhaul yet, so it averages around 500-700 kbps.


There is a glimmer of hope, though.  The state of PA is requiring every ILEC to deploy DSL to every customer by Dec. 31, 2015.  Verizon, of course, is the only one who hasn't met the commitment yet, and of course is our carrier.  According to the law, it should be ready by October 2014 or so...


Maybe freedom pop or clear if they work in your area?  you can get away with mobile broadband if it's just one user, 4 is rough.

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Yeah, the line is under contract for another year.


Like, I said, I don't really know what I wanted them to do, or if I expected them to do anything.  I just figured I'd call and try.  


The only other options are satellite, which has similar data caps, is more expensive, has a lot of latency, and is generally unreliable.  I've asked several of the neighbors (we are a group of about 10 houses), several used to have HughesNet and most have since switched to some sort of mobile broadband.  One has Verizon, our direct neighbor has Sprint.  There is a local WISP, but we are just outside their coverage area.


We haven't gone over our plan in the year we've had it...in fact for a few months we had only the 6GB plan.  We don't stream anything, mostly because we still only have 3G, and the tower hasn't gotten new backhaul yet, so it averages around 500-700 kbps.


There is a glimmer of hope, though.  The state of PA is requiring every ILEC to deploy DSL to every customer by Dec. 31, 2015.  Verizon, of course, is the only one who hasn't met the commitment yet, and of course is our carrier.  According to the law, it should be ready by October 2014 or so...


Maybe freedom pop or clear if they work in your area?  you can get away with mobile broadband if it's just one user, 4 is rough.



Never got wimax here!  Clear actually seems like a pretty good deal.  Too bad it never got here.  Maybe they'll offer something similar with LTE.

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I'm in the same situation as you, no other choice for internet since neither Time Warner or CenturyLink seem interested in serving our area.  And we've got way more than 10 houses out here.  Less than 5 miles from downtown (small town, granted but still) and there are about 55 houses in the 2 miles between my house and where DSL and cable both stop.


Fortunately, I got on the Sprint unlmited plan for my broadband card about 5 years ago but the speeds have gotten so bad it's unusable most of the time.  LTE is on the tower but I can't pick it up on the phones at the house (at least until LTE800 comes along). 


Since I work from home, I got an AT&T hotspot for the LTE speeds with the 5GB plan which is about $38 with my work discount.  I got the hotspot outright and am not on contract.  But at least the overages are only $10/GB with them.  Verizon has larger plans available if you're in their LTE network and they even have a Home Fusion Broadband service that gives you 30GB for $120/mo. with $10/GB over (or maybe $15).


The good thing about Sprint's plan is that you get 12GB for a decent price but the overages are unacceptable.  At their stated 5 cents per MB that's $50/GB.  That's just insane and it's something I hope they change soon.


The newer satellite plans are also around the same price as the Verizon home fusion, about $120 for 30GB.  And sometimes you can get additional data in off hours if I remember right.  And overages are around $10/GB.  It's been a couple months since I've looked though.


Rural customers just don't have many "good" options for a family that wants internet access.  And with some of the charter and magnet high schools now requiring high speed internet access at home to be considered for enrollment we're at an even further disadvantage.


I'd look into the Verizon Home Fusion if it's really for home only use and you don't need to take it mobile.

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Just a quick question. Is Mifi 4082 line is still under contract? If not, you can cancel that line and switch over to Millenicom. Its cost $69 a month with "unlimited" data with your device. Although, their print said Usage over 50 gigabytes in one month will alert our investigative team. 


Check it out at http://millenicom.com/



Who does Mellenicom use for their wireless network?  I checked on their website (and it looks familiar so I think I did this a long time ago) and they don't offer unlimited where I live.  Only a "hotspot" plan that is 3G only.  Are they using Sprint in some locations?


Also, their BYOD plan isn't showing as available in my area either.  Wonder why it would be in some places but not others?

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Who does Mellenicom use for their wireless network?  I checked on their website (and it looks familiar so I think I did this a long time ago) and they don't offer unlimited where I live.  Only a "hotspot" plan that is 3G only.  Are they using Sprint in some locations?


Also, their BYOD plan isn't showing as available in my area either.  Wonder why it would be in some places but not others?


I believe Millenicom uses VZW for the Hotspot plan and Sprint for the Unlimited and BYOD plans. So perhaps they don't consider your address serviceable for those two plans because you're outside or on the edge of Sprint's network. The use of VZW for the hotspot would also explain why one only gets 20GB instead of 50GB+ for the same price.


To the OP, I'm afraid that it's unlikely Sprint will do much for you, since you're responsible for monitoring your own data usage. If you don't want to pay the ETF or the high overages than try using the library or other public hotspots (if available) for large downloads to limit consumption at home for the next few months. After that time, if VZ hasn't brought you DSL you can check out your wireless options then, as it's likely the plans will be different than they are today.

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Turns out 3 of my computers downloaded over 50 Windows updates ... damn Microsoft!


I think I will be fine, though.  Now that I know what caused it I feel a bit better!

Just for future reference, you can set Windows Update to only download when you tell it to.

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