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DSL line x 2 -- options with two lines of DSL


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That times two. I currently have 6mbit down / 512kbit upload, and I'm hooking up a second line with same speeds.


So 12mbit down and 1mbit upload


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


Meh... A pc from 10 years ago could handle that with ease.


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I don't know that I'm going to do that to begin with (shared bonding)...I think for now, I'll just balance things out using routers....since I have a static IP on my main, current DSL line, I'll use it for the IP cam and my PS3, and the new line will be for phones, receivers, computers, etc....

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I got it hooked up at the box this evening around 5, so I just did a rush job to get the line inside and sync'd. Instead of using the other pair in my cat 5, I just ran a fresh line into my bedroom for now, just so I could do self-install. Had to pick email, DSL network password, etc. For now, the modems are a few hundred feet apart, but I might go back and grab a empty pair in my old DSL line so I can put them side by side and try this pfsense. I don't have the extra network card currently to run them in together, then back out to router.


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I'm starting the work today of separating / balancing, and with the new line being in the back of the house, I'm not going to be able to do what I intended with the Airave and Vonage...I wanted each one on it's own DSL line...then I remembered the GPS antenna that I have to put somewhere...


Maybe i'll move vonage to the back...


It's gone from an "aha" job to a "ahh hell" job.

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I had been waiting for a reason to put this Airrouter HP that I bought a while back into service...I really am not that familiar with Ubiquiti products, but decided this was the opportunity to hook it up and let the Ubiquiti airrouter handle the PPPoE protocol on the new DSL line...so I thought "quick job, no problem"...



I did my best to set the router up according to the proper settings...and got wireless and network tabs set on the ubi router...put the modem in PPPoE bridged mode...and thought that would be it.

Kept getting a popup on my laptop soon as I would hit apply and the router rebooted that I needed to enter additional login information, and it would open FFox and take me to a password reset tool for at&t. I knew I had the right password, and kept thinking it was a issue with the router not handling pppoe properly. Many resets later and finally going through the password reset, would you believe that since I took the Netgear/Westell 7550 off of router mode and bridged it that I was FORCED to change the DSL network password in order to use the internet again?

It would not connect at all using the old password, and forced me to reset it before it would let the Ubiquiti router connect using PPPoE.

I never heard of such...something new AT&T is doing??

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Someone familiar with ubiquity please tell me...what's the difference in router, and SOHO router under the network tab? In router, the LAN had no internet while the wireless LAN did have internet. Changed to SOHO router and both LAN and WLAN had internet and work like normal now.


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You want to use SOHO router mode for their stuff if you want to use it like a standard WIFi router. This is due to Ubnt's legacy as a wireless ISP gear company, where usually their radio was the equivalent of a cable modem rather than a home router.

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I found out that I needed to use that mode with port 1 being where I plug in my bridged modem, but the confusing part, I'm used to having Wi-Fi plus all four router ports as internet access, apparently I don't have that with the other 3 ports, except number 3 or something?


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