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Question about running deployment list...

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Is it reasonable to extrapolate dates based on the running deployment list, or is this a non-linear process?


For example, let's take Raleigh, which should be far more important to Sprint than whatever city you live in, and by enormous coincidence happens to be where I live. Since we first made it to 1% completion, it has crept up about 1% a month (a bit less, maybe, but let's keep the math clean).



...Sites Complete = 3%; Anticipated LTE Launch = Spring 2013

...Original Scheduled Completion = August 2013; Current Production Rate Completion = TBD


Would this mean that the Raleigh market, where the women are beautiful and the men eat too much BBQ, should expect to have 100% completion 97 months from now? At this point, there's no way they'll hit the scheduled completion of August 2013, and certainly not the 40-50% completion that triggers the launch, right? I guess I'm just wondering if the percentage is broken up by steps (i.e. the first 20% is running new backhaul, and this takes longer than the other steps so the other 80% will go by much more quickly) or if each tower counts as the same amount towards a 100% completion (i.e. a tower is, say .05%).


It could also be that the numbers aren't exact and that I'm reading too much into them. It definitely could be that.

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All signs are most sites will be done this year and all by the first part of next year. Its very non linear. Just go look back a few months 100 to 200 updates was a big week. When permits, backhaul, are in place it can go pretty quickly. Read some of the other markets people say nothing happening the all of a sudden the switch to fay its starting to finally get rolling with kits of updates.

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Is it reasonable to extrapolate dates based on the running deployment list, or is this a non-linear process?


For example, let's take Raleigh, which should be far more important to Sprint than whatever city you live in, and enormous coincidence happens to be where I live. Since we first made it to 1% completion, it has crept up about 1% a month (a bit less, maybe, but let's keep the math clean).



...Sites Complete = 3%; Anticipated LTE Launch = Spring 2013

...Original Scheduled Completion = August 2013; Current Production Rate Completion = TBD


Would this mean that the Raleigh market, where the women are beautiful and the men eat too much BBQ, should expect to have 100% completion 97 months from now? At this point, there's no way they'll hit the scheduled completion of August 2013, and certainly not the 40-50% completion that triggers the launch, right? I guess I'm just wondering if the percentage is broken up by steps (i.e. the first 20% is running new backhaul, and this takes longer than the other steps so the other 80% will go by much more quickly) or if each tower counts as the same amount towards a 100% completion (i.e. a tower is, say .05%).


It could also be that the numbers aren't exact and that I'm reading too much into them. It definitely could be that.


If all you know is what has been completed, then you provide a reasonable hypothesis. However, there are dozens of sites that are nearing completion soon. There will be a significant jump in completed sites in the next few months that will skew the current production rate.


That being said, the market is behind schedule. Almost all markets are at least 3 months behind. Their original completion date will not hold. It will be more like the end of the year for completion.


Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD

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What is taking so long administrator. I switched over to Sprint because of the unlimited data for my family and now i have to wait for LTE till when? What is the hold up here in Raleigh which I know is one of your biggest markets.

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What is taking so long administrator. I switched over to Sprint because of the unlimited data for my family and now i have to wait for LTE till when? What is the hold up here in Raleigh which I know is one of your biggest markets.


Our markets? This site is not affiliated with Sprint. We are simply tracking the progress. Please take a moment to read the site rules.


Sent from my GS3 using Tapatalk 2



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You dont have to be so rude- you only have SPRINT plastered over the website. If you know the progress then what is the hold up? Seems like the other questions are being answered by the administrator. I was wrong that you are not affiliated with Sprint but apparently you are knowledgable about the NV rollout.

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You dont have to be so rude- you only have SPRINT plastered over the website. If you know the progress then what is the hold up? Seems like the other questions are being answered by the administrator. I was wrong that you are not affiliated with Sprint but apparently you are knowledgable about the NV rollout.

Download sensorley to your phone. LTE has been creeping into Garner. US 70 from raleigh down to about timber drive and 401 down to old stage. There is also LTE in the 401 ten ten road area. If you read the site rules and browse through some of the htreads then you will get a better idea on whats going on and why it is "taking" so long.
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You dont have to be so rude- you only have SPRINT plastered over the website. If you know the progress then what is the hold up? Seems like the other questions are being answered by the administrator. I was wrong that you are not affiliated with Sprint but apparently you are knowledgable about the NV rollout.


This site and forum and the threads within the forums are a library of knowledge. If you seek something then somewhere around here is your answer. Much information will be available to you as just a member while others are reserved for sponsors and premier sponsors. Inform and educate yourself and participate. This is not a place to rant about sprint and none of us want this place to degenerate into the hell hole that is known as the sprint community boards.



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You dont have to be so rude- you only have SPRINT plastered over the website. If you know the progress then what is the hold up? Seems like the other questions are being answered by the administrator. I was wrong that you are not affiliated with Sprint but apparently you are knowledgable about the NV rollout.


Look under the logo on every page.

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I switched over to Sprint because of the unlimited data for my family and now i have to wait for LTE till when? What is the hold up here in Raleigh which I know is one of your biggest markets.


I sure hope you are trolling on purpose. At any rate, to be upset about waiting for LTE when you signed up with Sprint before the market was launched is a bit much. Next time, do some research. I'm sure it's been tough on your family, though.



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Look under the logo on every page.

Yes :)



I was wrong that you are not affiliated with Sprint but apparently you are knowledgable about the NV rollout.


Which is no justification to demand answers. You're barking up the wrong tree, basically.

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