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dish has won fcc approval


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Dish Network Corp. (Nasdaq: DISH) got what it wanted Tuesday: The OK from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to use some spectrum for terrestrial mobile broadband without also having to support satellite links. But the service provider was non-committal about what it will now do about that.

Dish, claiming it wanted to build out a wireless network, originally sought a waiver to lift the satellite requirement on its Advanced Wireless Services (AWS)-4 spectrum. The FCC declined and went into a formal rulemaking process, causing Dish to vent about maybe selling the spectrum or partnering with a mobile carrier.

The FCC was slated to vote on the matter Wednesday afternoon but announced Tuesday that the item had passed unanimously. The FCC, in another 5-0 vote, also agreed to set the stage for a 2013 auction of the 10MHz H block.





Sprint VP of Government Affairs Larry Krevor called the FCC rules for the AWS-4 spectrum "balanced and equitable," and that the company is 'especially encouraged'" about the coming H block auction.



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