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Wimax to LTE upgrade question


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I know that Clear is planning to deploy their LTE only in markets where Wimax is already deployed. My question: Will every tower that now has Wimax, get their LTE?


Additionally, I have shifts were I work at the VA Medical Hospital in Richmond VA, and we have Wimax full bars throughout the entire building (3G is very very fast as well). I assume they have the building wired for 3g/Wimax, as I even get full Wimax in stairwells in the center of the hospital (brick building). When clear makes the transition, will buildings that are wired get the LTE or will this just die off? I know one can't predict every scenario for each and every building, but in general, what could I expect? I'm holding onto my EVO 4g as long as possible until we get LTE, and if the building doesn't get LTE, all the more reason to hold onto my Evo

Edited by Raph
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I know that Clear is planning to deploy their LTE only in markets where Wimax is already deployed. My question: Will every tower that now has Wimax, get their LTE?


No. Clearwire is identifying the sites where they can help other carriers offload LTE tonnage and make money. These sites will have LTE added first. They may eventually add LTE to all their WiMax sites, but it will not be any time soon.


As for in-building deployments, I have no idea whatsoever what Clearwire's plans are for LTE. However, in-building solutions are completely different hardware and not as easily deployed. I would guess they would be less likely to receive LTE upgrades initially.



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  • 3 weeks later...
When Clearwire upgrades existing wimax sites to LTE TD will the LTE signals be stronger than the wimax signals?


Sort of. LTE will be good to approximately -95dBm RSSI, which is 10dBm greater threshold than WiMax. So the signal is not stronger, but will be usable farther and have noticeably more coverage. Also, when you get a weak Clearwire LTE signal, you will almost always have the Sprint LTE network to fall back on.


Robert via Nexus 7 using Forum Runner

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Sort of. LTE will be good to approximately -95dBm RSSI, which is 10dBm greater threshold than WiMax. So the signal is not stronger, but will be usable farther and have noticeably more coverage. Also, when you get a weak Clearwire LTE signal, you will almost always have the Sprint LTE network to fall back on.


Robert via Nexus 7 using Forum Runner



LTE goes to 11...


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