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EVOLTE and Google Wallet


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I set up my wallet and got my free $10, didn't add any other money (Luckily). Updated Apps that required updates last night. Went to 7-11 this morning and went to use the Wallet for the first time and now I am getting Unsupported device. Did a search and it seems a lot of people have had this problem. Anyone else?

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Yeah, I brought it up in the regular EVO thread. A lot of people, like myself, couldn't even get the app to work (it wouldn't let me add a card to begin with). I talked with Goggle CS and they said it was a known issue (I posted a copy of their response in that thread) and would be resolved soon. The following day (or two) they pushed an update to the app that disabled it on our device.


I assume, once they get the issue resolved, they will update the app again and all will be good.




Edited by echo4papa
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Did you root your device?

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