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Big Red to introduce VoLTE possibly this yaer, but Nationwide for sure in 2013.

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 19 January 2012


You have to give the evil empire its due. They certainly make it worth your while to give them your money and they make good use of it to boot. Please comment on what you think Sprint and AT&T will do to counter this. Sprint will not have all its primary markets turned on to LTE until 2013 and will use 1xA for voice. Sprint has mentioned that it will eventually go to VoLTE but that may be (if I'm correct) starting in 2015. Thoughts/Comments?



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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 19 January 2012



Verizon is smart. They have aggressive plans to get people off their 1x and EVDO networks and repurpose that spectrum for LTE. And voice is the biggest obstacle preventing them from doing that. Verizon will even have 4G capable voice handsets coming out soon. So even voice only and feature phones are soon going to support VoLTE. Probably by 2015, they will cross the threshold where 80% of the devices on their network are VoLTE capable and they can start phasing out EVDO and 1x completely.


Verizon is way ahead of the curve. By 2016, Verizon will likely be an all LTE network. Maybe even the first in the world.

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 19 January 2012


They certainly are moving along quickly, makes you wonder how they will get some of the non-techies to upgrade their phones. My coworker has had the same phone for at least 4 years. It doesn't even have a camera, or probably 3G...

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 19 January 2012


Wow. Never realized how aggressive Verizon really is. I'm still wondering how long before at&t shuts down their GSM & EDGE networks and fully upgrades the existing network with 3G. At least 3/4 of their rural network that isn't partner roaming is still GSM & EDGE only. At least Verizon has a decent upgrade strategy. And now Sprint does too.

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 19 January 2012


@pyroscott...a VoLTE only handset without data would be pretty cheap. Verizon may give them free to customers. Having an all LTE network will save them money and allow them to have the most efficient use of their spectrum.


@Macinjosh...AT&T loves to be spectrally inefficient. And they are not as smart as Verizon. They will keep GSM/EDGE for years past their prime. They will just over pay for more and more spectrum. That's what their game plan appears to be.

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 20 January 2012


Except for high prices, draining your wallet like a hungry leech and having a take no prisoners approach to CS, you can never say that Verizon is sitting on its hands and watching its bank account grow. I give them props in keeping its phone lineup fresh and staying ahead of everyone else on network improvements.

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 20 January 2012


Verizon is a very well run wireless company. I have nothing but respect for them. B)

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