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Posts posted by IsaiahL

  1. Was it a big guy? You think you could've handled him? It's too bad you didn't have a extra phone on you so u could've snapped a pic of him and maybe he would've ran without the phone.


    Yeah , He was 17-18 looking athletic build . I have pretty big hands says everyone so one punch probably would've stun him enough for me to take my phone & go

  2. What would you do if you caught up to the guy and confronted him? Would you of fought him for it or???


    You know its funny the whole time I was running after him I was thinking the samething . But I most likely would've fought him for it , I mean if he had some sorta weapon then he wouldn't have ran he would've stabbed me took my phone & left me there to die .

  3. If you are a typical youngster always listening to music or watching videos and cannot keep your handset in your pocket for more than five minutes, then you are an easy mark.




    Lml so true , I did have my headphones in but I usually carry my phone in my pocket but this time I had , had my metro card in my case & I was taking it out & the dude snatched it .

  4. Damn. Sorry to hear. Taken right from you or when you weren't looking? And you tried the "Find my iPhone" app I'm guessing.


    Sent from my Sprint Galaxy S III using Tapatalk 2


    Yeah I tried that , but I didn't have a code at the moment so he took the phone & restored it right away . The guy got me when I was getting on the bus , I had my phone out cause my metro card was in the case so I had it in my hand then WOOP its gone , I chased him for a couple blocks but he was faster (probably did it before) & I lost him , called the cops & there currently tracking it through GPS . If they find it then ill just give it to my mom & keep the new one that shes about to buy me .


    What r u using now?


    Nothing for the next half hour im getting another one , I LOVE MY MOMMY


    That's why I have iGotYa installed on my iPhone 5 and when I had my Iphone 4. The app takes a picture silently with the front camera when the pass code is entered wrong, or when the phones is being turned off. I also set it so that the phone cannot be turned off.


    When the picture is taken, the phone sends the picture to my email (or sms message to a designated #) with GPS map location of where the photo was taken.


    Thanks to the iPhone 5's HD front camera, pictures come out impeccable. I believe there are several articles online depicting instances where a persons phone had it and was successful in capturing the crook's face.


    It is the jailbroken app that I always recommend first and the one that I always install when I jailbreak any iDevice. I hope this helps for future reference.








    Thanks , unfortunately I wasn't Jailbroken , they should make that an official App in the App Store it would sell exceptionally.


    Use icloud to track you iPhone , Report i to sprint and they will black list the iPhone and file a report so that they can track the iPhone. Take a look at this http://www.macrumors...stolen-iphones/


    Used iCloud , & Sprint was useless in the situation, I didn't have Equiptment Protection so even though i've been with them for 10+ years they wouldn't give me a new one, the only reason im getting another one is because someone else on my plan has an upgrade available . Sprint said I could use that & pay 200$ for a new one , better than nothing right :)


    You can get a phone that allows you to map with Sensorly now ;)


    Sent from my little Note2


    Sikeee lmaoo TeamiPhone even when I don't have one .

  5. Got LTE in Dumbo by the waterfront on Sunday. 2 bars ~3 MB/s down.


    To be honest the 3 MB/s down felt like 70 because I've been so used to my ridiculously slow "3G".


    I know that feeling , I remember when I first got LTE , it was amazing super fast & reliable loved it. My 3G experience has been getting better I must say. Speeds are consistant & usable to some extent , im enjoying it .



    whenever I see these kind of videos, i feel like i made a bad decision sticking with sprint. good job t mobile. they have strong HSPA+ in NYC and it seems like they are working hard on their LTE.


    So then go to T-Mobile , Sprint is working hard on there LTE as well , if you can't wait then go to T-Mobile , I hear they have unlimited service too .



    If they announce NYC market, that means they finished converting the whole market. That is quite fast compared to the speed which Sprint is going. That would matter to people. And now t-mobile would be a lot more attractive in NYC.


    Well , We'll see but Sprint already has a head start it should take a while for T-Mobile to catch up .

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