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Posts posted by IsaiahL

  1. I've getting spotty (but existent) LTE in Nyack, as well as along the LIRR in Jamaica and near Tarrytown on Metro-North


    Hopefully it heads north soon!


    West Nyack near the Palisades mall is the first place I ever got LTE it was amazing , I check sensorly every now & then to see if the coverage over their is getting better & I see a lot more purple . Sprint FTW .


    LTE is live in port jefferson and there are 3g upgrades popping up all over the island


    That makes sense . Sprint is probably gonna start farther out in L.I first because it isn't as dense as where I live which is borderline Queens . 3G upgrades i'll be happy with that most definitely I don't mind 3G as long as its fast & I don't have wait long for a webpage to load ya know .




    You know that 10Mbps is more than enough to satisfy anything you're going to do on your phone right? So long as you have low ping times, 2 or 3Mbps will accomplish even streaming video without much buffering.


    More than likely the area where you live will not see Clearwire sites, at least not initially. They are deploying them in high-density. high-capacity areas to ease the network by allowing some phones to offload from Sprint 1900 onto 2600. And even when you do have the coverage, speeds will likely be faster than the 1900 network, but you're not likely to see speeds constantly as high as what you posted.


    The site that has been accepted with LTE is in Port Jefferson. As far as how long before it's active, I believe someone reported a signal there already, but it has not been mapped on Sensorly yet.


    Yeahh , I think you guys are right about the whole 10mbps thing working out for pretty much anything , cause I remember when I went to Brooklyn I had LTE it was 3mbps up & down , I was able to go on Y'T & watch a video it wasn't 1080p but it did load pretty snappy.



    I don't know about that, it doesn't say anywhere in that image if it's a cellular or WiFi connection. I'm betting that's a WiFi connection, running on a Fiber connection.


    Well , if it is Sprint/Clear LTE thats amazinf & i'd love to get me some of dat never in my life will I complain about anything if I could get those speeds .


    You said that a LTE tower go acceped to Long Island right ? Do you know the location & how long it takes for them to activate the tower after acceptance ? Im definitely gonna have to invest in becoming a Sponsor

  4. If you have a compatible phone, and there aren't a ton of people on the network, then yes you'll likely get faster speeds than on the Sprint 1900 LTE which is going up now. The theoretical max is near 100Mbps I believe, if there is sufficient bakchaul and ideal conditions. Obviously you're not likely to get that, but I believe Robert posted that in some of the tests they were getting 60-80Mbps down over the Clear LTE.


    Also, some news just for you Isaiah, hopefully you heard, but we have an LTE site now accepted in the Long Island market. So your LTE shouldn't be too far away now.


    You just brighten my day you have no idea. You said 60-80mbps right well check this speedtest out it was on IG.




    This definitely has to be Clear because regular Sprint LTE doesn't go over 40mbps I know that much.

  5. Clearwire is going to launch a high speed and high capacity network in hotspots throughout the city. Most definitely there will be one in Yankee Stadium to provide faster speeds. Sprint and its a Network Vision will be fast but Clear will be even faster.


    Wait so will we be on that network or is it like Mobile Wifi Hotspots like Optimum has all over the place ?

  6. I just wanted to Apologize to everyone for my attitude , I know have a "know it all attitude" it just cause I don't like to be wrong , so yeah sorry. but uhh Whats Sprint doing with Clearwire ? My friend just asked me & I honestly didn't know the answer , I felt a little stupid lol .

    • Like 3


    I'll clarify. The Sprint community forums are filled with Sprint haters, whiners and a huge amount of ill-informed people. Even when a Sprint employee does post something from the horses mouth, it is often from a person who doesn't understand the big picture or misunderstands the intent of the info they've received. There are some quality Sprint folks from the community, however, most of them also hang over here.


    Since you have to read through so much garbage to ever find a quality post, it's not worth the effort to read the Sprint community forums.


    Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


    I think ur right because the Sprint Forum is actually where I found out that Sprint LTE was supposed to be fully launched by March ???? that was obviously incorrect lol , I like take ur advice thanks .



    Whatever? No one was arguing with you, just simply making a correction. Also keep in mind that if you respond with a certain tone then don't get upset or offended when someone else responds to you in the same manner.


    Tbh , I don't care just saying moving on now .


    Just to back up my point , I found this on the Sprint Community Forum


    eugenesprintfremont Oct 5, 2012 5:13 PM (in response to GoldenStateWarrior510)

    I was at Intel (Mission College Blvd) at 2pm and saw "Extended LTE" on my iPhone.

    Speedtest was: 6.27Mbps download, 3.38 upload


    You guys keep saying you can't get Extended LTE on Sprint thats clearly not true . But onto the next subject .


    Heres more to back up my point


    eugenesprintfremont Oct 5, 2012 5:29 PM (in response to mak_tech)

    Thanks. My setting was on "off" for data roaming at the time and I still got "Extended LTE".


    So this guy wasn't even roaming on Verizons LTE network & he still got Extended .



    First off. You need to read up a bit more before you start complaining about speeds.Sprints 5x5 has a maximum theoretical output of 37.5mbps DL and ~ 14 mbps UL. The theoretical maximum is the absolute maximum that is physically allowed in our known universe with regards to scientific laws in an absolute perfect setting. Sure, getting 30-35 mbps is nice but that requires a near perfect line of sight to the cell site in addition to zero entity other than you utilizing that specific sector. An entirely non realistic feat that no carrier can ever provide and is the main reason all the major carriers advertise speeds in the ballpark of 5-10 mbps.


    Second. It's not all about the "5-10mbps vs 20-30mbps" that matters most in streaming video. Although streaming video and data intensive usages does have a minimum requirement, once we hit the ~6mbps range, there isn't much one cannot do with that connection. What matters most is the ping time which severely affects the human perception of "slow" or "fast".


    Ping time is the delay one gets after inputting a command via touch to query a response from an online server. As I'm a semi-active / former hardcore PC gamer, ping time is a major aspect that should never be overlooked. The lower the ping (sub 150 ms) is better as everything feels more "responsive" due to the fact that queries sent to the server and coming back is done in a fraction of a second. On the other hand, once you get to the 200ms ping time, you start noticing something widely known as "lag" where everything is less responsive due to the fact that the queries sent to the server and back are much slower than every other persons connection. It means that you may be shooting at an enemy on your screen but in reality already got killed 150 ms before but it has not registered on your end yet due to the connection being slower.


    This is one of the main reasons that gamers and other data intensive users prefer sub 100 ms ping and one of the main reasons sprints network vision requirement for backhaul is sub-100 ms ping for LTE. A 5-10 mbps connection with ~40ms ping will feel far "faster" than a 15-25 mbps connection with ~150-200 ping [cough cough] due to this alone.


    Third. Carriers such as Verizon Wireless and ATT Mobility use 10x10mhz chunks of spectrum for their LTE deployment which has theoretical maximums of something like ~70 mbps DL and ~20 mbps UL. A 10x10 channel will always provide more bandwith available for users thanks to its wider radio waves. It's simple math really. 20mhz > 10 mhz.


    Sprints counter though is carrier aggregation and small cell deployment which should significantly help in highly densely locations like NYC. Carrier Aggregation (CA) is a LTE-Rel 10 (LTE-A) technology that combines two separate blocks of spectrum and utilizes them as one like how DC-HSPA works. I'm sure someone can explain it better but in essence CA will allow Sprint to maintain their network speeds for a while to come as they can easily shut down a 5x5 chunk utilized for EVDO and CA it with the other PCS 5x5 chunk used for LTE and provide double the capacity (?).


    TLDR: sub 100ms ping + 5-10 mbps DL speeds = much faster response than 20-30 mbps DL speeds & > 150ms ping due to the fact that communication between device and targeted server is done faster.


    That was a lot of reading but thanks for the explanation I get it now .

  10. Maximum throughput speeds only serve to inflate egos and "my phone is better than yours, yo" mentality. At the end of the day, consistent speeds are what will impress customers, not maximum speeds.


    Sprints maximum is like 30-35mbps down & 10-15up I want that to be regular consistently . I like to strea video & people say you only 5-10mbps well yeah you need 5-10mbps go stream the video but for it to be clear & not stop & constantly buffer ur gonna need something more than 10mbps , & tbh I expected better from Sprint with the whole upgrade speed wise . I understand the NYC market is VERY crowded but other carriers such as AT&T & Verizon (mainly ATT) manage to pull off high speeds ATT average 20mbps , their peak is something like 55-60 (thats overkill in my opinion) , T-Mobile is similar , Verizon is just overly packed so every once in a while they'll reach that otherwise their LTE is slower than Sprint's -_- .



    If an adjacent and closer site went online then probably OOverall? No. It will go down to around 5-10mbs on average as more and more users start utilizing the service.


    Sad face but as long as it's useable & i always have service I guess i'll be okay , I wonder what the next generation of service is gonna be called. 5G LTE lol ?

  12. Anyways , you guys have been finding new towers how are the speeds ?

    On average for me i've gotten 10-15mbps not consistent either , I was hoping that would improve .

    Question do you guys think that once the market is fully rolled out & completed that the speeds will improve ?



    You're not the only one but the problem isn't major. Just try refreshing the page later like I do.


    Yes, we know legacy sites are slow.


    Godbless my patients & the fact that im not 18 yet so I can't get my own plan -_- , i know as soon as I turn 18 if Sprint's network is still the slowest , DUECE ✌

  14. Uhmm , what happened the forum the other day , I came to check the conversations & stuff & it said Internal Internet Error or something like that.


    Anyways , the rain has definitely been inferfering with my serivce , it has been TERRIBLE , golly I hate Sprint's no upgraded sites their so SLOW!

  15. Got a chance to walk by townsend and 176street in the bronx where they recently upgraded NV LTE site..Noticed that my distance made a dramatic difference in signal strength. This speed test was taken about 1 block from the site..but the minute I turned the corner It dipped from 30mb to about 7-8mb second. Excuse this shitty pic, 4mp really isnt enough to shoot anything thats remotely far..




    HTC One im guess ?

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