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Posts posted by belusnecropolis

  1. 1 hour ago, mattp said:


    I push terabytes of upload via cellular. For 15-20 bucks a line I can cover several locations and a car or two with cat-12 goodness for 120 a month. Each use case is different and pricing plans vary so much but ya can't knock people for getting online the best way they can fren 🤷‍♂️ 

  2. We are just going to see more receiving antennas outdoors and possibly relay or retransmit as WiFi indoors. Millimeter wavelengths can be strong, sometimes it is in the antenna technology like our fren mentioned up top. Massive mimo, even directional and point to multipoint will occur more frequently. Look for a massive boost in wider arrays and more elements. 


    Dude in DC thread found a band 14 matsing ball with like 10 sectors. Imagine how many sectors and elements you could use from the same node with amazing spectral efficiency in MMwave size antennae, even 2.5 would be very impressive. Capacity is the game, supporting many connections, then spreading that knowledge to lower bands as we refarm again. Hopefully.

  3. Yes! I love the treasures we have on this site. Expanding access is one of the many reasons I am intrigued by cellular. As an enthusiast and certified monopoly cable hater, we have cellular backhaul at our home we built ourselves. 

    Will check in later after work w more. You have a project on your hands a few of us dream about fren.

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  4. I have never really built a tower, so this should be fun. Trying to incorporate it into some sturdy outdoor upgrades. I knew once I started punching holes, drilling and running wires we were going to eventually have to learn how to build stuff too.

    While this unit is indoors, we are receiving a bit better throughput, lower pings and more stable speeds than using the roof mounted antenna via 25ft of LMR 400 coax. So far this is great, 2 years ago I was paying the CableCo 90 bucks a month for less then this. They can keep it.


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  5. What a mess! Gonna detach all those WiFi antenna after we get it outside and add access points.

    Put some directionals on the second router so it could connect, will end up using the ones on the roof since they are tied in with coax already. 

    Looks pretty good for a test setup. Will look great on a proper pole with a flag. 
    This project is chugging along nicely.

    Have a great weekend everyone.


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  6. Hey folks, we have been working on Christmas and work projects but just had to update what we got started on. We are working on our freedom tower flagtenna pole test kit to try out back. That antenna has been serving us good for about a year in the lab so we decided to go PoE and put the router right behind the antenna like the big ones are. Why not put it in a big box that we can later stuff two in at that? Well our PoE unit injects the wattage but doesn't like sending the data back down the pipe so a new one will be here after the holidays.





    Gotta try and seat this sweet heat sink properly. Gonna be toasty up there.


    Ordered some nice din rails and cables to tighten the box in snug. It is cozy with some heavy adhesive and elastic for a couple hours while we move around routerboardetry and later cable management.

    Have a great week everyone. 

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  7. 59 minutes ago, though said:

    I called and requested a Gen3 Magic Box Gold and he put in the order.

    When I check the order status online, it shows: Pending: AIRSPAN AU544MAGICBX GEN2

    So did he put in an order for the Gen2? Are they even shipping Gen2's anymore? Do I need to call back?

    Yes, call back. This happened to me and a Gen2 showed up.

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