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Posts posted by belusnecropolis

  1. 3bxi.jpg

    We moved our routing gear down from the attic. Super preliminary and half of these are testing builds for friends but had to get this posted. We are mounting the larger antennae/Cat6 as we go throughout the weeks ahead, the smaller Rpi homebrews are using the old Magic Box antenna. From L - R 1. Cat16 4xCA  mr1100 unlocked and uncased(!) to soon get at that 4x4 antenna goodness>switch. 2. Cat12 3xCA em7565>fast ethernet router/N wifi. 3. 2xCA>Raspberry Pi3b fast ethernet/n wifi. 4. 2xCA>RaspberryPi3bPLUS fast(er ~300MB p/s) ethernet/ACWiFI, I put that high speed heat sink on the radio after I got the 5GHz rolling. Neat!


    This spicy build is gigabit, AC1200 and currently working with a pair of 2x/cat 6 radios until my order for moar cat 12 gets here off the boat. 

    When I get a day off ~next weekend I am looking forward to exploring that new IoT e~garage Sprint put together. I really should get in touch with whoever their dood is over there in IoT. They seem to actually be utilizing some neat tools and people. Anyhoo, I have to go to bed and then work. 

    Have a fantastic weekend everyone.

  2. 5 hours ago, RedSpark said:

    I am kind of excited to check this out when I can sit down and explore. This seems along the lines of one of those innovation projects Sprint often undertakes but does not advert or open source. Maybe change is in the air.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, danlodish345 said:

    But it's still in its infancy.

    Much to the chagrin and under reporting in the industry, many of us have been at this for years. We simply don't have another reliable option for access. Just got done building this actually, this should get me halfway to that gigabit access everyone keeps bragging about, Just over if I plug another radio into the USB.

    4 hours ago, Paynefanbro said:

    Despite having a ton of spectrum they only allow fixed wireless in select rural areas and they do so with low data caps and high prices.

    It is terrible! Every time they come out with a new affordable consumer UDP, they shoot it down in a few months and put a cap on it. I am contracted into two priority lines with all band access, not letting those go.


  4. 1 minute ago, swintec said:


    I died when I saw it and did the math. I thought, well where is the first carrier now!?!? Since we were strictly OGblock until this change, and this was expanded I had to plug in some LTE radios and scan the rest of the band 2 channels. They are still CDMA.

    That is 50% more bandwidth on the local GMO so no complaining here. Just made me do some searching to confirm, which was fun in and of itself.

  5. I have several LTE only embedded radios. These do not have any prl's or "profiles" to update. I ran several tests with them last night. With these I am able to select certain bands and specific blocks in that band.

    I tried roaming back and forth with several different service levels and plans. Sprint I tried an Unlimited Freedom business, and one of the byod free plans; with T-Mobile I used a business line and a Tmo one line. I switched APN's (r.ispsn/fast.t-mobile.com) even in the GUI, the radio would not even connect after the changes but I had to make sure. I selected Tmo only bands(2/4/5 here) and Sprint bands(26/25 here). Nothing, nada, no roaming yet. 

    • Like 1
  6. Crotchety oldster here checking in: This video is to me, a cringe casemaker to the DOJ, shareholders and whoever else they are trying to convince this is awesome. Per video; I now have a few rural options in wireless since competitive builds started the last few years. Now we see deployments being limited to particular bands and speeds(ATT rural plans band30/10mb p/s cap/100Gb) all sorts of playing with your packets(Try a speedtest with different vectors on Tmobile) and the friendly sounding deprioritization. Neither of these companies is interested in being your rural broadband provider, they have said as much many times up until now. If adding 74MHz was the tipping point, either could have had that at any of the last 3 auctions, let alone 3.5-4.2GHz, ya know the goldilocks zone. This seems to make the barrier of entry higher for new market entrants as the players consolidate and grow monolithic in size.

    I really hope this interpretation is wrong, but this Big 8 are using the same Networks as the now formerly Big 4. I understand no one has 1.5T to blow on radios and towers like it was an electronics strip club party with hookers and blackjack, but unless you want to make your own networks you are priced out; to enter the business you basically rely on those 4(3) networks until your model is working. At what point do we just go to one company for our needs and quit the charade buried in buzzwords like innovator and disrupter, when all we want is a dumb pipe?

  7. I started working on the Raspberry Pi 3b Plus tonight with an Sierra Wireless em7565. This one has all those cool features that I was describing up top.

    On 4/9/2018 at 9:22 AM, belusnecropolis said:

    They feed into a router that will soon; tx AC Wifi on 2.4/5GHz and gsm on 900MHz. USB to ethernet bus for ~330mb p/s throughput over Ethernet. 5v means you can pretty much use this box anywhere. Has 2 more USB port for maybe forced air, another radio or peripherals. Bonus PoE too. Working out the kinks on software this week for the output side.

    Not bad for ~39 bucks. I was waiting for a few open source firmwares to get through the compilebot6k's toobs; this one is built now. Some use modem manager or openWRT for the router side. This LTE radio is band(s) 2/26/41 capable on the Sprint side. Band 25 did not make the cut, but was on previous Sierra builds. This is a tester radio so there is a slight chance it will appear down the road. It has just about every other LTE band.  

    This is an example of the debug screen. GMO is nearest so we only get 26 from a far site. No 41 in our zip yet. 

    The best part is I can plug an MC7455(that would be Modem#2) or another EM7565 in and it can hop over to that or I can direct load balancing. I just wanted to show the EM7565 authenticated below.


    Another shot of my terrible reception.


    Here it is out of the armor.


    So, we have a stable software image. I will get it built and add some GPS features, then test on band 41 in Myrtle where present. We have one site w 8t8r gear to test 3xCA on, so it might be a minute. I am in 2xCA MM areas through the week. I will see how it likes the Magic box too. 

    I should have a true GB ethernet router to massacre in the next couple of weeks with software images already set to go. I can embed the radio beyond a USB adapter. It still requires m.2>mPCIe but that is one less failure point and better throughput. This was a great breakthrough in affordable and small solutions for us.  I have to go to bed and then work now.

    Have a great week everyone.

    • Like 1
  8. On 4/20/2018 at 12:53 AM, belusnecropolis said:
    3 hours ago, bucdenny said:

    Any Sprint B41 3CA setup?  Would love to get my hands on something that an do at very least 2CA.  I am using Cradlepoint for my Sprint hotspot.

    I'll be back in town next week for 3x+3x and some Gb ports.

    Yes, I am starting on a board next week sir. How is cradlepoint treating you?

    • Like 1
  9. Out of town but quick check in, I set Moms up with this guy. 2xCA mPCIe radio>fast Ethernet. This is backhauled by our triband antenna site.

    Wired Internet option is dsl or 2mbps fiber(wat!?!?!?!?!) So, here we are.


    Had to test at home in a low signal area.




    Just for adversity sake we threw long coax on, tested wifi coverage higher with a remote signal from large antenna. Then we dialed it right in via our multiplomitron of adapters. 


    Sorry for the late post; I rocked this out last Monday and it is a pretty simple build inside. 2.4 WeeFee radio, fast ethernet and the LTE radio is on top under tape.34fs.jpg


    If it slows down we can add a carrier via USB. The first radio is on board so I like that and mom gets her cat Vidya, pictures, scheduling for remote work and news. Success. I'll be back in town next week for 3x+3x and some Gb ports.

    Have a great weekend everyone, keep building!

    • Like 1
  10. https://selectspectrum.com/sla.html

    I've been randomly following this guy's site. Former clearwire worker who helps auction unsold edu lessors capacity in 2.5. They have held a few the last year or so. I wonder if we will see some reform here.

    I believe redspark posted about the plan to expand license areas from a circle to meet the next lessor or to the next county line. Long time listeners will note It has been in the works for a couple of years at least. Maybe this is supporting that plan. Great find Mr Trip.

    • Like 1
  11. Hangouts integration kept me w Sprint as NV was happening. My tendency to be indoors would push voice calls to data so I could receive them. I haven't dug deep into what level of integration I have still, but it is a bummer that stopped working a few months ago. Voice is still difficult in our market. I get MMS over Hangouts and the stock app depending on what the sender is using. My SMS still usually go to Hangouts.

    Since the majority of 1x calls that ring through when I have service is spam generated numbers with similar prefixes I haven't really invested time in using voice much. Nexus user so WeeFee calling is out. The answer here has been and continues to be densification. 

  12. Starting a spot to post mods or builds, connected stuffs, antennetry, relay magic and other fun fixes.

    I'll begin; 

    Our latest weekend adventure is a box with failover/load balance between 2 LTE radios, one cat 7 at 2x1, the other cat 12 at 2x2 mimo. This 3+2x carrier aggregation combo could peak at 900mb p/s down by 225 up at the radios. All domestic ?? bands including LAA@5GHz and CBRS, except band 71. Input side is all set.

    They feed into a router that will soon; tx AC Wifi on 2.4/5GHz and gsm on 900MHz. USB to ethernet bus for ~330mb p/s throughput over Ethernet. 5v means you can pretty much use this box anywhere. Has 2 more USB port for maybe forced air, another radio or peripherals. Bonus PoE too. Working out the kinks on software this week for the output side.


    Please share your builds, LTE solutions and especially your ideas. I have like 5 more variants going so I will share as I get through projects.

    Have a great week everyone.

    • Like 4
  13. M2M build time; new Raspberry Pi3b+ came in today! AC wifi, Bluetooth 4.2 and low power. Ethernet still runs over the USB interface so tops at 330 but better than the 100 fast on previous builds. I have to plug it in to my M.2 LTE radio to see if I can get top speeds. We have one Triband antenna site (total D: ) in our CMA that has progressively improved from just a few days ago to my first 100+ test evAr! on the n6P, and in our market.

    What are other users machine to machine or um, IoT projects and what are your results on the Sprint network? I have a few locations running these for connectivity, security and A/V operations over cellular and/or load balanced DOCSIS 2.0 with some edge routers, one location has fiber as main, a couple are all LTE/WIFI. Band 41 is new and brave here market wide, but great where it is so we use a mix of carriers.

    What are your experiences with plans? I simply purchase as many lines as I need and do the work to make them work with whatever network works best where I have to setup and do my work. I have seen some low power/low data plans for battery devices and such, seems like a way to prime subscribers, but they can just keep selling me UDP's and we are all happy.

    Any one use the Magic Box to help power projects? I have seen Boxes relay to hotspots, we made one directional beam from yagis, ductwork and punished a 2.5 wave through a forest for LTE push to talk between 4 users. Super users could attach apps to an LTE radio or use a phone to open doors or kick on a camera! Imagine if Gramma rolls in and Her Chair meets her at the door when her mac id hits your load balancing with the magic box? You just won the family picnic son. I tore mine down (like a dick, don't do this) put it in the car, in our attic, on a pole, and next week in the air. 

    What do your projects work towards? Long time listeners will note LTE connectivity is our main bag here in the not so sticks, we like some netsec, and putting in the time will yield a device that is convenient yet doesn't serve you ads based on surrounding conversation, search content and >9000 metadata fed into some Dale Gribble based conglomonstrosity. 



    Bonus:  Your previous content has been restored. I love this feature when I x when I should have not. 2012 Belusnecropolis appreciates this and donates 2018 accordingly.

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