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Posts posted by belusnecropolis

  1. Everytime I put a Sprint sim into my router it roams on all available T-Mobile bands. If we still need confirmation of band 71 roaming I can try tonight but I might need to move my antenna. I have seen 2/66/5 no problem on a Sprint x.ispn sim in native coverage areas.

  2. 1 hour ago, dro1984 said:

    I can  better that... it's time to decide in the garage sale if any left over "crap" should be put in plastic bags and hauled off to donate to Salvation Army.           I do totally agree with you.    Nothing big will happen at this point forward.   Still no nationwide deployment of VoLTE... it's piece-mealed and incomplete...  4G... still part of Volte and small upgrades ongoing/ small expansions... nothing huge... and 5G... turn on the system is a few key areas... and then everyone gets to wait...    and wait.... very little money to go around and the bills are mounting...  Just need to pray this merger closes... if you want to stay.    My phone lease is up next March...   If this isn't the "New T Mobile" by then, then I'm going to a different carrier... will not stay with Sprint. 

    There is still execution of all those things going forward of course. It sure will be neat to see how it will roll down hill and be organized to operate. Sprint is pretty well sold, merged and planned out.

    As we all know they have been at this merger for a while. Divesting prepaid, spectrum was definitely considered. Sprint just roams on T-Mobile or doesn't work here well so I do not use them. I am just excited to get all these bands coming from one operator and thus aggregate capable, out of the garage and on the new airlink.

    I really hope this is able to create work as we get into 5G build 1. Service will need to be maintained and lots of us like what we get now. Hopefully some nice call centers get worked out, Dish maintains important locations and Sprint systems are flushed. Ideally it will help move along raising wages and safety for the folks who build the networks. It would be great to see a squeeze on making sure access maps are factual, and that would take fiber and antenna installers.

    All of this will take a lot of money, who knows if it works out that good or if we just get messy service, high prices, angry workers and higher margins. So much to speculate for sure.

    Fun times ahead!

  3. The last year and next of capex was enough to get the network usable enough to give them value going forward as an asset for sale, and enough runway to carry them through to the merge. They will ride these and current planned and paid for upgrades into integration. Beyond that is putting up gear to move it or take it down.

    If you expect a big expansion or are rooting for Sprint to change some behavior that may give them some chance or x benefit then you aren't paying attention. All the big pieces or assets have a planned division and distribution among players. We are now at the part of the garage sale where we decide if the left over used books are worth $.50 or just take them off our hands because the kids are tired and we have to cook dinner yet.

    • Like 1
  4. T-Mobile on 4x4 is great. Unfortunately my card only does 4x4 on the first component carrier. When they update for multi channel 4x4 is when it gets exciting.

    2 hours ago, ingenium said:

    Thought so. I'm excited for 4x4 modems to come out. When the providers actually implement Rank 4, it basically doubles throughput. Sprint has 4x4 on sites, but at least in Samsung markets, only does Rank 1 or 2, so there's no speed bump (just a more robust signal). I don't know off hand if AT&T or Verizon do Rank 3/4 yet, but I know T-Mobile does.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk


  5. 7 minutes ago, danlodish345 said:

    No they didn’t because the accident that happened wasn’t covered under warranty so they offered me nothing the only thing they did is they called me and asked if I was OK. But that’s it. So I said forget Samsung and went right to an iPhone 6s

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I haven't met a warranty @danlodish345 couldn't question the T's and C's of with Physics like that broseph.

  6. 6 minutes ago, danlodish345 said:

    No they didn’t because the accident that happened wasn’t covered under warranty so they offered me nothing the only thing they did is they called me and asked if I was OK. But that’s it. So I said forget Samsung and went right to an iPhone 6s

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Fair enough

  7. 59 minutes ago, belusnecropolis said:


    RE-RE-REBUILD Ver. 419(b) TAKE 69: ACTION 


    Lolol this project is never going to end and that is the best thing ever.

    Dual sim router with manual failover switch. I will use this simply for routing, adding a WiFi card or two is an option but I will clog up the mPCIe on SIM 1 with the Telit and SIM 2 with an M.2 em7565 and automate the switch somehow. Unless of course I can figure mWan3 to work for once in openWRT and I can balance on one side, then throw another M.2 in the second port. You can never have enough options I say. 

    Gonna put a purpose driven router behind this guy for WiFi and cable drops in the house.

    Dis is not PoE. I'm beating myself up over running an outlet to my antenna mounted prospective box(preferred), an PoE>DC adapter(OK I can see this) or some form of 18 amp extension cord that won't start a fire and ruin my life while I am at work(Let's not get careless here!). It is an attractive box with an above average aesthetic but small jumpers are what wins the day. It goes in the box, but how?

    My initial design had PoE>wg3526 router w attached USB fan for cooling or optional long ass USB run to the Radio>Short jumpers>Antennae. This router has no USB port. I'm (guessing I am) running AC>DC for sure to cool. It was 108 today in Myrtle w the heat index and this thing needs longevity. It does fine in the radio room confined but direct sunlight is different. 

  8. r2jUDZeKreFd1SSHhxo4vMA-o3jW56Yg4aZ_4ggq

    RE-RE-REBUILD Ver. 419(b) TAKE 69: ACTION 


    Lolol this project is never going to end and that is the best thing ever.

    Dual sim router with manual failover switch. I will use this simply for routing, adding a WiFi card or two is an option but I will clog up the mPCIe on SIM 1 with the Telit and SIM 2 with an M.2 em7565 and automate the switch somehow. Unless of course I can figure mWan3 to work for once in openWRT and I can balance on one side, then throw another M.2 in the second port. You can never have enough options I say. 

    Gonna put a purpose driven router behind this guy for WiFi and cable drops in the house.

    • Like 1
  9. 8eky.jpg

    More L850/600. This stuff should have us covered well enough for Five Gee by the time that gets rolled over. Each new 600 site in the county so far has LTE on a different channel and different bandwidth thiccness. Would like to see more good, new sites but this is obviously welcome. Are all of these new radio's they attach 5g ready or just L600?, and what are the odds of seeing n850?

  10. 2 hours ago, jthawks said:

    I've thought about doing that.  But going on my girlfriend's tmobile account I pay 40 bucks a month,  I would be number 4 line.  So I can't beat that

    Get T-Force to put the One Plus add on to your Ladies account and save 15$ a month on HD pass. 25$ a line with auto pay up to 8 voice lines is the deal fren.

  11. 25 minutes ago, tyroned3222 said:

    More sources are coming forth. It seems that the deal could still fall apart, as the concession may be borderline extreme(imo). It depends at what cost they are willing to make this merger happen


    The concession package looks to consist of:

    Post paid subscribers

    Boost prepaid

    Spectrum: more than likely band 41

    Price guarantees

    favorable mvno agreements

    Coverage expansion into rural

    And mandate dates

    To me that’s extreme !!! What do you guys think







    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk




    I find it personally enjoyable to watch them pile on concessions for once.

  12. 17 minutes ago, mattp said:

    it is i only have like 500 mb give or take some month i get 1gig   so i never see 5g speed  in action  since the cost i am seen are like 80$  when i pay only 5 $ 

    When the value factor is an order of magnitude than you make a fantastic point. 80 bucks is over a year of 5 buck bills. You will still get 5g eventually, and as that or before it happens you should be able to count on better coverage. Consistent speed is only as consistent as the network can reach from cell to cell with wide channels. Coverage is terrible without capacity, believe me. 

    Flip that coin and 5 dollars seems to be an entry level price point for service. I would love to see more available bucket in terms of coverage, speed and consumption for 5 dollars, and unlimited to cost less. Depends on how efficient 5g is and what price level the market can bear I suppose fren.

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