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Status Updates posted by sbolen

  1. Parenting win: my 6 year-old daughter started asking if we could listen to @Sleater_Kinney in the car.

  2. It's easy to lose track of the time when you're listening to Einstein on the Beach. Somehow, it's almost 3:30? Wha?

  3. RT @TheKrisWilson: If your weekend plans were to wave confederate flags, hate gays, and play Batman, I have bad news for you...

  4. I have an AT&T account, a Samsung account, and a Google account fighting for my attention now. Cool.

  5. An accessory mount for to expose the Microphone is $40. http://t.co/xsRt22YbFJ

  6. Glad to have this back in my life. http://t.co/GFFnX0I9QK

  7. What about my LinkedIn profile makes a recruiter think I want a 6 month temp-to-hire contract doing entry-level web development? #keywords


  9. Does the woman featured on #TheNew10 mean it's only worth $7?

  10. I really wish there was a way to sync color picker swatches via iCloud.

  11. RT @RealCarrotFacts: Lebrob James need to eat carrot for energy to win

  12. Fuck traffic today. Jesus. ????

  13. RT @mountain_goats: Jeb Bush's first name is John. "Jeb" is an acronym of his first, middle, & last initials. His name isn't "Jeb." Also, S…

  14. Of course Jeb used Baskerville.

  15. Is an Imagination Dragon something you chase, or something you train? Help me, I'm old.

  16. Personal brand tweet

  17. RT @jonathanmayer: 2013—Google yanks ad blockers from Android.2015—Apple adds them to iOS.https://t.co/IIqmQ7eKTB(Image—OS X SDK.) ht…

  18. Stuck at the gate, on the plane. Glad that @AmericanAir cares about worker safety at MIA! I wanna get home safe and sound!

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