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Everything posted by EvoMania

  1. Been AWOL for a while but once again drawn to the site for the invaluabe info. Dontated again but this time I will be doing so on a monthly basis. Hope it helps!
  2. Hey....I wear skinny jeans.
  3. It doesn't seem like that big of a jump and if it doesnt support at least 800 LTE than its an auto no buy.
  4. This is why I haven't updated my device yet. Once they release another update I will upgrade.
  5. Thanks but I was already somewhat aware that 1x works well at low signals. I should have said been more precise with my question. I want to know how he is able to get great data speeds with such a low signal. In my experience, having a signal of -100+ is almost always handcuffed to dismal or decent speeds not 1mbps+
  6. What offsets that low signal? Is it low noise and the quality of the signal even though its a low signal? Can you explain in depth?
  7. Your really really really overthinking it. I don't think it would be anywhere near that complicated. The common person would have no idea about half of the things you just said and I don't find downtime on routers to be a major problem. I've had to reset my router maybe a few times since having it. However, I personally prefer my own service due to the high speeds I buy and the amount of banthwidth I could use in a month. I just love having 25mbps+ speeds. On another note, its ok for someone to come to your house and use your internet right? What if they come everyday and use it. Wouldn't that be the same as providing them with internet even though they don't pay for it. My question isn't personally directed at you lynyrd65 in case you got the wrong idea.
  8. All of the above..............more than likely haha
  9. I almost feel sorry for Verizon customers. It almost seems as if their speeds will slow to a crawl but Verizon can at least increase capacity by coverting more towers. Even if it doesn't have a long term solution.
  10. haha Inside the crib. I guess you mean either the loop or your house. Seriously though I wish NV was nearly complete in my market.
  11. Whats the background song? Makes the video seems a bit ominous to me but I can hardly believe that is happening with a strong LTE signal. Verizon needs more carriers and it needs them now.
  12. How could you possible know it not as much as I think. What indication did I give you that could possibly give you an idea of how much unauthorized tethering I believe is going on. I also didn't attack you by the way. If you say something that isn't true, I have the right to say otherwise. I tried "educating" you. I told exactly why your misconceptions were wrong and gave an explanation of how and why it affects the network.
  13. No, I know exactly what am talking about. I don't need to cite a source to prove the moon isn't made of cheese. Its common sense in the RF world. Once again you call on me to show you proof when you continue to make up your own "proof". ATT, Verizon, and Sprint all have publicly complained about the abuse of their network by abusive users such as those who tether without authorization. This is common knowledge among the educated masses in wireless tech dealing with cell networks. You are simply ignorant of cell network infrastructure and the effects abusive tethering.
  14. Robert its over. When this guy just start denying facts there is no way we can win. To him tethering simply doesn't do anything to degrade network experience. Why it doesn't when all the facts(and common sense) say otherwise? Who knows? but apparently I have no idea what am talking about. I will say am not the one questioning the research a multi-billion dollar company with " internet posts".
  15. lol am sorry to laugh at you but your arguments are becoming comical. You admit your argument has no validity by saying its nothing more than your opinion. THEN, you go own to add even more unproven or fact based data based on your OPINION. You try to use reverse logic as if it makes sense. I could say their are other infinitely small universes inside my bowl of cereal this morning they are just to small to see. No one has proved me wrong otherwise so I must be right. However, thru all of that I think one of the funniest thing about your post is the fact that you say tethering is done less and less. Maybe you should go back to page 3 and 2 when YOU yourself say that as the capabilities of phones increase people will want to tether MORE. But here is another thing to think about. Sprint is obviously not in a position to charge as much as the big 2 which is why the have unlimited now as a market strategy. Do you think if they could really afford to allow phones to tether an unlimited amount without network performance issues, wouldn't they do so? This would be a major marketing point just behind unlimited data. Am sorry to tell you this but tethering is a problem for Sprint otherwise like Robert said they wouldn't be addressing it and trying to stop it.
  16. How can you say you don't believe it yet don't have any proof? Whereas att has done research and has the data to back it up. You do understand that the people using unauthorized are more likely to be using it as a home ISP. What part of someone using over 30 GB(a very conservative estimate) not effect network performance and degrade data service do you not understand?
  17. I don't think they would give exactly roll out the red carpet for people to change it but its not like its a criminal offense. Am sure there may even be something in the tos against it.
  18. I support charging them per the MB when it is found. They could be the reason for the death of our unlimited plans. Sprints should also just plain end their service against the infringes.
  19. Of course am still right on that front. They are indeed pests.
  20. I have to apologize( for saying you agree). I can get pretty combative at times. I reread your post with a clear mind and noticed that you didn't support it but just gave an explanation on why some people do.
  21. I can tell you now that not much, if any work, will be done in your market by the end of January if they haven't already started. Don't worry though because as you know the improvements are coming.
  22. Robert didnt mock you in anyway. Plus, how can you tell someone to do some research when you yourself admit your lack thereof and own ignorance. You shouldn't become angry when someone points out a blatantly bad idea.
  23. Then you should actually consider doing so, if sprint cannot currently meet your needs. Since you have the EVO LTE, I assume you signed up for a contract. You should suspend your account and use another carrier until sprints start updating towers in your market. Remember a launch date means nothing as far as coverage it is simply a public announcement.
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