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Everything posted by PDXmike

  1. I've been using Photobucket. Seems to work pretty well.
  2. Sure thing. And from the looks of it, imgur gives you the BBCode to copy and paste right in, which is pretty convenient.
  3. Nice write up. One thing I would add to that last step is how to post the link from a phone or other mobile device, which may not show the toolbar with the image upload icon. For this, all you need to do is type: without any spaces. This is the method I use, as I post almost exclusively from my Note II.
  4. Wow, that is pretty funny. Unfortunately, now I'm going to have that tune stuck in my head for a while...
  5. bone headed (i.e., the guy in your signature)
  6. Finally downloaded Flash for my phone. Now I can see the neat Nextel iDen Shutdown countdown clock on the home page. In case anyone else needs it: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/installers/archive/android/
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