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Everything posted by PDXmike

  1. HD seems to work fine with Comcast. Had my bro send me a couple screen shots. Looks like there's an option under TV Settings to prefer HD channels over SD (which you may have already seen). Hope this helps!
  2. leisure Sunday (all I'm doing today is watching the NBA Playoffs )
  3. I've only used Best Buy and Sprint stores - whichever is most convenient/cost effective at the time of upgrade.
  4. Bored and can't sleep, so new background... Home Screen Page Most Used Page
  5. Ask, and you shall receive! Actually, this is quite timely, as a couple of my credit cards have slight negative balances due to overpayment from when I paid them off. Glad to put one of those to good use! EDIT: Aww, heck...this place is worth using 'em both! I probably spend more time reading on this site than any others these days, anyway. What you and the S4GRU staff do for all of us here is truly appreciated!
  6. You know, I had completely forgotten about that. Thanks for the reminder!
  7. I was set on stopping by a Sprint store to check out the One this weekend, but it turns out that I won't have to. My brother bought one instead! I concur with everyone else who has put their hands on this phone. It is gorgeous! What makes it even better is that my brother and his fiancé switched from Verizon to Sprint. I wonder how many other subs will switch over from Big Red since they aren't carrying the One. Also, I'd like to think my past few months of babbling on about Sprint's NV upgrades and my lobbying for them to switch to Sprint had something to do with it as well. Now, to borrow the One when he isn't looking...
  8. Cool Ranch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koAGOyJ28dM
  9. Noticed these 1X BSL addresses while over by the Nike World HQ this evening. Thought they were kind of fun.
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