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Steve Dean

Honored Premier Sponsor
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Everything posted by Steve Dean

  1. I would rather pay full price for the phone at the time of purchase. For me, paying cash upfront works. You know when you walk away, it is yours, no questions asked.
  2. Where on Broadway? There are several towers towards the river that have not been upgraded at this point. This is most likely due to restricted access by the owner of the property not allowing the work to be completed. With 65, it depends on which direction you were traveling, time of day, etc.... Also, there is heavy use with all of the new developments around downtown. I see some slow speeds during the middle of the day and I have a tower 300 yards away. I wish I could say more. If you want to know more, please look into becoming a premier sponsor. You will have much more information at your disposal.
  3. What type of device are you using? If you are using the phone in your profile, a SIII will not connect to b26.
  4. Same here. Picked up my i5 in October of '12.
  5. Discovered this a few minutes ago: http://news.yahoo.com/apple-hold-massive-sale-iphone-5s-iphone-5c-134423705.html
  6. This is hilarious. The lady saying that they would do fundraisers for the church if money was needed? It has always been needed. This would be a constant influx of cash. It would make more money than a bake sale!!!
  7. I saw one of these commercials last night. I am just waiting for the hamster (Andrew Dice Clay) to open up and drop a few f-bombs on big red and blue though...
  8. Nice find Josh. This would be a nice economic switch for wimax users. Though it may be intended for Boost or Virgin in a prepay format, it would be a nice addition with the Framily plan in the Sprint Corporate lineup. This could be a big win for Sprint. Did you happen to see a possible release date?
  9. So far for me, battery life is about the same but my i5 is 1 1/2 years old. I tend to charge my phone even when it is not needed. Blame it on the OCD.
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