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Everything posted by bigsnake49

  1. I don't know that anybody will be offering $37 or $38/share. The $29 price already has an acquisition premium built in. I would say, that left to its own devices, the stock will probably settle at about $24-$25. I can understand why Iliad might not want to offer more than $33 and instead concentrate on offering to buy more shares.
  2. Not at $33/share. I see them selling at $37
  3. They are preparing for the refarming of their PCS and CLR holdings, so they are future proofing their network.
  4. Verizon has been very proactive installing microcells in the big package/home improvement stores. At least they were in the 1x/EVDO era. I have not kept up with their efforts in the LTE era.
  5. You're saying that Sprint did not have to detune band 26 to avoid interference from adjacent sites?
  6. Yes but it also gives them another 5MHz of LTE.
  7. Sprint had to detune Band 26 signal to avoid interference, since it is deployed pretty much on every site and Sprint's network is spaced for PCS.
  8. Milan, they were so many issues with Sprint's deployment, it will take many books to list them. Chief among them is that the network guys had grown when Sprint was one small step away from bankruptcy, so you had to watch every penny. The name of the game was survival. There is a certain mindset that takes over. Plus they had not managed any sizable project because, let's face it, Sprint had done done any major network project. They just did not have the experience. Plus in the first two years, they just did not have any money to play with. They did not have the whatever it takes mandate.
  9. They were low on the totem pole, plus they were not as cheap as Sprint. So they were probably 3rd in order, behind the big two. Sprint was penny wise, pound foolish.
  10. Yep, I think a lot of the problems that Sprint had were of the project management variety. It was not just that they chose the cheapest but it was ordered just-in-time because they wanted to save money on their backhaul monthly expenses. The other thing that complicated Sprints project is that it was a complete rebuild instead of just overlay like Verizon and AT&T.
  11. If you are Ericsson would you not prioritize satisfying your largest customers first? It makes perfect sense to me.
  12. They actually are in the process of upgrading to 100G and then 400G.
  13. I am interested in the technical details of this. Do they have to put up new antennas and RRH's with different downtilt and power budget? Or are they using the regular 8T8R setup?
  14. The pilot has been up and running. This is the official launch, but of course only in one market. Sprint needs to take advantage of their spectrum depth where it makes sense.
  15. Oh I am not hinkng the next 2 years, I am thinking 3-5 years down the road.
  16. I don't think they want to do carrier aggregation on PCS. Once they free enough EVDO and 1x channels on 1900MHz, they might add more channels. There are places that Sprint has a 15x15 MHz C block allocation so in those places it will eventually do a 15x15 channel and a 5x5 channel (G block). But that assumes that they have totally refarmed their PCS spectrum which might not be for a little while. It all depends on how fast they can get people using LTE and then VOLTE.
  17. If they use 6:3 ratio then it should behave like a 12MHz download channel.
  18. I know that Sprint has no plans to get rid of EBS/BRS holdings, but I know that the educational institutions are grumbling that they are not getting paid enough. I know of no institutions that are using the spectrum for its original purpose which was for remote learning. Is EBS counted or will it be counted in the spectrum screen since it's leased and not owned?
  19. Yes, the slot that can be used is the one that provides the separation between the download and upload.
  20. Robert are they using 3:2 or 2:1 download to upload ratio?
  21. Sprint still needs to put LTE on additional sites, since we know that LTE's coverage is less than CDMA's. While LTE 800 might help temporarily by masking that deficiency, they just need to add more sites for their 1900MHz LTE not to mention band 41 LTE. They have been avoiding them so far, but it just needs to be done.
  22. Whoever invests in Iusacell or NII or the castoffs of the America Movil will still have a hard time competing against America Movil which will still have 50% of the market. They want whoever picks up the 20% that America Movil divests to be a new entrant. So basically 4 companies will have to fight for the 50% of the market: Telefonica, NewCo, Iusacell and NII. Now if they could somehow get it down to three companies total, maybe they can compete. I have no idea if the Mexican regulators will allow them to share networks or not. Mexico is a very large country. You have to have substantial <1GHz spectrum to compete.
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