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Everything posted by bigsnake49

  1. While I am not an expert on Cricket's site placement, they probably co located with everybody else rather than have their own towers. Same with MetroPCS. Sprint had the chance to acquire merge with either or both. They elected not to.
  2. 300 million POP, yeah right! That's as exaggerated as their map!
  3. If and when the profit from handsets slows down they will become an MVNO for all carriers+wifi. Choose the cheapest network at the time. They filed and were granted a patent, sometime ago.
  4. Latency in the single milliseconds from the tower to the hand set in the lab with the distance between tower and handset less than 50 feet, unloaded channel, no interference. Yep, doable.
  5. There are at least 3 candidate air interfaces for 5G. Which one is Verizon going to implement. Is Verizon still on Release 8 of LTE? What they will probably do is upgrade to release 11 with CA and 4x2 MIMO and call it 5G. Maybe even upgrade to all new RRHs.
  6. The only time we use it now is when I am out of town and I remotely troubleshoot her computer!
  7. The wife and I tried FaceTime a few times and we tried to do video Skype. After the newness wore off, we just did not use it anymore.
  8. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Spint's roaming partner in Idaho, Syringa Wireless will close its doors on Dec 31. http://www.rcrwireless.com/20150903/carriers/another-rural-carrier-bites-the-dust-as-syringa-wireless-set-to-close-at-year-end-tag2
  9. 5G will include air interface changes, so there is a lot of expensive transition to it. I don't know if the carriers will jump to it.
  10. If Dish merged with T-Mobile, you can kiss Sprint goodbye! While I don't like them, Dish brings spectrum and a steady if unspectacular cash flow to the table. Cash flow that can be used to pay off debt, invest in the network, etc. Unless SoftBank comes to the rescue, Sprint on its own cannot compete.
  11. It will totally bankrupt the smaller players like Sprint and T-Mobile. They are all the way up to their eyelids with debt and they are not making any money.
  12. No, the PCS-H has power restrictions so the Dish is really the only ones that should have bid. Sprint haas had plenty of opportunities to acquire midband spectrum. The Nextwave bankruptcy auctions, the Cablecos 10x10MHz winning bid of AWS spectrum, acquiring Metro/Leap. They took advantage of none of them. They instead bought Clear. They never should yielded their BRS spectrum to Clear. They should have just leased it to them instead for $1/year with the lease terminated if Clear was acquired. 60MHz of BRS is equivalent to 36x36MHz FDD. Any 2.5GHz spectrum should be used for hotspot duty only. It should not be used as your bread and butter frequency. 8T8R antennas are not cheap.
  13. The reason that band 26 does not behave the same way as band 12 on TMUSis that Sprint had to use band 26 for capacity and not coverage since they only had one 5MHz channel of band 25. So they have deployed band 26 at every site and downtilted the panels to avoid interference with neighboring sites. This is where Sprint's lack of mid and spectrum hurts them. Their insistence on not procuring additional mid band spectrum was shortsighted to say the least. I'd like to say they screwed up the pooch .
  14. A mixture of new articles and some old ones. I think they are just kicking the tires on their Content Management System. It will be good to have them back. I hope they don't try to get too big for their britches again.
  15. It will be a nice swap of spectrum with Verizon: 2.5GHz for 1900MHz.
  16. It's not an either or situation. They need to densify particularly the macro sites because they have big holes in their coverage with 1900Mz. They were/are deficient. The deficiencies are covered up by band 26 but then it gets congested. If Sprint had actually gotten band 12 spectrum, I would not advocate that they bid at this auction. But they did not and they need 10x10 low band to compete. There are some places that you just can't put sites anywhere because it's a big development and won't allow you.
  17. Because there is no more low band spectrum for the foreseeable future. The only other way if for the FCC to mandate that PS move to the 700MHz SMR band. You have seen how successful they were getting them to move from the 800Mz band. Sprint has to bid and win a 10x10 allocation. Anything below that is stupid! Sprint has made a lot of boneheaded moves in the past, but that will be beyond boneheaded.
  18. Just stop it! They are not selling 800 and they are not selling 1900Mz spectrum. So just quit it.
  19. Just because they denied it does not mean they are not working on it.
  20. I am so glad that their former CFO is gone! In some ways he was hamstringing Sprint. Along with the board.
  21. No it's a great idea because Apple does a hell of a lot more testing than anybody else. They already own a patent granted earlier this decade. It's not like they just thought about it. Google's MVNo does not include roaming on AT&T or Verizon. If Apple's does not then they will be just as bad as Google's. If they do not offer it on more than one device then the reception will be just as lukewarm. If they do not offer it at a better price or with more data than Google then the reception will be lukewarm.
  22. I think it's a great idea. Between that and WiFi, it will be a great network experience. Knowing Apple they have been testing it for a while already.
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