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Everything posted by JonnygATL

  1. Was stoppage on said work related to the (possibly/maybe/who knows) pending Tmo merger?
  2. I'm not sure I buy that but I also don't really need it. But I do really want to know what the issue is with this damn phone that the prior and post generations could do it but the 9 can't. Like, what the actual F?
  3. Other than attempting to show how well we're holding up this flimsy house of cards? Not really. But, for what it's worth, I continue to experience fantastic speeds and improved service here in Atlanta. More coverage holes (like my job) have been filled recently. Pretty cool despite minimum investment!
  4. JonnygATL

    Pixel 4/4XL

    Well you can always call someone on fb messenger over WiFi. Most humans on Earth have fb. Not all, clearly. But most. Especially in the developed world.
  5. JonnygATL

    Pixel 4/4XL

    With screen mirroring there is absolutely no need for a Chromecast. Exceedingly simple. That's what I don't wanna give up.
  6. JonnygATL

    Pixel 4/4XL

    I really have been excited about this phone but the one thing that bothers me most about the idea of leaving Samsung for the Pixel line is losing the smart view easy screen mirroring to my Samsung smart tv (no wifi nor internet required). I don't know of any other phone brand that can connect to a smart TV without WiFi nor internet of any sort (as in both devices having to be on the same pre existing network). I guess I have an old Chromecast or 2 laying around somewhere but that seems cumbersome compared to Samsung's solution. I also wish the Pixels were better looking devices, as petty as that may be. Hmm.. decisions, decisions.
  7. That's awesome. Chattanooga has great band 41 coverage but I didn't think they'd get 5G so quickly. Good news.
  8. That was my whole point. That I was admittedly wrong. I thought that was obvious in my response. That said I'll definitely revisit your article. Thanks for the great information!
  9. I hope so because I've been using this LTE calling in beta as a proxy for how voice over LTE will function (without further optimization). If that were the case, Sprint's well respected call quality would quickly evaporate into the ether of the past. Glad to hear that's not necessarily the case.
  10. Starting to think this phone simply isn't getting it. But, when I use LTE calling on this S9, the call quality is horrendous. I'd rather not use it and keep legacy 800 CDMA. Voice over LTE will never be even close to as reliable, at least from my experience here in Atlanta when using LTE calling vs CDMA. The difference is staggering.
  11. Bro no problem. Not at all. I travel the nation and world and I absolutely love all the input! If I offended you I absolutely didn't intend to. Happy hunting! Edit: LEXINGTON is the geographic center of Central Kentucky. Eastern Kentucky is culturally very distinct and rural. Not the educational, multi-cultural hub that Lexington is. Completely different worlds even though the physical distance isn't so great.
  12. No Shentel has nothing to do with Kentucky. Both east and west were always Sprint corporate.
  13. I wonder what's so inherently different between the two that it can't be enabled (yet? At all?) On the S9. Interesting.
  14. That was my point. The S9 is not at all an "old" phone, especially when it's predecessor has it. Lol.
  15. You can't pluralize words by adding apostrophes. It's shocking how often this happens on these forums. This is grade school stuff, guys. Come on. Do better.
  16. Punctuation and grammar are more than a suggestion; they're paramount in conveying a proper and clear message. This isn't nitpicking. It's a necessary thing so that others can clearly understand your meaning. Please work on this as it's painful to attempt to read poorly constructed communications.
  17. ...and to what end?? It begs the question. I'm assuming to evaluate the quality of one's connection?
  18. What's an echo line? Sorry if I should know but I do not. Thanks in advance.
  19. The more interesting takeaway for me is that they're all fast, all good and pretty on par with each other in terms of speed. That's pretty big for Sprint to be included in that group.
  20. Yeah I never even knew Target had cell phones for sale. Or at least I never gave a f*ck. It's Best Buy or online. No reason for me to look elsewhere.
  21. Exactly. Their network is not ready in most places. They know this. Hence the extremely limited rollout. That's fine..just fix it with band 26 densification and cut off thresholds.
  22. As interesting as this is and even though I live in Atlanta, I can't say that I really care. 4G still has room to grow and is a pretty awesome technology. I couldn't care less about 5G in my city anytime soon. I'll wait til it matures I suppose as early adopting usually (always?) backfires, sometimes tremendously. That said, good for Sprint. They could use some positive street cred.
  23. I've shockingly had generally very good results with their chat bots. In the few instances where the bots couldn't help me, I was transferred to a real person and found resolution there.
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