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Posts posted by JonnygATL

  1. Yeah I saw this earlier today but the most amusing part to me is the fact that, predictably, the CNET comments are laden with anti Sprint propaganda/rampant ranting. Honestly... there aren't many areas untouched by at least nv 1.0 so..why are they hating so very hard? Is there any validity to their diarrhea-at-the-mouth word vomit?

    • Like 2
  2. well you could call it both but getting 5 teeth surgically removed hurts like hell lol took 2-3 7.5/325 hydrocodone to get me from crying lol. And that was every 4 hours with 400mg of ibuprofen. So trying to update my phone on those was fun. Already was incoherent from the pain and swelling.

    Lol I know. I had maxillofacial surgery before as well. But I was still in high school... Very early wisdom teeth appearance. I was only 15! Being doped up in high school for 3 days is still an experience that I (quasi) remember.

  3. Yep Most likely. I decided Not to wipe data, as I was half asleep and Didn't feel like waiting on backups. Had oral surgery on Friday, and I have been taking hydrocodones like crazy, so I got impatient haha

    Got impatient....or just got, like, really high? (dude)  

  4. Well, good news is, I saw B26 for the first time (I had been on .23 until last night).  Bad news is far more prevalent though.  For months, I've had B25 LTE at home, now after the update, it's parked in EHRPD.  It's not like I had a terrible LTE signal, it was between -97 and -105, and even in my basement I never went below -111 or so.  Oddly enough, if I toggle airplane mode, it'll pick up LTE again and stay there for a while, then inexplicably I'll look down and it'll have toggled back.


    Also, I took a 15 mile or so drive this morning, which most times, I have LTE for all of.  I literally didn't have it for one second of the drive, and when I was at my destination, I was able to toggle airplane mode to get it, but it was a bit weaker than it was before, and went away in short order.


    Any ideas why I have to toggle, or anyone else having anything like it?  I think that when it hits, I may flash the OTA over this (I just flashed Boot/system/radio) to see if...I don't know, something random isn't working.

    You have just described in flawless fashion the issue I have been having with both of my nexus 5 phones. I haven't yet upgraded as I'm waiting for the OTA but what you describe is what I have always inexplicably experienced with this phone since the day I purchased it. A lot of people are reporting similar issues so I don't think we all have defective phones. I hope it's a fixable radio issue. That's the only reason I haven't set this phone on fire.
  5. My G2 never had any issues staying connected last week when I was in Lexington, and I had B26 almost the entire time. CSFB seemed to be working as well, I tried several calls into my phone and all came through and went back to B26.

    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    That's very weird because with b26 enabled my nexus 5 never connected to it, not even once! I turned off band 26 and it does keep band 25 better than before but it still randomly and without apparent cause falls back to 3g. I airplane mode toggle and it's back on band 25. But why should I have to constantly toggle to keep LTE which is otherwise all around me?
  6. I would say Band 26 hasn't been configured properly yet. Probably CSFB issues like STLman said, or donut mode issues. I've encountered a couple sites where B26 is is donut mode, but B25 works fine. Been pushing me back to 3G in my house where I've had LTE for months. Turning of B26 fixes it. In a few weeks, hopefully things will be fixed.

    Cool. And I spoke to soon. Keeps kicking me to 3g even with b26 disabled and full LTE available.

  7. So I'm at home visiting family in Lexington, KY and it's a city fully bathed in b25 LTE. I was here in December (2013), rocking a single band gs4. I pulled fantastic LTE speeds all over town. I don't recall ever falling to 3g, in fact. This trip, I'm rocking my n5 with b26 enabled and can only maintain LTE for ten to twenty minutes at a time...just like I experience in Atlanta. Doing a simple airplane mode toggle instantly restores LTE...but, again, only for ten or twenty minutes. What gives?

  8. But for the phone that I want, and the price that the phone costs... I could not afford to hand out 700+ bucks and pay full price at once. 2 years is worth it for me. Even easy pay which I would prefer not to do.


    If I didn't want to continue using my iPhone, and the moto or one plus prove to be reliable phones then I could see myself owning one. But with a decrease in price, you often pay for it in quality.


    Understandable. But just out of curiosity, why wouldn't you do easy pay?


    I guess, in reality, Sprint's pricing plans should go down once you've paid for your device via easy pay. That would actually be more fair and make more sense.

    • Like 1
  9. It was rare that I paid full price for this 5s, and that's only because I had a credit on my credit card and a little left over from the tax return, and I didn't want to wait until next february to be able to use b26. I will say, it won't happen again.


    I'll be signing another 2 year in february, unless presented with another option. I personally don't care if it takes me 2 years to get another phone, because often the next version of the iPhone isn't the one that would make me want to switch. This would also apply to if I had a galaxy. The difference between the s3 and s4 (except for triband) wouldn't have made me switch. Maybe from an s3 to the s5? And again, I would not pay full price.


    Edit: also, I don't often have $600+ to just throw out at a device.


    But you are paying full price with a 2 year agreement. Just over a longer term.
  10. My tower is 3g still sadly and i ain't getting anything as far as 800mhz coverage it says my tower is 4g lte but im not getting it sadly

    What phone are you using? I know most places in and around Lexington are upgraded but looking at the network vision sites complete map, I can see that some sites near Corbin and London are indeed still 3G only. But they, too will be upgraded.

  11. This implies that 4.4.2 is polished. Many of my gripes are issues with the last update. How the heck is the delete button/backspace in the keyboard still there.

    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    No, it really doesn't. These statements are all quite relative, aren't they?


    What it really means is that huge, glaring issues (such as those they must be addressing even as we speak) really need to be hashed out in beta or even alpha. The small tweaks will forever remain necessary as nothing is ever perfect.

    • Like 1
  12. I think most of us would have preferred spark come out three months ago apart from being included in this update.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    Well sh_t yes, but that's not what happened, unfortunately.  The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter, however!

  13. It's quite a bit longer than I think anyone anticipated, but at least we are close now.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

    And, as frustrating as it is, wouldn't most of us prefer a polished and optimized product versus a laggy, unreliable product that would only lead to yet another wait for potential bug fixes?  Clearly there is a reason that it's been delayed and Google engineers are no doubt working tirelessly to get it up to par.  Otherwise, it'd already be out.  

    • Like 3
  14. It's soon. But not this week or next. Sorry.

    Sent from my Nexus 5

    How do you know? Man..that sucks though. When you say "soon," how is "soon being defined? Lol...inquiring minds want, nay NEED, to know!


    P.s..that lone straggling tower next to my complex is ironically clearly now 4G complete as of yesterday, apparently. After a full year it's now blasting b25 right at my back door giving me a constant LTE connection with a very healthy -81 dBm signal level. #prayersanswered

    • Like 2
  15. Got this today on Band 26 near my office in Norcross;


    Mav. :ninja:


    Sent from my Sprint Tri-Band LG G2.

    Some nice band 41 love.  I wonder what the actual, current b26 and b41 live tower map would look like for metro ATL.  It's apparently becoming rather extensive.  The guys in Houston have done an excellent job in mapping NV2.0 progress.  I wish we had that here in Atlanta!

  16. It's not inconceivable. I broke three consecutive OG EVOs with one of those apps that added toggles to the home screen before there were native widgets. The toggle turned off the data radio and never let it turn back on. No amount of restarting or battery pulls would fix it. Only a reset at the Sprint store would fix it. But then I'd get home, install apps again and it'd be broke again. The techs couldn't figure it out, so they just kept replacing it. It wasn't until I monitored each app I installed that I figured out what happened. I felt pretty stupid.


    If you're still having problems, I highly doubt that the Spark update will fix anything, but we can hope. The only thing I can say for certain is that whatever the problem is, it is not a widespread issue at all.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

    First..sorry, I was in a crappy mood last night.  Didn't mean to take it out on anyone else.  Just some work related stuff that didn't wind down until around 11 pm last night.  Nothing related to anything here at all.


    Secondly...I really, really think (hope?) it's related to possible ecsfb issues as it related to band 26.  I don't even know if that's possible but here is why I think that.  I notice that I live very near the ONLY non 4G upgraded tower inside I-285 (the local beltway.).  It is 3G accepted but not 4G and remains an outlier as it has for nearly a year now.  Clearly there is some backhaul or permitting issue or something going on with this site.  But if it is 3G NV upgrade then it should have no ecsfb issues.  But, this little valley I live in is a fairly deep but highly isolated depression within the city of Atlanta and, as such, I likely have no line of sight to any other tower but this one, halfway completed tower.  If I drive up the hill and out of the valley, I immediately do connect to either band 25 or band 26.  However, if I put the phone in LTE only mode even at my house deep in the depression, I do immediately connect to band 26.  Which I guess would make sense as it carries much further on 800 mhz.  However, just this morning I was playing around with sensorly (nice upgrades to the app, btw) and I uploaded a speed test from my bed which showed me as being connected, shockingly, to band 25 (when checked via signal check pro).  And the speeds were over 15 mbps down.  That's the first time that has ever happened here in my own home, deep in this little valley in which my complex sits.  

    But as soon as I put it back in LTE/CDMA auto PRL mode, it jumped right back to 3G.  So that's the latest update in this ridiculous saga.  I hear what you're saying but, still, I'm just going to wait to see what happens after the Spark rollout because, well, I think we're all fairly certain it's coming this week and I may as well go head and see what (if anything) happens.  

  17. That's interesting.  I wonder what they "updated," exactly?  But I really do believe that it will be this week.  What was the latest rumored date?  The 24th or 25th or something like that?  I can't recall...but it does seem to have some weight behind it so I hope HOPE HOPE that this is it.  Fingers crossed!

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