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Posts posted by JonnygATL

  1. Honestly I feel the exact same way



    And for the most part this is also the only reason why I will get one, outside of work though I more than likely won't even use it

    I just want us as consumers to be careful not to be too caught up in whatever new trinkets and gadgets company X is selling us - even if it is our favorite company (it is mine).  


    To be clear, the drive to constantly sell more than the previous quarter and the previous fiscal year will never go away and so new categories of devices are often developed to help the company fill those perceived needs/sales goals.  It's just that it isn't necessarily our duty to help them achieve those goals, especially if the new gadget doesn't truly serve a purpose already fulfilled elsewhere.


    Consumer caution here, I think, is the takeaway.

    • Like 3
  2. 4.4.4 mainly had security updates. And a few more bug fixes. And an updated radio (2.x.x.x.16) that seems to hold onto fringe signals a little bit better than the 4.4.3 radio.

    Thanks for the informative reply and non judgment of my not being aware.  As closely as I follow these forums, I simply can't be everywhere, all the time (meaning it's very easy to miss seemingly obvious items at times).


    That's all very good news.  My experience in Atlanta with Sprint was already approaching excellent and this will only make it that much better.  Such a turnaround from 2 and one-half short years ago when my galaxy S2 on wimax was just shy of being a paperweight.  Or an air to air missile, depending on my mood at the time.  


    And, yes, I finally see why everyone praises the Nexus 5 so much.  Go Google, go LG and go Sprint!

    • Like 4
  3. It's been rolling out for several days and there has been much discussion in this thread already.

    Well then I obviously missed it or I wouldn't have asked.


     We all just got 4.4.3 (and me in the very final hours of the final day of the rollout) so I was very confused and a little excited.  Darn.  Oh well.  Bug fixes are definitely important, too.

  4. What is 4.4.4?  


    I just posted this in the Google I/O thread..


    WHOA...while I was out for a long, sweltering job beneath the angry Georgia sun, my phone apparently downloaded Android 4.4.4??  WTF is that?  It's installing now.  Anyone else get this??  


    Confused in Atlanta, 



  5. I was not trying to insinuate that it would trade places. I'm actually not always on my phone, I just end up pulling it out of my pocket a lot checking the notification/time and putting it back. Which to me gives the impression of being one of those people to the general public (or someone who's just in the general area with me), in my opinion. It's a lot easier to tap the watch or push a button on it to check a notification, or the time(you know like an original watch:P). It's quicker, and requires you to divert less of your time from the person/people you're with.


    More on topic the moto 360 is one of the first good looking and more fairly priced smart watches. The Samsung ones are cool but they only work with Samsung phones which doesn't fly for me. I'd love to see more price friendly options (150-200ish range).


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    I am a news junkie and am ALWAYS on my phone.  Yes, I'm THAT guy!  I admit it.  So I know that the wearable concept may not work for me as I have a seemingly deep seated need to have my face buried and fully immersed in my phone at all times.  Ah..I might need therapy for this.  LOL.


    But I do really want a fitness tracker.  Fitness is huge for me, not just because I'm now in my early thirties but because I have enjoyed being physically fit for nearly all of my adult life after a childhood of more weight fluctuations than Oprah Winfrey.  It's a huge part of my life and being able to track it more closely would be a big plus for me.  So I'm definitely interested in any smartwatch with built in fitness monitoring..like the Gear Fit.  That thing is gorgeous as well.  


    I'll try them all out once they have physical demos in all the usual suspect stores as I like to keep an open mind to any and all new tech.  Ya never know...I just might fall in love with a new product category : o )

    • Like 1
  6. For me it's not that it's difficult, it's that in some cases it's rude. For instance my work doesn't allow you to be on your phone so a smart watch enables me to see if something is important enough for me to take a break to get it. Or when I'm out with my significant other I can glance down and see what alert I just got rather than being that dude who's "always on his phone." Or simply when I'm doing things around my house I can be assured I'll know if I need to get my phone or not without having to drop what I'm doing to find my phone or always have it on my person. For me it let's you detach from my phone without being detached from the things I need from it.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    Thanks for the reply.  I considered the work thing.  And I can see the validity in that statement.


    However, in a social setting, going from the guy who's always on his phone to the guy who's always on his (watch??) seems to be a wash.


    I guess usage cases will become more clear in time as more and more people presumably begin sporting them.


    But my other qualm in all of this?  If you're just going to give me notifications........don't expect me to pay $300.  I mean, that's completely absurd and more than the phone costs to begin with (well, almost.  I have a Nexus 5 so we're talking $350 but you get my drift).

  7. Honestly could some of you humor me as to why anyone would want a smartwatch in the first place?  I just don't get it. 


    The Moto 360 is a good looking device to me but it would be fine if it were a simple analog watch.  But the trouble for me is that I don't even wear watches because my smartphone has replaced that functionality completely.  It's all about simplification.  


    Why would I want to duplicate my smartphone's functionality on my wrist on a wearable device that my smartphone replaced years ago?  Seems bizarre to me.


    I'm not poking fun it at it (well, maybe just a tad) but I really and truly would like to know from some of you guys your reasons for wanting one and how they might make your/my life easier.


    Is pulling out your phone to check notifications now considered to be too difficult?  

  8. Cool. Kicking it up a notch in the ATL. :)


    Mav. :ninja:


    Sent from my Sprint Tri-Band LG G2.

    Are you referring to the 8T8R field tests that Sarah mentioned in her article?  Those actually wrapped up longer ago than she alluded to as installs are already occuring in cities other than Chicago.  I don't think I can say anymore outside of a premier sponsor area. ; o )

  9. Now, if only Sprint could get eCSFB working on the B41 tower(s) near me. I can hit 35 Mbps or so in LTE-only mode (just checked), but can't connect to the site if I tell my phone that it needs to do voice as well as data. B26 and B25 are widely available, but it'd be nice if network load was spread a bit more evenly so B26 would be less congested in-building.

    Are those issues only on old Clear equipment conversions or do the band 41 ecsfb issues also affect Sprint NV 2.0 installs? 


    Just wondering if I have something else to "look forward" to or not.  LOL

  10. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Metropolitan_Statistical_Areas






    That's probably a good sampling of places they'll be.


    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

    It's interesting how using either "metro area population" or "city population" yields wildly different results.


    For instance, the Lexington, KY metro area appears at #107 on the first list, the list that ranks metro areas by population.  However, on the second list that solely takes into account the city proper, Lexington appears at # 64.  Makes a huge difference in rankings, especially considering that Sprint is aiming for the top 100 (of whatever category they deem appropriate/workable/realistic given their particular circumstances and needs.


    But I'd say they'd likely go with the top 100 metro areas, not the city proper rankings. It would be more beneficial to them (sorry Lexington).


    That said, they do still plan to eventually upgrade ALL of their towers with 2.5 ghz b41, right?  Or has that changed?

  11. Well, summering in Duluth could bring new meaning to a "whiter shade of pale."



    I didn't even realize that Procol Harum released the original song in the late 60's. The Sarah Brightman version is the only one I'd ever heard. I learned something new yet again!


    But, pop culture references aside, I don't think even a summer in Newfoundland could turn me alabaster or even eggshell. Lol

  12. If he had a Nexus 5, I'm sure he would at least have some coverage from the cheeseheads. But he's right about Sprint, not only is there no LTE there, but out of the 24 sites in MN with No NV Activity, Duluth accounts for ~21 sites. There has been no progress whatsoever in Duluth proper. Supposedly most sites there will be upgraded this summer though.

    He could always move. As in out of Duluth.

    • Like 1
  13. The galaxy s5 sport for Sprint announcement that went along with this is already receiving the typical anti sprint trolling word vomit in the comments section on cnet.  I mean, unless you live in a trailer then you're already experiencing a completely different network from sprint.  It's awesome how far they've come.  


    I actually connected to b41 for the first time here in Atlanta the other night while driving past Piedmont Park on my home from work.  It was cool but the best part is that the network here is so good that I don't really even really need band 41.  How's that for an improved network?

    • Like 2
  14. I agree so much. On my Google+, a lot of people often like to compare the U.S. wireless infrastructure with South Korea and other such countries with super fast cell service. My response is always, most of those countries are the size of California and they still have places with no coverage. If we want to go by a square mile count, our top 4 nationwide carriers could cover the area that other countries have 5 times over without any gaps.

    Well said.

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