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Brad The Beast

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Everything posted by Brad The Beast

  1. Oh no it's complete BS just like their coverage map. They say most of North Dakota is covered which is completely false.
  2. I just want reliable and speedy data service. Verizon is reliable for the most part. Data speeds are another story.
  3. I don't think they'll win. The "it reduces competition argument" doesn't really work since Dish is taking the place of the 4th carrier.
  4. So some of the states have a lawsuit to stop the merger. I found this quote from a Wall Street Journal article: Does this mean the states have to prove that Dish won't actually do anything? If that's the case then that should be easy since Dish has done nothing with their spectrum for years.
  5. Ah. Interesting. My mom has CenturyLink in former Embarq/Sprint land. They use IPoE there.
  6. Imagine how much better off they would be if they put in 100% effort into their upgrades.
  7. This is where I got my intel from: https://specmap.sequence-omega.net/#
  8. Looks like AT&T. They have 15x10 most places. Verizon has 10x10 everywhere except for one select area in Nevada that's 15x15.
  9. Latency isn't bad though. Not like HughesNet or Viasat or any of that trash.
  10. Finally something is happening. What do we think will happen given they have to comply with current concessions or go to court.
  11. Just some subsets. It does seem to be doing lookups using our DNS server. I can’t find a setting to lower the MTU using Cisco AnyConnect.
  12. But RDP works fine on Verizon and my home internet. Do you still think it could be a firewall issue?
  13. Visiting my mom because her DSL box got struck by lightning and exploded. Her neighborhood is the cell edge for everyone. However I have noticed that Sprint’s 5x5 b26 is performing better than Verizon’s 10x10 b5. My phone doesn’t seem to want to connect to band 13 though. Edit: It is actually bouncing between 5 and 13. Sprint still performs better though.
  14. I don’t. I have to connect to a VPN. I have two different machines in two different states on two different VPNs that both don’t work. They work fine on Verizon but I don’t know why they don’t work on Sprint unless I connect to hotspot.
  15. It doesn’t work across two different VPN’s. One in ND, another in CA. Works fine on Verizon. I don’t think it’s me but it could be.
  16. Hmm. Mine flat out doesn’t work. Now if I have my phone on LTE and I connect my iPad to it through hotspot, then it works. Other wise if I try from my phone or from my iPad on their own it doesn’t work.
  17. Does anyone know why Sprint blocks Remote Desktop connection? Works fine over Airport Wi-Fi, home Wi-Fi and Verizon LTE. It’s very quickly getting on my nerves.
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