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Everything posted by Vince

  1. It's coming. Patience, my friend. And as far as the gps goes, that shouldn't be an issue, as they both share the same coordinates from the same gps antenna. Maybe it's just the phone, or some kind of strange coincidence. B41, on the other hand, if broadcasting from a separate clear site, would obviously have a different set of gps coordinates.
  2. That's not the case. Every LTE Sprint site in America has fiber backhaul, or a microwave connection to a fiber site. Capacity issues have plagued our market and others, too. That's what happens with a 5x5 carrier. It can only handle so much. Chicago and a few other Midwestern markets have the luxury of an additional pcs band 25 carrier via a us cellular spectrum purchase a few years ago. I, personally, am finding this in almost every location I visit around here. Pair that with band 26, the Chicago market will have 3 5x5 LTE carriers, plus 20mhz of tdd-LTE on band 41. What kind of phone do you have? I can help explain how to identify if you're on the new band 25 spectrum, as well as how to identify if you're on band 26. Personally, I'm finding speeds to be increasing in Chicago based on the fact that traffic is now being diverted to 3 separate carriers. Even if you have an older, single-band (band 25) only device, you will start noticing a difference in the coming weeks/months.
  3. Dial ##debug# or just use signal check. If using the latter, the last two of your gci will be the indicator for bands 25/26, 41 is a whole different situation.
  4. Either way, I'm excited to [more than likely] meet my next operating system tomorrow. I've been using android flagships to take advantage of the band 41 in Chicago because 25 is so slammed, but with a second pcs carrier and band 26 rocking and rolling here, I feel I'll be able to finally get back to my iOS roots.
  5. Same here. Other phones work great. N5 swap requires a chat.
  6. Cool, so we've identified a problem. By the time us three people complain, and after countless profile/prl updates by tech support, an update should be released in 6 months. guess I might have to just return in. What's with sprint releasing all these flagship devices with connectivity problems?
  7. Same exact problem. I wonder if it's the radio. Usually after an airplane toggle or two, it will latch on and travel with me on 41 while I'm driving. I noticed it right away on the first day when I wasn't connecting in known areas. I still have 10 days left on this phone, and really don't want to return it because it's so nice of a phone. Sent from my HTC One M8
  8. Check out my post (a few back). This m8 almost prefers slow band 25 even when I'm a block from a band 41 site that my g2 would instantly latch onto. I don't know if it's the phone, or the network. What are you experiencing. Sent from my HTC One M8
  9. Well, despite the LTE band issue, this is definitely one of the nicest looking, sounding, and best performing phones that I've had. Sent from my HTC One M8
  10. I called and got mine from tech support this morning. No band priorities or enabling/disabling in the edit menu either. This is disappointing because it's hard to find new band 26 sites when you keep connecting to band 41. #firstworldproblems Sent from my HTC One M8
  11. That's great news. Dekalb has been a disaster. What has it taken, 2 years to get 3 towers with LTE? Sent from my HTC One M8
  12. That's pretty terrible if true. I haven't obtained my msl yet, and I'm wondering if it's in the "edit" section of the LTE submenu. I'm also hoping it's just maybe bad timing with the network. The network in and around Chicago has been goofy this week. Dead towers, and LTE dropping to 3g where it never has before. We're in the midst of band 26 coming online here, and I wonder if the network management is screwy, and not properly shifting me to band 41. I've verified the aforementioned problems, minus band 41 with my fiance's iPhone 5s, so I know it's network, and not handset related. Sent from my HTC One M8
  13. Anyone? Also, anyone having trouble connecting to band 41? There definitely isn't a csfb issue here in Chicago. I've been connecting to these sites with my g2 and even occasionally my n5 for many months. This phone just won't grab the signal. It does connect occasionally, so I know the radio is probably ok. Sent from my HTC One M8
  14. But you mentioned a timeframe, and s4gru n5 owners are pulling out their finest pitchforks and torches. Sent from my HTC One M8
  15. Excellent posts. AJ, you're on fire today. Sent from my HTC One M8
  16. Same here. There has to be several thousand LTE 800 acceptances. Sent from my HTC One M8
  17. Just got my m8, and I can't seem to find the band 26/41 enable/disable. I looked in ##data# where I usually find it and it's not there. Does anyone know? Edit: also, does anyone know if you can hide the location services "cross?" It's a little cramped up top, and I'd like to clean some things up. Sent from my HTC One M8
  18. Well, darn. Thought I found something new. Oh well. Glad to contribute. Sent from my HTC One M8
  19. So it's an error on the phone's engineering screen? Sent from my HTC One M8
  20. Aj, I was traveling through the southern suburbs of Chicago, when I noticed I was connected to band 41 with this frequency. I checked post #1 to see if it was on your "do not post, these are null values" list, and it wasn't. It never changed, and stayed even while using data, so I don't think it was null. Sent from my HTC One M8
  21. It will display "evrc_nw" on your 1x engineering screen. I believe it shows on every call you initiate if the network where you are supports it and you have a compatible device (which your nexus 5 does). I see it every time I make a call, even a non-hd call to landlines. Sent from my LG-LS980
  22. Both have to be on Sprint with both people needing a compatible handset. Also, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they're isn't any cross-vendor compatibility for now such as, Samsung to Ericsson market calls. Sent from my LG-LS980
  23. There isn't a way to tell on an iPhone. You can access field test while on a call by pressing "add call" - dial pad - enter the field test code/press send. Chances are if you both noticed extreme clarity that you were in fact on an hd call. It's very obvious. I started a thread about this 3 months ago when I first noticed it on my 5s http://www.s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/5622-HD-Voice HD Voice Sent from my LG-LS980
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