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Posts posted by Vince

  1. I haven't quite gotten the hang of differentiating Sprint equipment from any other carrier's equipment, but I'll take a look and see what I can find out next time I'm in the area. [emoji1]

    We have threads on how to spot Sprint towers. Sprint is the easiest of all providers to spot because of the number of panels. 1 antenna per sector (3 total), or 2 per sector if 8t8r (Sprint spark) is installed (6 antennas total). There are some instances where there's more than 2 per sector, usually reserved for high traffic areas.



    Sent from my iPhone 6

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  2. I've seen a lot of people on Instagram complaining about how after they've gotten it a couple of times their iMessage breaks. There's apparently a fix for it but that in itself should let people know not to be sending it. It really is annoying.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I think I read that the fix is to disable message notifications. I had two friends send it to me while I was sleeping (and I sleep with 'do not disturb' on) so I don't know if it crashed the phone. I asked him to send it again to see if it works, and it did. I was in the open message, by the way. It was instant apple logo.



    Sent from my iPhone 6

  3. I understand some newer CA androids may need an update, but I have a feeling that CA hotspot would already be active. I wish I had one to test; I drive through Elmhurst every day, and it's only 20 minutes from my house.



    Sent from my iPhone 6

  4. Just the heads up, Rockford and Elmhurst, IL have been identified and confirmed as Carrier Aggregation areas, all with 8T8R and Beamforming (TM8) according to SRG.


    If you have a capable CA device and are willing to drive there, it may be worth checking this out.

    Would this result in anything other than "2" being displayed on an iPhone 6 under transmission antennas?



    Sent from my iPhone 6

  5. Sweet, but I'll wait before upgrading. I'm sure google is going to screw the initial release up and send out 5 more updates to fix it.


    Edit- factory image on google sites says T-Mobile only for some reason.

    5.1.1 (For T-Mobile Only) (LYZ28E)


    I'm sure it will work on other carriers.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

    I'm sprint and just received the update notification...

    It's just general bug fixes, but it does add baked-in wifi calling for T-Mobile. I wonder if it does the same for sprint? Or, did sprint already have it.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

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  6. I hope with the next iOS update then manage to cram another hour or so of battery life into the 6. I was looking at the 6 plus the other day literally just for the battery life.



    Sent from my iPhone 6 using Crapatalk

    I've owned both, and with proper management of settings, they're not that different. It's like the mAh difference is negated by the larger screen. I'm still hitting around 5 hours usage at 50% just like on my plus.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

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  7. I'm curious to why Verizon is the least dense around here

    It's like that everywhere. They're site spacing is setup based on their low-frequency spectrum holdings. Less sites to cover more area. That's why network vision is quite successful, because their towers are in a closer/denser PCS setup, and they're running low frequency voice and data.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

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  8. I'll just wait until apple starts selling the fully unlocked edition for all carriers that way I don't have to hassle with Sprint on unlocking it for me.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    They already have with the iPhone 6/6+ (a1586/a1524, respectively). It is fully compatible, save for T-Mobile band 12, and able to be activated on every single provider in America without hassle.


    Edit: I didn't read far enough into the thread. Anthony already answered this.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

  9. Then there were the abnormal 4g drops to 3g on a stretch of road others on S4GRU said shouldn't happen, as the road is covered with 4g LTE. The issue happened late at night with very little congestion.

    That's not the device, and it's not the operating system--it's Sprint. Honestly, you're going to encounter a lot of LTE drops on Sprint in the Chicago market. Either from being in your pocket, or stepping indoors. It's some kind of issue that has never been resolved. I don't know how it is in other markets, but it stinks here, and honestly, it's their only downfall. Everything else works great.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

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  10. It's been awfully quiet around here lol. What's going on guys, is everyone as busy with finals and final projects as I've been lol.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    This whole forum has gone really quiet recently, and I'm not sure why. But in some thread related news, I sold my 6+ and bought a 6. It was just becoming too cumbersome to operate one handed. It feels right to have a "normal" sized phone again.



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  11. Please be careful with accusations of malice. "They lied"? Or they are largely unskilled workers put into the difficult position of providing tech support across dozens of devices for millions of people?



    When it was new, people around here were being told to "calm down, it's a new procedure." 3 months later, and there's still no excuse for all these unlocking problems. At this point, I would actually say it could be a malicious, backdoor retention policy that the reps are practicing. Why does it still remain so difficult to rightfully get your device unlocked? If they constantly skate around the procedure, they're technically not refusing to unlock these devices as they agreed to, but instead, they're making it so difficult that people say "forget it, I give up."



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

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  12. I called to request a domestic unlock for my Sprint iPhone 6. This was the "advanced support" number that is quite good. So they didn't as an IMEI or MEID, but they gave my a 6-digit number that is a "DSU unlock code." They said I can go to any retailer or provider and give them the code and they'll unlock the phone. I've never heard of a code like this before. I'm trying to see if they gave me false information or if it's legit before I make a trip out to an unlock store or carrier store. Has anyone else heard of it?

    They lied. There is no MSL for iPhones, as they're sim unlockable. Call back and have them do it again.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

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  13. Is there a reason for the LTE drops for Sprint in Chicago. As I've mentioned recently a few times it happened to me, but it did come back on, and I got some good advice here on S4GRU as how to get it to return quickly, though I'm not familiar with the reasoning for it happening. Is it because of network density or a difference in handoffs in contrast with T-Mobile?

    I'm really not sure, as I'm far from a network engineer. But, what I can tell you is, out of my testing of all providers in this market, sprint is the only one that consistently (for me) lost LTE more than 75% of the time of stepping indoors with my phone in my pocket. Maybe it's the network, and possible lack of optimization, or maybe it's the way the iPhone handles signal and LTE band handoffs, I'll never know. I can also tell you that it's being noticed by the non-tech savvy. I have a few family members that I've converted to Sprint that are so upset that they're always on 3G in a bar, restaurant, or store, can't load anything, and have to go searching for wifi (horrible, I know). They repeatedly tell me, "that never happened on AT&T." That little "LTE" logo up top is very comforting to the masses, and when it's gone, the network is "crap." And when AT&T/T-Mobile drop down to "4G," nobody bats an eyelash.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

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  14. I'm surprised TMO doesn't make it as dense as NYC.




    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    It is very dense here, just slow in a lot of busy places. In fact, I find T-Mobile to have a very strong signal, even in the woods, and indoors sometimes, contrary to how people label T-Mobile the "outdoor only carrier." It doesn't drop LTE nearly as much as Sprint does which is disappointing considering Chicago is Sprint's bread and butter market.



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  15. T-Mobile is pretty terrible in the busier places of the Chicagoland area. It's like immediately upon entering Chicago city limits, and there's wall-to-wall traffic, and people everywhere, you can expect sub-1mbps speeds until later at night. These are my experiences, and YMMV. Hopefully, when T-Mobile makes us 15x15, we'll see some relief, but I doubt it. This market is pretty saturated with T-Mobile customers.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

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