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Posts posted by Vince

  1. Another thing to note. I hate the task switcher in iOS 9. Like I hate hate hate it. I like the ability to get an actual preview of whatever is on another app, not a 3/4 view of it. I hope they make some changes to that



    Sent from my iPhone 6 usinf Crapatalk

    Agreed. I don't like it either. It jumps around, and swiping up to get rid of them is more difficult than when they're 2D. I sent a bug report about the app switcher. It doesn't put the current app front and center. Instead, it puts it off to the side, and some other app is centered. Maybe that's by design?



    Sent from my iPhone 6

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  2. Do you still have the beta configuration profile still installed? Personally I'm keeping the beta on my phone in spite of some of the minor nuisances.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I deleted that first, and it's still stuck. Apple support wants me to just recovery mode/restore one more time.



    Sent from my iPhone 6

  3. Someone try this out for me so I know I'm not the only one. Try to use your volume button as the shutter button to take a picture. Does it work? Mine doesn't on the native camera app.

    This is definitely a known issue, which I'm sure will get resolved in the next update.



    Sent from my iPhone 6

  4. I'm debating putting it on my iPad Air 2. It's my personal carry device...


    I just got 2 iPad Air 2's at work (Verizon LTE with 5GB plans! Woot!), so I'll have that for actual work/productivity.

    In my opinion, it's definitely fine enough for daily usage. I haven't seen problems with apps, other than sensorly, but that app is garbage anyways. It was never updated to iphone 6/6+, and now displays in the old 4/4S screen size on iOS 9 which is weird. Battery life is on par, or a just a hair worse than 8.4, and the phone doesn't run hot.


    Here are a few bugs/strange occurrences (which I've reported to Apple):


    -Top title bar slow to reappear after hitting the home button from within an app

    -Siri voice to text (microphone button) in messages takes 10 seconds to activate either with Bluetooth connected, or without. I notice it with my headset connected. L

    -No "send text" option when receiving a call

    -App switcher doesn't show the current app front and center (really annoying). It puts it off to the side





    Sent from my iPhone 6

  5. How is the public beta for a daily driver? I am really tempted to try it out. What bugs are driving you guys nuts? From what I am reading it seems pretty stable.

    It's not bad. A few hiccups here and there, but overall, very stable for a beta. I've been using it since Friday, and haven't really regretted it yet.



    Sent from my iPhone 6

  6. So, iOS 9 is pretty neat, but I have one problem: I ran an iCloud backup once before doing the upgrade, and I also did a full iTunes backup. After upgrading, when I look in my iCloud storage on the phone, I no longer have a backup listed. I'm kind of nervous about that, even though I have one on iTunes. Any ideas where else I can look to see if it's still there? Maybe a bug is preventing me from seeing it?



    Sent from my iPhone 6

  7. I'm going camping for 2 nights south of Sparta, Wisconsin this weekend. It'll be my first time venturing to the middle of nowhere with T-Mobile. Supposedly, there's no coverage there, or very weak HSPA+, if anything. It might be nice to be "detached" for a few days.



    Sent from my iPhone 6

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  8. Sprint still trying to fix the "definitely not carrier 20.1" related problem. Talked to a local Sprint RF engineer today. They still keep talking about dropped calls. I just want LTE to work like it used to...but I'm about to just give up and deal with it/switch to my old Galaxy.

    No! Don't go to the dark side! [emoji16]



    Sent from my iPhone 6

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  9. It was released earlier today. I didn't want to jump on the beta until the Public Beta, which did drop earlier this afternoon.



    Sent from Josh's iPad mini using Tapatalk

    Yeah they released the public beta earlier today. I updated my Dad's iPhone to it (I would do mine but I'm on jailbroken iOS 8.4, and you know, CellularInfo <3). They make it EXTREMELY simple to do. They tell you to back up to iTunes, go to a website that installs the public beta profile to your device, restart your device, go to OTA software updates, and BOOM! iOS 9 Public Beta 1. :)



    That explains my confusion. I was searching for it last night, and could only find that it would be released "sometime in July." Thanks, guys.



    Sent from my iPhone 6

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  10. Carrier bundles have been signed since iOS 3.1. Any changes would break the signature and iOS wouldn't accept it.



    Sent from my iPhone 6 Plus

    What about being jail broken with a comm center patch? How do these people make their own custom carrier bundles? There has to be a way.



    Sent from my iPhone 6

  11. That's ridiculous that they think it's the network. I mean, it could be since other phones seem to have an issue with band switching sometimes, just not as bad as the iPhone. It's definitely something within 20.1. Don't we have someone smart enough on these forums that knows how to break one down, and re-write a carrier bundle? I'm sure we do.



    Sent from my iPhone 6

  12. I got a call from John Thomas today, he is the Sprint Director of Network Service Management. Was not able to talk to him, but will report back.


    The VM mentioned he wants to setup some call traces...not really sure what that means.

    I'm sure they think you're dropping calls. They can see when and where the call was dropped.



    Sent from my iPhone 6

  13. I own two of these mounts from Arkon. One for the car, and one for my work truck. It holds very well, and is very easy to adjust. Plus, it holds from the side, so charging/using an audio cable isn't a problem. The one at work gets taken off and re-applied every day, and it's still as sticky as when I bought it. I've been through about 5 different mounts before I found one I liked. I highly recommend it







    Sent from my iPhone 6

  14. True story! I live in a townhouse...5Ghz is the only way I can get wifi speeds above 2Mbps because 2.4Ghz is so crowded.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Yep. I had to buy my father-in-law a 5ghz router for Christmas a few years ago because of this problem in his apartment. Every channel was slammed with interference, and he was getting less than 1mbps when paying for 30mbps.



    Sent from my iPhone 6

  15. I'm really trying to love Apple Music. It's a bit confusing, but I think I can make it work. Maybe you guys can help me with something: let's say I'm in a radio station, or just listening to some random song that didn't originate from searching the album and clicking the song, how do I view the album from the song screen? There doesn't seem to be a clear-cut way to do it like on Spotify where you can just click "view album."





    Sent from my iPhone 6

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