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Everything posted by PythonFanPA

  1. Well, lack of certification hasn't stopped manufacturers from doing it....at least not LG since I QC charge my phone via USB-C every single night. I'll still keep looking anyway.
  2. Not sure I'm following you here...QC works fine over a Type C connector. Where are you getting that from?
  3. Life Cereal (I often date myself with things I throw out like this, but this one makes me feel *really* old)
  4. I cherish things like that, sadly I wasn't able to be in a totality area for this. There's only been 2 things I've experienced otherwise like that, and only one is consistent. The consistent one is Crater Lake in Oregon on a clear or otherwise mostly clear with a few white puffy clouds day; the natural purity of the water in that lake and the way it looks in person to your eyes....most pictures/video will never do it justice. The unique one was the only time I've been to the Grand Canyon - it was off the North Rim (less visited by comparison to the interstate side from what I've read), and the day we were there (this was in the summer and late afternoon/early evening, probably about 5-6pm or thereabouts), right above us and to the east and straightline in the west, it was completely clear blue sky, but off in the distance to the southwest there was a *very* intense thunderstorm moving in with streak lightning. This was before cellphones were a thing, but there were loads of people including myself burning through film rolls trying to capture lightning snapshots. At any rate, as time passed and the storm moved in over the 'Y' fork you can see to the east where the canyon splits to the south/southeast and the other fork continues east and curves northeastward in the distance, at one point the storm clouds in the distance were finally poised right over the fork area and an obvious deluge of rain pouring with the sun back in the west bearing down on it, and it created a dual parallel half-arc set of rainbows coming out of the dark cloud into the canyon. From one perspective that beats an eclipse because those can obviously be predicted, whereas this was a perfect right place/right time moment that I was just beyond fortunate to have been able to witness.
  5. Does it support QC input charging via the Type C though? This to me is the absolute key factor - it can take a very long time to charge a larger bank with normal charging speed vs. QC charging. My Choetech supports incoming QC charging, but still forces you to use a micro cable to do it. I want something I only ever have to use/bring one cable for if/when traveling.
  6. That's a good one too in most respects except for, again, the fact that it still relies on a micro USB in for charging the bank.
  7. I somehow missed this, but the Choetech bank worked outstanding from a device charging perspective, but the fact you still have to rely on a micro usb cable for incoming charging still sucks. I'm still trying to keep an eye out for a new bank that has USB-C input Quickcharge charging and a standard USB Quickcharge out port though. If anyone finds one with at least 10k mAh, please post it here.
  8. Can't give you a direct source other than 'Facebook'. If it turns out it was photoshopped somehow I'll be sad, but I love it nonetheless Edit: Nevermind, it was photoshopped after all after I went back further into the posting.
  9. This is my favorite image I've seen come out of Monday thus far:
  10. Using Phyllis as a litmus test, I'd have a hard time arguing that point. In fairness every southern school SEC or otherwise has their guilty/shame points in that regard.
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