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Everything posted by PythonFanPA

  1. Haha, same here Robert. There's alot of classic SNL from various casts I remember vividly and miss. I think still one of my all time favorite bits is the 'spoof' documentary they did on where the next great literary figures would come from, which they indicated were prisons vs. educational institutions...then we got this gem from the great Eddie Murphy in the midst (this is low quality but unfortunately the only thing I could find online that's *just* this part):
  2. Same here Robert regarding the G7, on all fronts. My only nitpick is that we never got the Pie update on the Sprint version, but even without it I'm still happy with the performance no question.
  3. If its that stupid Housewives/Cat meme - *ABSOLUTELY* the latter, I'm sick to death of that one and was about 2 days in from the first time I started seeing those. 🤮
  4. Between Yosemite & Shoshone ironically that's 2 of the spots we'll be visiting on our ~2.5 week West US trip next year (though sadly Yosemite Falls will likely be mostly if not completely dried out by the time we're there). We'll re-visit Multnomah Falls again as well on our loop back around to SLC on the last leg of the trip before Twin Falls/SRC/Shoshone.
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