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Posts posted by koiulpoi

  1. No no no, see, there's a very big difference. You've said to yourself, "I'm not going to whine and complain about Sprint. I'm going to wait for Network Vision, because I believe it will be awesome!" You have taken action. You have made a choice and taken steps to rectify what you see is a problem. People have a right to be angry, but being angry and complaining does little good - and in cases like these, only serves to waste time and energy.


    He could have been lying about being a liar. It happens. It really is crazy how invested people get in a company (see the comment section on every post about Apple and Android on any tech site). I'm not sure why people can't just use what they like and let others do the same.

    Funny, I didn't actually call him a liar, I just pointed out how silly it was to say that Sprint's a terrible company for considering Huawei (he made it sound like Sprint was using their equipment). And how silly it was to say that the Softbank deal was going to screw consumers because they're Asian, much like Huawei. That was actually his point: asian is bad. After I pointed this out, well, that was the flip-out post. But like I said, I've blocked the thread and the user, so I won't be reading his responses.
  2. Went back to the thread/forum (I was curious) and just got threatened violence over calling somebody out on having their facts wrong (and being a liar, to which he readily admitted).


    This is a first. Never seen anyone get that emotionally involved over cellular service. That thread is muted, blocked, uninstalled, history deleted, everything. Not going back.


    In other news, you guys are awesome. I knew that, but seeing the rest of the wide open internet again makes me really want to say it. This community rocks.

    • Like 8
  3. I hear, "I hate Sprint, but I don't $350 hate Sprint. So I don't really hate Sprint, I'm just overly entitled."


    Nobody likes a complainer. Complaining is the essence of inaction! If it's truly as bad as you say, then get up and do something about it. Solve your problems instead of yelling at others and wasting energy. Find a personal solution and execute it. Whining on the internet will do nothing positive.


    Ahem. Sorry about the (slightly hypocritical) rant. Just had to get that off my chest.


    Me, I'm going to spend some time away from general forums...

    • Like 12
  4. ##4772579# - haven't tried this one but labelled as GPSCLRX

    After inputting your MSL, comes up with a dialogue saying that "GPS will be reset". Doing it seemed to have no effect on GPS performance.
    ##786# - same from previous Sprint phones for resetting your phone
    Can reset your phone. If you hit "view" (doesn't require your MSL) you can see some info about your phone's lifetime stats. Labeled as "Reverse Logistics Support" on other devices.
    ##72786# - SCRTN - think this one wipes all data and programming information
    This wipes programming information and makes the phone go through Hands Free Activation again, while leaving User Data intact.
    ##25327# - labelled as CLEAR and I was too chicken to try it
    Did nothing.
    ##372# - DSA
    Brings up "DSSOption", with "DSS Server URL" and Proxy IP addresses.
    • Like 2
  5. In-Store Pickup is disabled for the Black Friday deals (which are running through this weekend)


    Also, we sold out of our GS3's VERY fast. And then they went on backorder soon after. It's been a very popular deal...

    • Like 1
  6. I can't speak on battery life just yet as I'm haven't run through a normal day yet of not setting things up like I like them. I still have some house cleaning to do on stupid apks that I don't want. Might take me a bit to dig through the Sammy ones though, but that's later.


    I have noticed it does take a bit longer to switch from wifi to 3G than I am used to. It takes it a minute or two to drop and hand off. Questioning the data on this thing in a "crowded" area, the phone was really unusable all day yesterday at work, but that could just be a tower thing but I've never had it that bad on the Evo LTE or even the Epic 4G. I have some further testing to do of course.


    I don't want to jump to any negative conclusions just yet and maybe I'm just WAY too subjective to radio performance after the EVO LTE biting me. But so far I think I'm keeping it.

    Having come from the same phone, it's night and day for me. With the EVO LTE, I couldn't make phone calls in my home. I couldn't use it outside at my home either; it kept dropping data and usually wouldn't receive calls. Outdoors.


    Note 2? There are parts of my basement that I can call from, now.


    Sure, I'm in a marginal service area, but the difference to me is astounding.


    That being said, I have noticed the WiFi handoff taking a bit to click in. This doesn't bother me, as I just flip WiFi off in the quick settings when leaving my two main offloading areas and it quickly connects to 3G.

  7. A ##72786# should require the MSL to work. It wipes out all network programming on the phone without wiping out any customer information. Essentially it is the first have of a full ##786# (RTN - Return To New) which takes EVERYTHING back to stock. It will then make the phone to re-do the OTA activation that it did originally when it was first turned on (because it isn't activated anymore), updating network profile, PRL, firmware update check, etc.


    This may help, but it just as easily could be network-related, not your phone.

    I always wondered what RTN stood for. What's "SCRTN", then? "Save Customer-info Return To New"?
  8. It's a rather strange policy, but as others have mentioned, Sprint has decided to hide the 1x signal from their customers. But only on 4G capable phones. I suppose they figure people having three network modes show up would be far too confusing for the poor stupid customers. </sarcasm>

  9. Heh. Only people from Michigan use the term "Michigander".


    I've honestly heard similar rants in-store where I work, and I really have trouble addressing them. People want to know "when are we getting 4g light? [sic]" and I tell them (truthfully) "work should be starting soon; we should see the first signs of it in the coming months." And then they go on a rant about how they were "lied" to about WiMax coming to our area (even though it was definitely never announced for the whole coverage map), and how they "know empty promises when they hear them". Even telling people (truthfully) that the plan is to put LTE on every tower, explaining how the technology works, seems to do no good. Most users here at s4gru seem genuinely hopeful and excited about LTE, and I am too. How do I help overcome objections people might have? My current strategy is "if they're going to churn no matter what, let them", as it doesn't lose me personally any money...

  10. Just got off the phone with sprint. The trouble ticket had been closed. The tower was operating normally according to them. NV upgrades complete. This is our new NV tower. A new ticket has been opened.


    The tower is not constantly dropping now.. but throughput is... yeah.. just take a look.

    Have you tried it with a Sprint device other than your aircard/hotspot? The issue could be with your computer.
  11. Yeah, all the glimpses into the future of cell phones were of tiny phones. Nobody expected to be carrying around a mini computer...

    I think the 80's and Gibson had the best view of the future. I still want my "Wristphone with Flip-up screen" dammit!

    • Like 1


    Crazy small world, my family has camped at Tyler Creek for over 20yrs. End up in Lowell all the time for stuff. The sprint store there isn't corporate so I had to go to 28th Street in august to get my mom a photon q doing the early upgrade.


    Sent from my Galaxy Note 2 using Forum Runner

    yeah, we are a preferred retailer, so we are sadly limited in certain manners, upgrade buy-up being one. But if it's done over the phone, we can honor it. If you're ever around Lowell, stop by!
  13. Ack! You are adding what I hated about the EVO when it first rolled out. I hated that bar taking up the screen and apps wouldn't go full screen.

    The EVO LTE's bar was annoying because it was useless. This bar is extremely useful. Just look at the Galaxy Nexus... or any AOSP-like phone. And the S-Pen works with these. And my App-switch button is back. I'm keeping it for now.


    Sounds like you haven't used a Samsung device before. I had to get used to the Evo having the back and menu buttons reversed from the Epic.
    I have not. I went Samsung Wafer (google it, really) -> Motorola Photon -> EVO LTE -> Samsung Galaxy Note II. All my phones have gotten progressively larger.
  14. I have family that live between Belding and Ionia. Drove from there to Portland a few years ago. Took the back roads from Ionia to Portland. I remember having pretty weak signal throughout the area unless I was within a mile or two of town. Seemed to be better once on I-96.


    Robert via Nexus 7 on Tapatalk

    Wow, it really, really is a small world. Next time you're in the area (or you too, jefbal99, or anyone!), stop by the Sprint Store in Lowell and ask for the tech. If your family has Sprint phones, I've probably fixed them; ours is the closest repair center for Ionia, Belding, and Saranac.



    I haven't been to Portland myself, but I've been to Lyons and south around Keefer Highway, and that area I found to be a dead zone for all cell phone coverage. My phone was having trouble getting any signal, whether that be Sprint or roaming (VZW). Mind you, I was using the EVO LTE at the time...

    • Like 1
  15. I tried doing this and saw the on screen controls at the bottom of the screen, but the device would hard freeze and reboot. Had to boot up TWRP to get things working again. Ended up editing build.prop back to the way it was so it doesn't freeze. :


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2

    Hmm, really? How odd. I'm running Stock, Deodexed, Rooted. Wonder if this doesn't work on Stock Odexed...
  16. @koiulpoi Are you going to return it?


    Sent from my WHITE S'NOTE using Tapatalk 2

    Nooooo no no no no no no no no

    I love everything else about this phone too much. Also see below.


    Since I had the GS3 before, I have grown pretty fond of the physical home button. I do agree that not being able to use the S Pen to press the capacitive back and menu button is counter intuitive. I am constantly hitting my stylus on them and surprised that nothing happens. Then I have to change to fingers mode. It is annoying, but I don't use the stylus a lot. I am still surprised even though I consciously know that the stylus doesn't work on those buttons, I just automatically do it if it is in my hand.


    Robert via Samsung Victory LTE on Tapatalk

    There actually are S-Pen Gestures for Back and Menu. They're drawing a "<" and a "^" shape, respectively. Don't think there is one for home.


    I DID find a fix, though!

    Not for the faint of heart... go in and add "qemu.hw.mainkeys=0" to the end of your build.prop (found in /system) and suddenly, you have an on-screen navbar, and the action overflow returns! Requires you to be Rooted with Busybox. I'm happy now!


    The only thing I don't like (and this is such a long shot I don't care) is that they still have the back button on the right, and that you can't disable the navbar again without a reboot. A navbar toggle for fullscreen apps would just be... dreamy!


    Thanks go to:


    • Like 1
  17. I am not surprised. Most store employees do not eat, drink, and breathe wireless the way that many of our members do. For most store employees, it is just a job, and one that they may not particularly like. But it is a means to a paycheck.



    They really should try harder. I've convinced my boss that reading these forums on my spare time during work is a Good Thing. That I'm learning, that I'm better prepared to deal with customer's questions, and I can relate what's going on around the country.


    To be fair, this is all pretty much true, and it's a lot better than scrolling through Facebook.


    On the plus side, it seems like it ships out of the same facility that Sprint uses (out of kentucky). Seems like it should be a similar experience to the gnex preorder. I suspect you will have it tomorrow if you've been charged.

    Sprint uses a company called Brightpoint. However, there is also a huge UPS warehouse in Kentucky. Could be similar, if not the same one.
  18. Another Note 2 Impression~


    Dislike: Samsung's Button Design. I don't like it. Not one bit. I'm used to it now, but I don't like it. A giant, iPhone-like (yes I said it) Home button, that's a physical button? Ew. Back button on the right instead of the left? Ew. A hardware menu button? Double ew.


    I wouldn't mind the back and menu buttons quite as much if the S-Pen actually worked with the capacitive buttons. As it stands, to go back, I have to use an S-Pen gesture or use my physical finger to hit back. Not good design, Sammy.


    The addition of a hardware menu button on a post-ICS phone just irks me. There's little to no need for it, with Action Overflow bars in any app that matters. Oh, wait, those are gone on this phone. I'm supposed to just hit the menu button. Anyone have a mod to add those bars back? Or mod what the buttons do?


    And to top it off, App Switch is "long press home", which takes the speed and ease-of-use out of Android multitasking. Compared to "Anything AOSP", or the Motorola Photon, it's incredibly slow. It adds an extra ~2 seconds to something that should be lightning fast, each time you want to get to a different app. There's a reason the default buttons post-ICS include App Switch by default. And sure, multi-window mode helps to offset this annoyance, but it's not a replacement, as you only get... half the screen.


    So really, I think I'd love a mod that adds a Nexus-style navigation bar and disables the hardware keys. That, or something to remap them.



    • Like 2
  19. As for BitTorrent, legal or not, do it on a wireline connection if you can. Not that it can't be done over LTE, but you're more or less running a server when you're doing that,

    Very true. And, not just "if you can", hosting a server of any kind, or running "computer applications or other systems that drive continuous, heavy traffic or data sessions" (which both describe BitTorrent perfectly), well, that's against the Terms & Conditions. So not only should you not do it, you're violating your agreement with Sprint if you do it.
  20. I know all that but thanks for the response. My biggest issue is that when the Jelly Bean update comes I want to be able to update the radio and software without much trouble or flashing a new ROM.

    As long as you're on stock recovery, I don't think your hboot version will matter. But I'm not sure.


    And as for the warranty I had it for years on my OG EVO but when they upped the price I dropped it.
    ESRP is still $4 a month. Only ERP (and thus TEP) were raised, from $5 to $9, and $8 to $11, respectively.


    And I've seen many people with even manufacturers defects that still had to pay the $150 fee.They try to get that amount for any problem.

    I don't believe that. I've heard it from customers, but people lie. I've had people, whose phones were clearly water damaged, blame the manufacturer or Sprint. It's never their fault, and "damn Sprint charging me money again". I'm a Sprint S&R Tech, and if I open up your phone and it shows signs of water damage (like corrosion or rust or all the LDIs are tripped), it has to be an insurance deductible. If your screen is smashed, it must be a claim. Otherwise, it's $0 and covered, every time.


    The terms and conditions of ESRP (Equipment Service and Repair Program, half of TEP) state that it covers all "Mechanical or electrical failure due to defect or normal wear and tear". And that covers everything. The terms and conditions of ESRP, ERP, and TEP are available in the "Protection" brochure you should have been provided, else it is available at no charge at any Sprint store.


    The only case I can think of would be if a charging port came disconnected due to manufacturer defect, in which case it's pretty easy: if the board is damaged, it's abuse (and thus must be an insurance claim). If the solder just came undone, covered.


    Still, even if your phone is bricked, it's $35 to get a new one from Sprint under ESRP-non-covered. So just... root. And RUU later.

  21. Welp, a few more things about the Note 2:


    Love: The screen. It's huge and clear. I picked up my coworker's SII and it just felt tiny in comparison. I could barely see the screen!

    Love: The S-Pen. I've been waiting for styluses to come back ever since my Windows Mobile PDA.

    Love: 1x/EV Radio Performance. Compared to the EVO LTE... well, I wasn't able to make phone calls in my house before. Now I can, no problem, clear as day. It seems to even pull down a stronger 1x signal than the Motorola Photon.

    Dislike: The speaker! It's too loud! On the lowest volume setting, it blares out my notification sound.

    Annoyance: If you're connected to WiFi and roam, the device comes up with a message stating that Data Roaming is turned off and data connectivity has been lost, even if you have it enabled. Derp.

    Hate: I'm not used to the awkward size of this thing at all. I've banged it on the table a couple times because I didn't realize how huge it was. It doesn't fit in the cup holders in my car like the EVO LTE did, making it harder to be my "car device".

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