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Posts posted by koiulpoi

  1. You guys just proved my point for me. I know what root is as I've done it to a million phones. And I know what S-OFF to unlock the bootloader. Currently there is no way to root the phone without S-OFF ing it or notifying HTC. Exactly what I said in my first post. And I'm not paying $11 per month for protection that I have to pay $150 if my phone breaks. So, no, I have no protection other than the HTC warranty. The EVO LTE blows. There is such a small dev community compared to the OG EVO and rooting is impossible without S-OFF. I don't want to S-OFF as I simply want to root until the JellyBean update comes and then I want to accept that without any issues or worries. S-OFF means you can't update your radios or accept updates without annoyances.

    You do realize that HTC's warranty is only for one year, right? And you signed a 2-year contract? And that HTC's warranty only covers manufacturer defects, not normal wear and tear? And that if you want them to honor it, you have to ship it to them and pay shipping both ways? And that they still have the option of rejecting it and shipping it back to you as-is? And that if you bust the screen your only option is... uh... buy one off Craigslist?


    Do you additionally realize that the $150 deductible is ONLY for cases of the phone being lost, stolen, physically damaged (read: smashed), or water damaged? Everything else is covered at $0. No, really. Everything. You can hard brick your phone, take it in to a repair center, and get a replacement ordered at $0. And that, even without that, it's only $35 a pop. But if you didn't want that, ESRP is available for only $4/month, did you know that? And did you know that covers "almost everything" like I mentioned above?


    Did you additionally know that Sprint's pricing for deductibles is rather fair compared to other carriers on the market? For the HTC One X (very similar to the EVO LTE), AT&T will charge you $199. And for the Galaxy SIII (similar pricing), Verizon will charge you $99, and T-Mobile will charge you $130. Did you also know that such deductible pricing is set at an agreement between the carriers and Asurion, the only mobile insurance company worth mentioning?


    So, what I'm saying is, go ahead and root. Really. You'll be fine.

  2. I get about the same signal as your family has, and my SPC has great service in my home. I wish they would mass advertise these things. They are a great technology.

    We ask everyone who comes through the door about them. Most people with home phones are paying a lot more than $19.99 a month, and those without often see the advantage of one. Get a phone for the kids that's not an easily-broken cell phone, for example...


    That, and, $100 off a smartphone.

  3. Oh yeah. I read about that before. I'm afraid its too late for me. Nexus 4 is about to be released and an unlocked GSM phone sounds good to me right now. The 4G LTE mumbo jumbo doesn't mean anything to me and T-Mobile is pumping 31Mb at my house vs the screenshot I posted earlier on Sprint.

    Hop on T-Mo no-contract until LTE arrives. Or stay with them forever. Really up to you. I don't think anyone here is gonna beg you to stay.
    • Like 1
  4. By reboot, I mean that it restart all by itself.

    Okay, so you seem to have two separate, likely unrelated problems.

    1) The device powercycles/reboots on its own.

    2) The device loses data services and will not reconnect.


    For solving #1... try backing everything up that matters (sync contacts to Google) and performing a Hard Reset. If that doesn't solve it, take it to a Sprint store and have them replace it.

    • Like 1
  5. Patches have never worked well with odex'd roms. ;) kinda like the tanker truck filling up the gas station's gasoline storage tank with diesel instead of gas. It's not going to be pretty....


    Sent from the EVO 4G sometimes-LTE

    So I noticed. Installed a deodexed stock, and now I'm happily running any two apps side by side! Mwa ha ha ha
  6. Less than 24 hours with the phone and I've already put it in to a bootloop. Thank god for TWRP.


    Today's lesson: when they say the ROM needs to be de-odexed for unlimited multi-window to work... they mean it. Stock doesn't work.

    • Like 1
  7. The HTC EVO 4G LTE has no method for ROOT on the newest software without notifying HTC and voiding your warranty?

    Tell me, when exactly are you going to use this "HTC Warranty"? If you're paying for Sprint's Total Equipment Protection (you know, the $11/month one), you're covered. Seriously. Sprint's warranty will cover you even if you've voided the HTC one a thousand times over.


    The only reason you should care about the HTC Warranty is if you aren't paying for ANY kind of protection plan, and something goes wrong in the first year. Because HTC has a 1-year warranty. And rooting voids that warranty anyways, so... I don't see the problem. At all!


    Honestly, props to HTC for unlocking the bootloader at all. I for one am a fan of Sprint's policies in this regard. We don't see this on VZW.

    • Like 3
  8. I have a question about sensorly. It might be a dumb question but on my Galaxy Nexus I have the radio set to CDMA only to help conserve battery since I don't currently have any LTE. I have sensorly set to map my route automatically when I start driving. Will it be able to detect any LTE or do I have to switch my phone to CDMA/LTE mode?


    60% of the time it works every time!

    *Sprint HIGH Speed 3G/LTE Nexus*

    As far as I have seen, and others have confirmed this too... there is no appreciable battery life difference between "CDMA-Only" and "CMDA/LTE". Might as well leave it on LTE.
    • Like 3
  9. You are a wireless dork. You cannot escape it. Even in unconsciousness! :hee:

    There were plenty of other things that happened in this dream too. My mind actually gave me new music recommendations! Now to figure out if those are real or made-up bands...


    I think it meeans you should lay off the curried bacon right before bed. http://voices.yahoo....es-2933187.html

    But... I had chicken for dinner last night...
  10. I just had a Sprint 4G-related dream.


    I dreamed that I woke up to the 4G icon on my phone. I checked Sensorly, and West Michigan was covered in purple!


    I then looked at my phone again, and it was flickering between 4G and 1X. I then realized that was because I had an EVO LTE, and couldn't wait until my Note 2 arrives...


    Does this mean I need to take a break from here for a while?

  11. The Galaxy S3 is more cheap Samsung plastic, burn in prone AMOLED, and resolution challenged PenTile.

    Oh? And let us forget the weak 1x/EVDO performance, embedded battery for no appreciable reason, oversaturated pictures, weak kickstand spring, proximity sensor issues, possible charging port issues, SMS issues, HTC Sense, inability to multitask...


    I love my EVO LTE, but there are numerous software and hardware issues and concerns one could note. In my humble opinion, HTC's "build quality" has been suspect for a while.


    But the whining from you and others is making me reconsider my continued participation in these forums. I warned that letting S4GRU grow too big would bring in the malcontents. But such is life on the Web...

    Take a break, then. No, seriously. Take a break. If a site is getting to you enough to consider cutting it out of your life, then you should spend some time away from it. Personal experience talking, here. It'll do you some good.


    I would like to dial down the animosity a notch and try a Socratic approach. What is the intent of this thread?


    It is a simple question, so please try to keep answers short and to the point.



    The intent of this thread is so that those who feel wronged, ignored, or slighted by Sprint and/or HTC over possible issues with their phone an outlet, a way to communicate. Obviously, there is little that will be actually accomplished by this thread continuing, save for someone posting a community-made hack that improves things.
  12. Guess we will just hope you are right since this will affect all users when NV is done.


    Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge

    Well at least it's still a "known issue". That counts for something I guess. Here's to hoping they can figure it out!

    Like I said, just because it's a known issue, does not necessarily mean it can or will be fixed. This is especially true, seeing as the problem appears to be magnified by the fact that the EVO LTE is a poor radio performer. If they can't fix it, the best you can really hope for is a bill credit, or to get your phone swapped out to another via Service and Repair... or Craigslist.


    I of course can't tell you about them, but there are known issues for older phones that were never resolved. They were simple hardware defects, and no amount of patching in software could fix it. So nothing happened, people upgraded, and life went on.

  13. Don't get me wrong.. I get what you are saying but there is just too much against it.


    I have said all along I hope I am wrong on the denial but way too many conversations with Sprint reps on the phone and person say otherwise.


    This is the only time I have ever seen or heard one peep of them admitting of the problem.


    Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge

    Well, I do get what you're saying: just because they know it exists, doesn't mean it will actually be fixed.


    However, it's awful publicity to admit a problem, especially when it's possible to fix it.


    Let me give you an example. The HTC EVO 4G (not LTE) may or may not have had an issue with charging ports going bad. I myself have had to replace dozens of them for this issue. It happened to a lot of people who owned the phone. Some, several times over.


    Did Sprint know this was an issue? Oh, yes. Did they take steps to try and keep it from happening? Yes, they changed a few things in their remanufacturing process. Did they replace these phones for free, even those not paying the protection plan? Absolutely.


    Was there an announcement? Was there any public acknowledgement of this? Of course not. Nothing good comes from letting the general public know there is a problem with their devices, unless it's bad enough for a recall. Most people will assume they know everything, flip out, get angry at Sprint, get angry at the manufacturer... When the problem might not even affect a quarter of users.

  14. I understand that but the date was in August it was posted. They released an update a few weeks later that stated the LTE connectivity was fixed. I still 100% believe they think they fixed it or either something is physically wrong. Instead of taking the huge PR hit and financial hit recalling the phone it is just blamed on the network and swept under the rug.


    Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge

    That information on that page that was posted was a Sprint internal document. It is in no means meant to be customer facing. S&R techs can lose their jobs for giving out, copying, etc that information. It's meant for Sprint Service Technicians only. Most store reps don't even know this tool exists, and many in Care don't know to search it (they use a different system).


    That being said, I will tell you this: the Known Issues Tool (which that comes from) contains a ton of things like this. When they get fixed, it gets updated. If the latest MR fixed it, the document would have been updated. It was not. Instead, it remains. Thus, Sprint still absolutely considers this an unfixed "Known Issue" with the EVO 4G LTE.


    That the update said it improved the LTE Scanning has little to do with the fact that this issue is known and not resolved.

    • Like 3
  15. What scares me is that it says the next MR which means "Maintenance Release". I would think the next update would be Jelly Bean, which wouldn't be considered an MR? I doubt we will see Jelly Bean on the EVO LTE till near or after Christmas. Anyone want to take a pool?

    They considered the 2.13 OTA MR2 ....



    "MR" just means maintenance release. It's a fancy word for "firmware update" or "software update". When they say, "The Next MR", they mean the next OTA.


    That was posted before the last OTA. So it looks like Sprint and HTC think they fixed it. The denial continues......

    Actually, this isn't true. If they thought it was fixed, it wouldn't say "Action: Pending MR". It would say something like "Action: Software Upgrade", or include a line like "This issue was resolved in the blah blah date blah blah version number MR". Lacking this, the issue is still open and pending.
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