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Posts posted by koiulpoi

  1. No, definitely not. Software defined radio gives people the idea that anything can be fixed/changed through software, but it is not that simple. So, please, let us not get any members thinking again that RF capabilities can be added via software update. We went through that mess in the spring with some members insisting that WiMAX devices could be updated to LTE.



    Lots (and I mean LOTS) of people insisted that the Motorola Photon could be upgraded to LTE with a simple patch, including plenty of Sprint S&R techs. It got bad enough one of the stickies on XDA included a giant, bold, red-font warning saying IT CANT BE UPGRADED TO LTE
  2. As rocket says, the hands of Sprint and Asurion are tied. If you were allowed to return it, it sets a bad precedent. What's to stop someone who threw their phone at their spouse (yes, it really happens) to say the same thing - I just set it down? I believe you, but I know that doesn't help much.

  3. That being said...

    Trust me, Sprint does not care if you offload or not
    So, you're in contact with Sprint policymakers, then? Why should we trust you?


    And if that's true, why then, has Sprint been making a big "WiFi" push? Automated text messages, bill inserts, adverts on Sprint.com, push notifications on Android from the Sprint Zone app, and directions to store reps to push for WiFi to be turned on when it's around? Clearly, Sprint does care. They care a lot. They want to you to offload, quite badly.

  4. I'm really starting to think this thread should be locked. It has run its course, and the arguments are going in circles. And not just that, we have newcomers to the thread and the forum giving the same arguments that have been debunked 22 pages ago, or worse, ignore arguments to the contrary. How long should we let this go? 100 pages of the same thing?


    Maybe a sticky? Part of the FAQ? I have no idea.

    • Like 5
  5. Has not fixed the LTE for me. Still have to toggle airplane mode.

    Really disappointed

    So, you're disappointed that something not listed in the update changelog... wasn't in the update? They don't "sneak in" major fixes like this you know.
  6. There's a hack on XDA to get Playstation Mobile on any newer Android phone. And let me tell you, it's a pretty garbage program. I thought it was going to be like the xperia play market, full of PS1 games. Instead, I got a few overly-priced ports of mediocre games. Not worth the trouble.

  7. No, not necessarily good. This gives VZW, AT&T, and T-Mobile ammo against Sprint-uh-Bank. A majority Japanese owned company controls so much spectrum, they will claim.

    Nooo no no, our government irrationally hates the Chinese, not the Japanese. C'mon man, get your Asian threats right :P
    • Like 2
  8. Success.... patched the new version of the menu to not check for Sprint to display PRL Write or not. And while I was there I took out the stupid 777468 to get to debug. Hmmm.....the ideas are now flowing!

    Sounds like somebody needs to post some APKs ;)
    • Like 1
  9. I do pay for internet at home, it is WiFi, however, I dont have LTE at home, nor will I likely have it in the next few years anyway, regardless of Network Vision plans.



    LTE's going on nearly every single tower, so unless you're in a fringe area, you'll get it eventually.


    What's your RSSI (signal strength in dBm) at your home? If it's better than -95, you should be able to get an LTE signal once available.


    This isn't the WiMAX deployment, by the way. The two have nothing to do with each other, and, to be blunt, you should not use it as a basis for your expectations for LTE.

  10. I have


    I use the Sprint 3G as my ISP because I am in a remote area where DSL or cable are not available. I have had it for years so I have an old unlimited data plan.


    Would you know what Sprint's policy will be for 3G customers with unlimited plans that want to upgrade to 4G? Will they allow them to keep their unlimited plans or force them to the capped data plans if trhey want 4G.


    I was also wondering if I purchased a 4G card without a plan whether I would be able to access the 4G network without explicitly getting a 4G plan from Sprint and just use my current 3G plan to get 4G service. In my case, data limitations are more important than speed so if I had to make a choice I would keep my 3G service the way it is.

    your unlimited 3g data card plan does not support 4g provisioning of any kind. EVDO-Only, 4g WiMax, and 4g LTE all have separate plan codes that are not compatible with each other. If you purchase a 4g-capable device, you will be subject to data caps.
    • Like 1
  11. A million dollars after taxes is more than enough. Invest it, draw a salary from it that is comfortable. Let the interest grow, pick up a side job that you enjoy for pocket cash if needed or for a special purchase.


    If you make $50k a year, after taxes, then $1m is the equivalent of 20yrs of work, properly invested with a 10% return, you'd have compounded interest that should more than cover normal living expenses.

    This, exactly. If you can get 2% return a year on your $1,000,000, well, that's $20,000 a year. That's more than enough for me to live single and comfortably. I'd probably still go to a job so I had something to do all day.



    I was never defending the Boost Mobile garbage, which hurt PTT for serious business uses because it overloaded the Nextel Platform. QChat can be adapted for LTE, and it's already a VoIP platform. What would LTE help? Obviously, it would lower latency below the range it's on for TDMA-based IDEN, which CDMA 1X Advanced PTT doesn't help.

    erm, sorry, when did I mention Boost Mobile?
  13. I work for sprint, its real. Customers began getting letters in the mail this month about the additional fee. Only major corporate accounts that use Nextel are not effected. Customers can choose from any of the current "NEW"" Sprint Direct Connect models to upgrade to for .99 cents. There are also select smart phones available to them for .99 cents also, Evo LTE, GS2, Blackerry Bold, and the Apple iPhone 4S 16GB for $49.99.

    This, exactly. They're actually rather good deals (I'd take an EVO LTE for a buck). Of course, the $0.99 pricing requires a new 2-year agreement with Sprint...


    There are also occasionally offers that are different for Corporate Liable subscribers. And Care can sometimes offer different offers as well, including shortened or no-contract options.


    Yes/no, who really cares? PTT is largely passé. The industry and society have moved on.



    In my opinion, widespread use of SMS killed PTT. It's the same speed and ease of use, without the annoying CHIRP CHIRP YEP WHAT'S UP ASSHOLE HEY IM AT WALMART BUYIN SOCKS

    (real conversation I overheard in the 90's or early aughts)


    Again, you're confusing IDEN with PTT. Sprint does need the big corporate accounts and FEMA that has PTT. Otherwise you would not have QChat on the Sprint network. PTT over LTE is an option once you deploy that 800 MHz spectrum anyway. You need to have Network Vision complete first.


    One of the current big advantages of the current incarnation of QChat is that it functions over 1x, even while Roaming. This gives Sprint an absolutely massive coverage map for near-instant PTT. Switching to PTT-Over-LTE wouldn't really offer much in the way of improvements (unless being IP-switched somehow gives lower latency), and would reduce their coverage area.


    I love getting cussed out by old people, which has been happening alot since they sent letters about the 10 bucks. Some people understand and take the .99 phone on sprint others flip out. One was so pissed he said he was done with sprint and was going prepaid. He walked out with a boost phone. Which pays better than if he upgraded to sprint since its considered a new activation so it worked out in the end lol


    Sent from my LG-LS970 using Tapatalk 2

    I've actually had quite a few people say "Welp, they're gonna start charging me an extra $10... might as well make the switch, finally. No point hanging on now."


    One gentleman was... rather angry and rude about it. We sold him a phone.

  14. The velvet.apk is one of the first to get deleted for me. Found Google now annoying.


    Already have jellybean on my phone but could really care less. I have JB on the Kindle Fire too and actually forgot that it was JB. So it isn't for everyone. Even the techy types.


    Sent from a little old Note 2

    Well, you also think me adding onscreen softkeys to my Note 2 was nasty, so clearly, we have differing tastes in what makes a phone great.


    Which, by the way, is what I love about Android. I can do what I like to it, and you can do what you like to it, and we both walk away similing!

  15. Never understood that big craze on the JB jump. Not really much different in the look of the OS itself.


    Sent from a little old Note 2

    Project butter, Google Now. Worth it for me.


    That being said, with Sprint locking about none of their bootloaders on the phones they release, there are always options out there. You can "Try Out" CM10 for a day and go back.

  16. As far as population or demographics, it has little impact on where they begin to deploy within a market. They upgrade the sites that are fully ready for upgrade first.



    I heard from one of our local Sprint reps, when talking about Network Vision-

    now, keep in mind, this is a marketing rep, so this information is likely to have been completely misunderstood, or perhaps even consist solely of complete falsehoods and fabrications-

    they said that Sprint's "strategy" is to start outside and move in when it comes to cities, and that Michigan was going to be no exception. That, in fact, many smaller cities that are only supported by one or two sites are much more likely to get 4G LTE early when compared to any one "downtown" site.

    Again, this is likely a massive misunderstanding of the real plans. These are also the same people who tried to tell me that Network Vision and 4G LTE are two completely separate, unrelated things; apparently Network Vision is coming later. These are also the people who offhandedly tell me that it's a "mistake" for Sprint to have even tried to put LTE on 1900 because "it doesn't work inside buildings".

    So take that with a bucket of salt. A grain won't be enough.

    • Like 2
  17. Because of Network Vision's scattershot site upgrade strategy, Sprint LTE has beaten VZW LTE to some hinterland areas in some markets. That is certainly true in the Kansas market where I live.



    Heh, hinterland. That's not a word I've heard much. Outside of roleplaying games.


    I was curious, mostly. Sadly, such an argument likely does little to placate Sir Detroit. Michigan's already covered in VZW's LTE, even many rural areas. The house my folks live at (a house a half mile down a dirt road in the middle of a forest in the middle of a valley near some farmland) has LTE from them. However, looking at the Sponsor Maps, Sprint will likely beat VZW on "everything in the northern half of the lower peninsula". Interesting.

    • Like 1
  18. If you do not know that by now, that is a failure to SHOW YOURSELF because Network Vision schedules and progress reports are readily available here at S4GRU.
    Not only that, we're all Sensorly addicts, so you can get a visual map there.


    Although, AJ, I am curious: where does Sprint have LTE that VZW does not? Obviously, Sprint is beating out ATT, and will be soon in the markets they're not...

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