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Everything posted by though

  1. they've been on googlers n5 and n6 for a while now testing...
  2. https://plus.google.com/+ArtemRussakovskii/posts/d1aqB2o9xMT
  3. We should see 5.1 drop very soon... http://phandroid.com/2015/02/26/exclusive-verizon-nexus-6-march-12-android-5-1-volte-support/
  4. this is great. where can we follow new sites? in the regular market-specific forums?
  5. i am in a samsung market and don't have any call issues, but do have the sms issue. there doesn't seem to be a problem receiving sms messages but if you are on B25/26 there is usually a delay sending.
  6. sms still doesn't work correctly in Lincoln, NE (samsung market)
  7. yes. you can flash a new 5.0.1 install on it too for good measure. https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images
  8. i think it's a N6 issue. if you set the radio to 3G only and do an airplane cycle they seem to work everytime. when you go back to LTE/CDMA and you are on LTE it seems like it screws up more than works...
  9. will be interesting to see if the 5.1 radio update fixes this which is rumored to be soon... http://www.forbes.com/sites/ewanspence/2014/12/17/android-lollipop-5-1-release/
  10. i as well moved to the N6 from the N5 (and my wife and dad). the phone kicks the N5's ass up and down the floor. i suggest you get it...
  11. maybe you should kick it in the samsung forum. we are nexus fans over here. cya.
  12. no. priority works so you can set certain calls to come through etc which is great and i use it. BUT sometimes you don't want anything to come through and don't want to have to go in there and change the priority settings knowing you're gonna have to go back in and change them back later.
  13. correct. people want to have their alarm go off and still not be bugged my other notifications
  14. Android 5.1 Lollipop is expected to be a rather large update, returning the silent mode missing from Android 5.0, improving system stability, RAM management and battery management, and fixing sudden app closures, Wi-Fi problems and sound problems. http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/features/google-android/3514191/android-5.0-lollipop-release-date-new-features-upgrades-android-5.1/
  15. Question: When the phone rings, it fades in (from soft to loud) by default on the N6 (maybe it's a lollipop thing). How do you disable this so it just rings at normal value from the start??
  16. you don't use GV for text, but use your sprint number, right?
  17. i did a fresh 5.0.1 install today. no improvements with carrier sms
  18. i believe the issue is with SMS messages for people that are NOT full GV integrated. as in using sprint to send/receive texts. i have probs using standard messaging app, hangouts, and textra...
  19. my hunch is it's a loolipop bug. both my wife and i have the issue in different parts of the city and my buddy with his N6 in San Jose has the same SMS issues...
  20. oh no the ALL CAPS MONSTER again!! are you using hangouts for sms? are you GV integrated?
  21. it's definitely a bug/issue that needs/will be addressed. https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=79445
  22. i haven't moved to 5.0.1 yet but my buddy, who is also on Sprint, says the texting issue is NOT solved. neither is the mute sounds when pressing volume down on the rocker. lowest is still vibrate or 1.
  23. 5.0.1 images now available https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images
  24. not at all. huge improvement over the N5 actually...
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