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Everything posted by though

  1. My Nexus 6 will not perform a PRL update. Latest is 55026 and I am stuck on 55023. If you manually go in and do a "check for PRL update" or "Update device config" it just says checking but never does anything. I tried *#*#72786#*#* and it reboots and tries to do the hands free activation after reboot but doesn't finish successfully. After that there is no voice available (calls go straight to voicemail) but LTE still works. Anyone have any ideas to try!?!?!?
  2. Anyone try the M Release 2 radio on the N6 yet?
  3. rocks.... amazon and best buy have both lowered the price to match too.
  4. never heard of or experienced. maybe try a fresh install?
  5. anyone notice any changes with the functionality of the radio between 5.1 and 5.1.1?
  6. Sprint image posted https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images
  7. just a warning that i set b26 and b41 to 0 (disabled) and left b25 at 1. after reboot my phone was bricked, wouldn't boot up. had to do a reformat to get it up an running again. not a big deal for me, but would be for many others...
  8. not to mention the lower speeds during lunch hour...
  9. i thought it was, but it's not. your phone is actually locked. go to security and turn off screen lock. when you press the power button, the default is to lock the screen.
  10. i turned on security pass code and that fixed it.
  11. Ambient display broken? Now when i pick up my device the screen will NOT turn on. the setting is turned on...
  12. the SMS bug in samsung markets appears to be fixed!
  13. Here is the image folks... https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images
  14. https://plus.google.com/+FranciscoFranco1990/posts/KB6JYHDG5U8
  15. people need to post their reaction to the new radio when they get a chance to compare it to areas they are familiar with
  16. OTA is here! http://www.androidpolice.com/2015/03/11/flash-all-the-things-android-5-1-ota-roundup-for-nexus-devices/?2
  17. Incoming... http://www.androidpolice.com/2015/03/09/android-5-1-watch-t-mobile-posts-android-5-1-update-document-for-nexus-4-build-lmy47d-rollout-may-begin-today/
  18. major major delay sms prob for me in the Lincoln, NE market (Samsung).
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