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Everything posted by utiz4321

  1. Wifi at work is awful and in many places it's pretty bad. All of what you've voice I agree and said. It depends on how many overload site sprint will have in my area of use ( and getting NV done, rolling out 2.6, 800 MHz and addition 1900 carrier will minimize this number). But the main selling point of sprint for me is not having to think about weather or not I am hooked to wifi, it is why I have stayed with them and not complained about the growing pains of NV. For me I'll have to wait and see how it goes and go from there.
  2. Well I be able to tell you after 6/1 as I am no doubt in the top 5%. For me personal this is going to make me rethink sprint, the whole reason I have them is so I don't have to worry about making sure I am connect to wifi when using data (I do, but I don't want to worry about it). Hopefully sprint becomes a bit more transparent about what exactly this means, the 2.6 roll out speeds up and they start adding aditional carriers so I don't run across to many congested sites.
  3. Not really it is a rant. Sprint doesn't fit tor needs leave and stop commenting on forums about Sprint, it's network upgrades or any other related topic. If Sprint has burned you then there are other companies in the market place, move on with your life. I have been a Sprint customer for over 10 years , never lived in a wimax area and can say I was never burned by them. I had choices and I made mine, make yours and leave people interested in the topics discussed here alone.
  4. The narrative that four carriers have Done anything to reduce price for consumers is something that can be substituted. There has been a shift in how the wireless industry opperates but not in the end price the average consumer pays. The arguemsnt Softbank is making is that we have a duopoly that drive the industry and has all of the industry's profits. By creating a third player with the same scale you are turning a duopoly in to a three players oligopoly. I am starting to by the idea.
  5. Your cherry picking here. You can't look at arpu and say they are lowering price because the new arpu doesn't include handset subsidies( a year ago a much higher portion of their customers where on older plans that included subsidies). When you add the cost of equipment that customers now have to pay that is worth over 4 dollars. Further The problem with editda is that it ignores the ongoing capital costs in a very capital intense business. This is where the merger makes sense to me. The larger companies have a huge advantage in being able to spread the fix costs over a larger sub base.
  6. I was wrong about the churn numbers but Sprint and tmobie lost 151 million net. And T-Mobile raised prices Which goes against the narative of four carriers lower prices. In fact T-Mobile hasn't really changed prices, they have Changed the business model (ie more away from subsity) but not really price.
  7. Tmoble still lost money and their churn was over 2%, well over twice that of AT&T and Verizon. Further T-Mobile had to raise prices! The thing that is winning me over is T-Mobile and Sprint need about 60000 cell towers each which is the same number as vzw and AT&T but they only have half the customers to pay for it.
  8. The percent of the profits of the industry controlled by the big two vs the first industry. Also the fact of the high fix capital required to run a wireless network.
  9. Yeah bud good for you? Phoebix's data speeds are markedly improved. Lte is in most places I go and even the speeds you posted are useable. A year ago I couldn't even stream Pandora on a 2 am jog. Further it is only going to get better, I am in the east bay now and there are still many sites that are 3g only and I have to say I am pretty impressed by the network in my home town . If Phoenix performs as well I'll be happy.
  10. Who holds the rest of b26? Is it slipt up or does the government own a lot of it?
  11. Investors seem to have love the earnings report. Expanding margins are huge for the carrier and good news for investors. I do think the delay in network vision 1.0 has hurt them and thus earnings report shows why nv 2.0 roll out needs to be very aggressive.
  12. What does aws get Sprint? More high band spectrum? They doent need that at all. They haven't even deployed the 2.6 they have. From my understanding with the 8r8t the coverage differences between 2.6 and aws is negelgable. What does Sprint need? More spectrum that can penitrate buildings, that is 600. It would be miss management for Sprint to spend limited capex on aws. Softbank did not bring unlimited capital nor are they going to make investments that aren't going to make a return. Where is the return on spending billions for aws and then billions to build it out?
  13. Aws would be a wast of time. If they build a 2.5 network properly there is really no need. 600 on the other hand would give them better propogation characteristics . Sprint doesn't have unlimited capital even with SoftBank
  14. Not even chicogo has 800 and 2.6 deployed. what I am saying is you are planning to leave at the point the network should be competitive and that makes no sense. Further legere was talking about Verizon customers when he made that commitment by the way. In any case I don't think anyone hear cares who you have you cell service with.
  15. I believe Sprint is planing to hit 150 million covered pops with b26 by the end of the year
  16. I believe Sprint is planing to hit 150 million covered pops with b26 by the end of the year
  17. utiz4321


    So I bought an M8 directly through HTC and have an iPhone 5 on easy pay. When I went to activate my M8 online the website told me that the balance owed on my iPhone would be due. I thought that was ridiculous since one of the reasons I went with the installment billing (I did it when it was call one up) was I switch phones often. I called Sprint and they told me that if I switch the phone I am using through them I would not have the balance due. I had them note it in my account and switched phones , we will see next bill
  18. What do you mean by robustness?
  19. Not the same thing. That 45 b comes with 40 some odd million paying customers, tens of thousands of cell sites ect...
  20. They don't need aws. It would be a wast of money. If they purchase anymore spectrum it will be in the lower bands.
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