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Posts posted by khammondnm

  1. Sprint and Clearwire Agree to Increased Acquisition Offer

    Increased Offer to $5.00 Per Share Represents Significant Premium to Unaffected Clearwire Trading Price and DISH Network Tender Offer


    • Group of Significant Minority Stockholders Agree to Vote in Favor of Sprint Transaction
    • Offer Provides Clearwire Stockholders with Certain and Attractive Value




    Knockout punch!!!!! See you later charlie! Hello tri-band!

    • Like 1
  2. Its good to see microsoft change their minds but it might be a little to late for them, simply way to much arrogance on their part which has caused a lot of momentum to go towards sony and coming in at a $100 more than sony is another dumb move. I mean seriously, trying to justify a higher price is the same mistake sony made with the ps3 which allowed the 360 to gain quite a bit of momentum. Now these systems are still months away and it looks like the xbox one is going to get owned. I also wouldn't be surprised if microsoft change their tune and drop the price to $399 even before release, if not I can almost guarantee that they will drop the price right after christmas if sales aren't great. Now for me personally, I will get the xbox one for sure and will most likely get a ps4 anyway.


    I don't think they will ever drop their price by $100 due only to the fact that Kinect it's included and ps4 does not include their eye thing whatever it's called. I'm not advocating that the Kinect is good, but it is additional hardware. I think the most you might see is $50 drop and then justification that they charge the same price as Sony for the console and $50 for the Kinect. I do believe, however, that Sony will own the market at launch.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



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  3. Have any of you guys stuck in s physical keyboard ever used Swype, it is way faster than any physical keyboard will ever allow you to type.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  4. Accepted means Sprint has inspected the site as complete and it is ready for Sprint to turn it on. Most of the time, an accepted site is live immediately. However, occasionally there are issues that may cause a delay of turning on a few days or a few weeks. Especially in new markets.


    Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

    Like...our market.  I keep on driving by hoping it will be on soon :)

  5. I think that's great for T-Mobile in Abq, but I never really had any problems with their hspa+ network, I was always very satisfied to get 3-5 mpbs, what wasn't great is dropping down to edge when you leave the city and losing any ability to use the internet.  I know it is talked on here like mad, but until T-Mobile upgrades rural sites it is just not something I am ever willing to go back to.

    • Like 3
  6. Not sure about a wifi issue, but the GS4 has the bloatware, but most of it is removable.  I had an S3 till just last month when I took it swimming, never-the-less, it drowned.  I replaced it, at considerable cost with the S4.  After about an hour or so of deleting this or that, I got all the bloat out of the way.  It's a fine phone. 

    Another Albuquerque member!

  7. Maybe someone will clarify if I am mistaken, but the 3G acceptance means the NV panels are installed, backhaul is in place and all of the 3G side has been tested and checked as working correctly. The LTE is still in process/testing, but may be active. Basically, I understood that if a site is accepted as 3G, it is up to NV 3G standards, meaning backhaul is complete, pings are sub-100ms, etc, etc. The LTE side might have some tweaking to do, or they may have a more technical issue to sort out before it goes live. 

    I am not quite sure that backhaul has to be in place for it to be accepted until LTE is accepted.

  8. Why are towers popping up in odd places first? Is it just harder to get permits in Denver vs weld County?


    Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2



    it's because they favor the move to form north Colorado as a state and are supporting the movement with lte haha. In all seriousness, it's probably permit, different contractors, backhaul related.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



    • Like 2
  9. I'm in Colorado Springs. Service here is going nuts. 3G is usually a solid 300 kbps down, but it's jumping to 1.5 mbps down. Pings have been super low, in the 70-90's. Hopefully we'll see LTE soon. Or at least stable good 3G. Hopefully the troll didn't jinx us too bad. :D


    with those pings it sounds like you might be on a site that has new fiber backhaul, just my guess though...not 100% confident.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  10. Just added a line last month for my 12 year-old daughter..and I'll be d%$@@ if my daughter didn't get her phone wet, or something, and now the screen on this 4S won't come on. Makes noises, apparently it's on...but no screen at all.


    Tried rice...nope.


    Asurion website = $200 for the stupid deductible.


    Going to be paying for a line without a phone attached to it now for a while....

    Not sure they can even repair that...


    buy a cheap used phone on eBay. You should be able to get an ok smart phone for well under $200


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta





    Would a different PRL benefit me any?



    Sent from my rooted G Note 2 Using TapaTalk 4 Beta



    Digiblur has a great PRL that gives you ability to get 3G EVDO roaming when off the Sprint network (instead of just 1x) and also will allow you to access any open 800MHz networks. It's great.



    what prl number is that?


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  12. Yeah.. That's what I would try as that reprovisions all the data settings. Not to sound like a CSR but did you hit update profile too?


    Sent from my little Note2

    Rewiiping and installing did the trick, thanks.  Now to set everything back up... I'm enjoying the ROM though!

    • Like 2
  13. Hey Digi.  Question for you.  I was running a cm-based rom and decided to switch over to your rom.  I did the sd-card downgrade required for going between cm and tw based roms, and flashed the MC2 all in one firmware.  Everything is working except I can't pull a data connection.  I have voice, but no data.  I don't think it is tower work since it happened right after my flash.  Do you have any insight?

  14. Oh man. I really don't like this!


    I'm under the impression that Sprint *needs* control of Clearwire -- it gives them a huge advantage. Assuming that shareholders are now in favor of Dish once again, this only leaves Sprint with 2 options: vastly increase their offer yet again, or surrender Clearwire to Dish, merge with Dish, and acquire Clearwire's assets by way of that.


    Obviously, the second option is what Dish is trying to force Sprint into. I'm very interested (and worried!) to see how Sprint plays Charlie's game. He's a good player.


    you forget that Sprint still owns more than half of Clearwire.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2



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