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Everything posted by DaQue

  1. I'm afraid if he told us everything he would have to kill us.
  2. Off topic but I was just there and looked at the full US Sprint 4g then flipped over to the 2G/3G and thought wow in a year or so 4G is going to look pretty much like this.
  3. Please clarify "It will not being less noticeable in 100% market." You mean in the Waco FIT there was cases of very slow download speeds? I just wonder if after the LTE gets turned on the towers and everyone floods them it will bog down.
  4. I probably don't need 32gb and i'm sure I really can justify the cost but I want it. Any one know how long it took after the S3s started shipping until you you get a 32 gb model? As I understand it Samsung won't say when the 32's will ship. My guess is they are just trying to catch up on the 16's. Last month I almost popped for a S3 but luckly the dealer I went said they were not stock and I would have to order a 32 and wait for it. About then I started reading about the Note 2's.
  5. You knew about the note 2 in June? <awestruck>
  6. Sorry to butt in but if you still have can't get in try exiting the web browser completely and reload it. Worked for me.
  7. Oh my god they killed Kenny. LTE must be coming.
  8. The Mayan calendar is ending. LTE must be near...
  9. I must be paranoid or something. I just keep thinking they will charge me and I will find out when I get the bill a month later. A long time ago I had a old Motorola bag phone and drove a round trip from Kansas to Illinois and back and got a big surprise in the mail for roaming when I just had the phone on and didn't even make a call. Don't remember the carrier. Gosh I've turned in the grumpy old guy who lives down the street and says "that's how they get you" about everything.
  10. Thanks. Wonder if they charge you for that. I know the do it your self on the web is free if it works.
  11. Im missing something i have a 450 minute and data plan for my old Wimax Evo, its $69 plus $10 plus who knows for a total $90.75 a month. Won't I have the same plan when I go to a my new phone, most likely a Note 2 unless I freak when I seen one up close. Its not a different plan just because one is LTE and one is WIMAX is it? I don't want to have 2 plans just to be able to use the EVO some times to watch Youtube.
  12. I work in a RF cage all day fixing pagers. <sigh>
  13. If anyone hears about the 32 Gbyte version please post. I ran out of room on my EVO 4G. I have 40G of songs....
  14. Sorry for typos and auto corrects. Topic should have sim card not simple. I shouldn't one hand type a post only email the phone while running late for work.
  15. Anyone know if softbank Japanese phones have removable simm cards? Anyone think sprint might change to sing them now? All hail our tyrant overlords!
  16. EHRPD show up many places and it has nothing to do with NV?
  17. I was looking at Galaxy S3s at a lot of places even Costco and Sam's Club. Best I saw was $99 for new customers and $149 for contract extension. Best Buy also has them today only for $99 for "new customers".
  18. My Sprint contract was up a while back (got an EVO 4G Wimax as soon as I could find one in a store after launch). Im looking at new phones leaning hard to the Note 2, but my question is about how they price them. New customers, phone upgrade extend contract, and full price phones are the 3 options most places list. Im not exactly a new customer but it would be a new contract. The new customer prices are generally a good deal cheaper. To get the best price do I need to leave for a couple months? I could do the Goggle Vocie thing and pay $20 and still save I think. You would think I after your contract is up your monthly fee would go down a bit as they got their phone money back over the last 2 years.
  19. It is a bit early to be asking this as I won't be getting a new phone for another month or so when the Note 2's hit, but i'll go ahead and ask. Some of you guys swap phones in and out a lot. Any tips for doing the web only free active phone swap? Was thinking keeping the required data on a Color Note for the other phone so I could just phone A to swap to phone B but thought you guys who do it a lot might have a better way. Could be Sprint has a button for each phone, heck I don't know I never had more than one phone on a network.
  20. I want it and I want it NOW so... LTE must be coming. Keep a cool head it was just a joke.
  21. Nextel towers don't help much if you have a Sprint phone?
  22. Thats pretty dang fast! My buddy has a new ATT Iphone5 out in KC and he hit 50M down once. I thought ATT was going to have a huge edge with maximum download speed due to them having more bandwidth for LTE channels but this is pretty dang close. Didn't know the max was about 37M thought it was more like 20. For what I really do 3M would be enough. I just want to stream Youtube well and decent web page speeds. A ping <100ms sure would be nice too.
  23. hmmm.... Don't like the sound of 44% fewer towers. That sounds like a big reduction in coverage. Are they mostly gone already?
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